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Everything posted by Gasthoerer

  1. I do not understand...you do not (!) want to use FIN, but now are going oral DUT?
  2. Do you have some more pics e. g. pics from the clinic (before, after, intra)? You results doesn't look like a homerun, but you are a NW6 from this pics and your hair calibre looks mediocre too. I am also not sure if your hairstyle is ideal.
  3. That is the most aggressive regime existing. Have you been on FIN before? If not I recommend to wait longer with the surgery and also start with FIN not DUT. But I would give it one year at least. Do you have pictures of your situation?
  4. Not even four month. Nothing to worry about at all. Many people have no growth at all at this stage. At a diffuse thinner, I did not even reach baseline at this stage.
  5. Interesting thread and an interesting hairloss pattern with the nape loss. I think the overall result so far looks very good and there is room for further growth. Regarding that halo...it is clearly not (!) coming from the extraction as it is visible in areas where no grafts were harvested. Either this is your normal pattern or it is triggered by the infection...but why should there be an infection in areas, where no grafts were taken? Maybe you just need a new barber😁
  6. Wow, what a journey. Every newbie in is his early 20s should read your story. How this clinics left you with 8 FUT scars is beyond tragic. But what you have achieved is even more amazing. Wish you great growth for the latest procedure.
  7. To give advice we need pics with hair a little grown out. From the pics you shared I can understand why ASMED rejected you. Looks like you have retrograde alopecia in the nape area.
  8. Interesting how far up and how far to the front the extractions go. Did the clinic mention why, especially the later? Looking for fine singles?
  9. Are you on medication or thought about medication? And how is your family history? Any NW5+?
  10. What? Quoting yourself: "Hence, all these reviews should be worthless in your eyes, no?" Of course we judge the results, by how good the craftmanship was and not only by the final "growth". We do it all the time: - Distribution of doubles and singles - Angles slits and rotation of the grafts - Micro and macro design of the hairline - Longtime planing - etc. etc. You even say yourself post-op looks good...weird. Besides that: I have seen plenty of poor results of top clinics, including FUT by H&W. The clinics you mention have in total how many patient reports in here? 5? 10? All I am saying is: ignoring that poor growth can happen with any (!) clinic is misleading of newbies. Hair transplant is risky. And again: I never said that the OP should not investigate. I said: you might have to prepare to make a decision without knowing what happened. Sorry, you are not making any sense and you are not helping the forum or the OP. You are trying to stir the pot. I am not going to waste more time into that. All is said anyway. Come back to me when you have found the reason for failed transplants. OP promised to show pics with styled hair, which gives us a better representation of the result and he already received great advice. Let us all wish him luck for his next decisions and steps.
  11. No! Again (!), you saying something, no one (!) has said. I say: 1. Judge results not only by the growth, but also how the work is performed. 2. There are much more results with poor growth even from top clinics. That is why the best transplant is no transplant. 3. I agree, that for most clinics, the sample size is to small to make a judgement about growth between clinics/methods. But the quality of work, can be judged. 4. Especially for Turkish clinics there is a huge outrage if a bad results occur. Much more than with other top clinics.
  12. 1. This is the definition of "unscientific". 2. I know that, but it is the best we can do nowadays to find out if one is a good candidate or not. I know I am lucky it worked. 3. Again, no one told the OP, not to go to another clinic and a dermatologist. But isn't it the best to prepare the OP to what is most likely to happen? And to make this decision, without blaming himself choosing this clinic or making this a bigger issue as it is? Most likely he has to make a decision without knowing the reason why his transplant failed. That is the truth. To belief that we can solve in here the riddle why some transplants fail is a little, well, presumptuous.
  13. That is a great question. Let's take the assumption, there is no more growth coming and that the test from the dermatologist come back clean. Pro at going back - The clinic is a top clinic (otherwise I would never recommend to go back) - The "method" you mentioned worked at all other areas and post OP looks clean - Probably the clinic would perform a free touch up (saving money should not be priority though) - They should have protocols from your surgery and know your case well - It will be difficult to find a clinic performing a small touch up only. Most will sell you a bigger one and also lower the hairline etc. - Clinic is using stick & place which is exactly what is required Con against going back - Lack of trust is never a good thing - There are techniques which might be better in between existing hairs (like the implanter pen used mainly in spain/portugal) - even though there are no scientific studies - A change in protocol could be a good thing - different holding solution, different extraction method (like WAW), different implantation method,... - even though I have seen many go back to the same clinic for a small touch up and ending up with a great result. My recommendation: - For sure I would visit different clinics, and in the end decide based on the "trust" point. Do you trust the clinic to meet your expectations? If yes, go back. If not, go with one other clinic you have visited. BUT: If someone tells you he guarantees a better outcome - run!
