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Everything posted by Vainism

  1. Yeah i'm waiting until everything cools down in turkey before i fly there for my HT. Hopefully by the end of the year nothing happens!
  2. Pretty sure Dr B doesn't post much anymore because of all the recent incosistent reviews, coming from patients unhappy with their density / spacing. Anyways love u bloody c*nts - brb need to go feed my pet kangaroo
  3. I'm sorry but how the f is the British pound weak? Pound to euro = +1.14 Pound to us = +1.27 Pound to Australian dollar = +1.67 Stop being a tight ass lol
  4. I'm so sorry to hear man this sucks to read! u should definitely go to one of the more reputable surgeons, and see what they can do for you! keep us updated
  5. If sedation is your main priority, then your doomed for failure IMO. Same goes price wise. Choose a surgeon based on strong track record, do your research!
  6. Hey mate, stay calm, stressing is just going to further your hair loss. You might be paranoid, about your hair loss, it's normal for you to lose 50-100 hairs a day as 10% of your hair goes through the telogen phase. Quote me if im wrong, but i think Nizoral does have DHT blockers, which may have really screwed up your hormone balance. (It;s unlikely, but definitely a possibility if you were over-doing the application. It might be worth you getting a blood check at your local GP, to check your hormones are all imbalanced or not. If that helps you sleep at night. Stay strong buddy pm me if you need to vent!
  7. Erdogan is renown for aggressive hairlines. Erdogan quoted me 3200 grafts, where Dr Path quoted me 1800 grafts.
  8. pretty sure dr path is like a dollar more expensive then dr laorwang
  9. ur a god rahal! if ur prices are competitive vs erdogan & path, , ill fly to Canada and come give you a visit
  10. Haha awesome writeup! Swear my nerves kicked in whilst reading this, felt like I was actually there! Erdogan is top on my list, if no alla akbas happen by the end of the year I'm flying first thing there !
  11. From your assumption, how much % of the 4000 implanted grafts actually grew?
  12. Look into natural dht blockers such as ashwaghanda, rhodiola, horse tail , saw palmetto . Natural herbs that stop the conversion of your testosterone converting into DHT which kills hair follicles.
  13. Hey good luck man! wish you all the best with the growing phase! In regards to your operation, how much of the process was Path exactly apart of?
  14. That is dirt cheap and the result is phenomenal, your growth started really early, we're there any lifestyle changes you made that may have contributed? I am going to look into this doctor. The price is unbelievable for the result thus far. Very impressed .
  15. Who did you see from DHT? Dr Path? edit: checked your profile. It is Dr Path. May i ask why the HT with Dr Path was unsuccessful? I thought hes suppose to be one of the best HT surgeons in the world.
  16. Does the severity of their hair loss come into factor ? Majority of the ht failures I see on this forum are from norwoods 5 and above . Quote me if I'm wrong. I think a nw2 with a good doctor should shed some good results
  17. Keep updating interested to see how the next few months go for you :-)
  18. In the process of selecting a doctor at the moment, and bhatti is one of the doctors top on my list, as I thought he usually shed good results, would ease my mind if there was an explanation to this or if its en-fact an underlying medical condition? edit; is this more than a possible occurrence for someone who is further into their MPB as a NW5/6? Many condolences to the OP
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