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Everything posted by LonelyGraft

  1. That is a good sign when a doctor tries to rectify an issue. However, Why is he not coming on the board to explain what may have went wrong? This is the second time we’ve seen a case where Yaman has offered free work or refunds to have the patient stop posting negatively on the forum.
  2. I’ve been on hair loss boards since 2005 so almost 15 years. I can’t count the number of times where a “potential cure is on the horizon” or “it will be released in 5 years.” This is just my opinion but I don’t think there will be a cure released in our lifetime.
  3. I think I might do the same. The baby shampoo is extremely gentle, did it clean your scalp well or did it leave a lot of oil and scalp residue?
  4. Interesting. Why did the doctor do incisions then use implanter pens? Also why r the implanters called “mohebi implanters” they look like chois to me.
  5. Roughly how long after a transplant can one use harsh shampoos like nizoral and tgel?
  6. Do you have any side profile shots of your hair?
  7. Interesting, I thought in the US the doctor had to do all the harvesting.
  8. Thanks this clears it up, now I understand. Your results are great my friend. Enjoy!
  9. Melvin I’m not sure what’s difficult to understand. The most impacted area of hair loss is being concealed in the afters with the patients hairstyle. It would be nice to see what kind of density is achieved in that area by having a similar hairstyle as the before pictures (just as the instructions by bill point out) and as dr mohebi even agreed with in terms of being a great set of guidelines. obviously there is improvement, I’m not arguing that. But the degree of improvement is very difficult to judge.
  10. Ok yeah, mine def did not feel like that. It was just normal skin but totally bare. I’d check with arocha again and get more direction. Maybe even visit a good derm to see what they say. Good luck
  11. Thanks payam. It looks to me like the whole area that was transplanted is roughly the same density so far. I think you should give it some time brother. Theres still many months of possible growth and thickening. There’s really nothing else you can do at this point. Please try to remain calm my friend. I know it’s difficult as I am anxiety prone too. However my theory is the more worked up we are, the less our bodies have in terms of ability to heal and perform optimally. Try not to examine it everyday and maybe try to take pictures only once a month. I’d also advise staying off the forums during that time. Keep your scalp as healthy as you can and continue meds, try not to change anything. Good luck man, I’m hoping the best for ya.
  12. No problem, you stated “60 u.f/ cm 2 in the first line, 50 uf back“ however I do not see the second line?
  13. And also for the naysayers, here is a guide on this forum specifically for physicians on how to present pictures on this forum. It specifically states to try and emulate the hair style in the pre op pictures. funny enough dr mohebi is the first person to post on the thread praising the importance of good pictures
  14. Is that spot totally bare? I had a spot like that last year that was totally bare (literally just skin) and it was diagnosed as alopecia areata. It definitely didn’t have a jelly like consistency tho.
  15. Payam can u show a pic from the top with your hair slicked back wet if possible? This will prob give the best representation of your hair right now
  16. Hey 007 where is the post where erdogan explains the tech training? I can’t seem to find it
  17. Wow fantastic. Any more details like number of grafts, fue method, doctor?
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