  14. This forum is about honest advice. What is yours? 1. Maybe, even though unlikely, that it is as simple as "lack of bloodflow". 2. The advice to visit a dermatologist was given before. By myself and others. This is the only slim chance to find a "reason". 3. No I would not, but I know (!) that there is a 90 % chance, I will never find out. Why? Cause no one knows, plain and simple. Look at all the failed cases from top clinics...no one knows the reason either. 4. Accepting that the reason is unknown, is not unscientific. It is about accepting what is hard to accept. Bro-science like "the grafts were transacted" etc. is unscientific. 1. Is it? Did you make a statistic? Or is it your gut feeling. This sound very unscientific to me. The truth is: Many HT end up similar to this one. Much more than all the industry tries to sell us unfortunately. 2. No! I wouldn't. In never said I would. In fact, I said that, I freaked out when my results came in late. But I am aware that it can (!) happen more than anyone would like. That is why I started with a small test surgery of 400 FU.
  15. Most people here had a hair a hair transplant and can fully relate to the feeling if a result is subpar. I preach patience all the time, but when my second HT came in late, I also went into panic mode. BUT: One should always try to be rational and separate facts from feeling. Fact is: This is a minor issue considering all the risks which can occur during a hair transplant. This is not correct and it creates unnecessary friction between the clinic and the patient. This forum is to help and guide not to create more trouble. The patient and the clinic can both do everything right, and still end up with such a result. In a case like this you probably will never find out what went wrong. Not because the clinic hides it from you, but because no one (!) knows. If there is no underlying condition which explains the result it is just that the grafts haven't taken. A graft is an organ, the blood vessels have to connect by themselves and sometimes they don't. Sometimes the grafts do not survive the stress of surgery. We have seen worse than this from any (!) top clinic in the world with FUE and FUT. Therefore this is unfortunate, but not really unexpected.
  16. Transection is not the reason for a poor survival in most cases and also not in this case. Grafts are small organs which have to be connected to the blood supply by the body...sometimes they don't or the graft is traumatized from the mechanical stress on them. In my humble option this is unfortunate but not "a failed transplant". There is a small chance the area will recover, otherwise a small 200 FU touch up would settle everything. This is not unnormal as it happens quite often. It might still make sense to with a dermatologist to see if there is an underlying condition in that particular area.
  17. Hattingen would be my favorite too. Bisanga and Feriduni also still doing FUT to my knowledge.
  18. I understand you are seeking perfection...but could you post more and better pictures? Especially, pictures styled. What I see (from the pictures you haves shown so far) is a great result which maybe (!) lacks a little density in a small region and I see a great hairline too. Maybe a little touch up (in that specific area) away from a great result, which is perfectly normal for a HT. In my opinion, your new plan has little benefit and high risk (as it could get worse than it is now). Whatever you do: I wish you the best.
  19. The only way selecting a clinic is reading patient cases like the ones reported in here. By this you also learn which users are to trust and this gives you a great start in the "which clinic is the best" threads. Basic rules: - This research takes 3-6 month - Never chose a clinic based on Insta, facebook or their own homepage - Never chose a clinic based on location - All-inclusive packages are typically a red flag In turkey there are maybe a handful of good clinics, and 1000 or 10 000 bad ones.
  20. The TO has all the right in the world, to be disappointed. But we have already 4 pages full of people supporting and giving great advice. And there is even a (slim) chance for further improvement. In general ASMED threads (good, but especially bad) get a lot of attention. Much more than the average clinic. There is no need for heating the debate up... This forum keeps the good, the bad and the ugly (results) up. This is one of the very few forums which does that. Part of this being possible, is @Melvin- Moderator keeping things factual. If it gets ugly, the lawyers of the clinics would be all over this forum.
  21. Yes! The graft in the very front are usually more fragile and hence more prone to damages by mishandling them. This is why you do not see such a pattern like yours often post op. It is a chance that this area is just delayed. Was there a difference in the process between the frontal hairline and the remaining area during surgery?
  22. We fell with you...this waiting process is hard for everyone and if you do not receive the results expected it is devastating. I do think there is a chance for further growth, please do not give up. What is obvious, that the growth in the hairline (typical more fragile grafts) is better than in the area behind it...this is very atypical. Do you have more pics showing this area as I see some red spots on the 5.5 month pic?
  23. Sorry, misread your post. Didn't get you are talking about pre-made slit + implanter but about slit vs. implanter only.
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