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Everything posted by BUSA

  1. yea u need individual pics. hairline looks good tho.
  2. there are far better choices then Dr. Bhatti. he's OK if ur own a really tight budget but the European doctors are far better choices and really won't cost much more. the follow-up isn't really an issue for most. sure its nice but not necessary. imo Bhatti falls short with hairline quality. meaning its just not that artistic. he's far better then he use to be but no where near the quality of top European doctors or even of those here is the US. and if u look at his photos the grafts are rarely placed close together. there is always big gaps between the grafts which means less density. u can place more grafts on the head that way but will lack density. PRP is good but not the end all be all.
  3. thats quite thin for almost 5800 grafts considering the pictures show quite a comb over but he does look much younger but with almost 5800 grafts he certainly shud.
  4. the density will drop due to the lack of visibility of empty areas which is why its a POOR idea to NOT shave the recipient area. and it takes much longer to perform since graft placement may take several hours. time is money. the longer it takes to perform means the grafts are out of the body longer which is not good for grafts. thats why shaving both recipient and donor area is recommended. they cut the hair down so they can see. it will grow back but there is always the possibility of shock loss to the native hairs. post some pix. who was ur doctor?
  5. body hair will take on some of the characteristics of head hair once it matures. if the body hair is takn from an area other then the beard then YES it will absolutely grow slower. much slower cause its in the telegon phase much longer. won't heal any different but if done incorrectly it can leave u with bad scaring on ur face so make sure u go to an EXPERIENCED BHT surgeon and NOT someone who dabbles with it....
  6. 3500 grafts isn't much. why didn't he just extract all of em via FUE and save u the strip scar?
  7. u wud still have to take the week off either way going to Europe or staying state side so I don't get ur point? be prepared to pay big money if ur not planning on shaving ur head. will take more time. time is money. poor idea imo. u will get a better result shaving ur head. it can be done on small procedures but if ur a NW 2-3 then ull need probably 3000-3500 grafts. thats too many for an shave less FUE procedure. if ur NOT ready to shave ur head to have a HT then ur NOT ready for a HT period! u will get a better HT with a shaved donor and recipient area.
  8. agreed crown needs anther 500 or so grafts but other then that looks pretty good. I'm sure the patient is happy and at his age maybe the crown isn't an issue.
  9. where r all the older pics? u got somthn other then multiple pics of the same cat? not a very difficult case. I wud expect better then average results. this is like hitting a single for any decent HT surgeon. hairline is still too high tho but thats Loenzo's MO which is why its easier to stuff more grafts in there each case and give more density but then ur left with a conservative older looking hairline..
  10. looks like another 750 grafts to the crown shud complete him unless the crown hasn't fully matured yet.
  11. is that a before or after? thats the best u can do for pics? pretty much tells us absolutely nothing!
  12. u look 10 years younger! dead raccoon. now thats funny. yea that stuff can really give ppl that look of hair just shaved down look. I know plenty of ppl that do just tha with real hair. its pretty common in the hispanic, black and Brazilian world which I live and work in and plenty of white guys shave it down to these days. how much was the treatment?
  13. well, after reading ur previous post on travel cost that is not a concern. I was laughing at ur comment on Laser Hair removal and needing a HT. we must be rowing in the same boat lol. I live in CT and take the train in the city and go to Romeo and Julie on 53rd street. they have the latest lasers and update them like every 6 months wen new chit comes out. its a PITA to go there but their price packages are very good considering I am VERY hairy and yes like u have virtually unlimited donor hair if u count my body hair. its one curse or the other. I want no hair on my body and it all on my head not the other way around lol. as far as ur question pertaining to the TOP US vs. EU doctors id say thats tough to really say with conviction. there are some great FUE guys here but you just don't see them doing the larger procedures like you see the European-Indian doctors performing. I mean look at the new threads each week here where patients are posting their results with larger FUE procedures. the majority of them are from over seas doctors. in fact, I can't remember the last time I seen a US doctor perform 5000 FUE grafts. if ur looking for the best and don't give a rats ass about price then go see Dr. Maras from HDC. his work is the most refined anywhere imo and his hairlines are works of art. I don't really see him doing larger procedures but you don't need that much who cares. I can't remember his FUE pricing but id assume its about $5-6 per graft but maybe less now with the euro being so much lower now. not really sure. he's pretty conservative too with his hairlines but they are so artistic they look totally natural http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165659-dr-maras-hdc-medical-fue-2700-grafts.html and his beard removal is the cleanest I've ever seen. I think Erdogan is just about as good tho. Feller in NY is excellent but he's like $8-10 per graft. thats crazy.
  14. the search button is ur friend. unless ur too lazy or stupid to figure that out on ur own....:rolleyes: and just to appease ur ignorance there are several clinics around the world performing quality HT's that have techs performing them so being an actual doctor vs. one in training with one of the top HT doctors in the world really doesn't mean shiit wen it comes to HT knowledge that Blake has. uve been awarded TROLL of the month! Congratulations! a free TROLL poster is on its way. you can hang it with pride over ur computer....:rolleyes: but since ur likely one of the recent BANNED nut huggers ur probably well aware of everything I posted.
  15. looks like you got ur panties in a knot wen it was pointed out that in several years it will fade and bleed and most likely give that blu-green look that tattoos giv ppl after many years. which is why the temporary method is preferred to keep it looking fresh year in and year out. like many cosmetic procedures they require MAINTENANCE! seems more like you got duped into thinking the permanent type ink is the way to go and now feel offended wen that has been pointed out to u. u said 3 years uve had it. well, 3 years isn't a long time wen it comes to ink. there is no exception with u. maybe u shud re-read wat he said. he said in 5-10 years NOT 3 years. or are you the only one that will not be subject to this phenomenon....:rolleyes: ur confusing PERMANENT ink with PERMANENTLY looking GOOD. just because somthn is permanent like the ink they used with you doesn't mean its gonna giv one a desired look after many years. and if the color changes and you start looking like a SMURF ull be singing a different tune won't u?
  16. is the price different for temp vs permeant? it wud be the same time spent no? ur obviously havn to shave ur head down each time correct? wat was the time between sessions and wat was the cost? is the cost per procedure or did u purchase a package deal? are there different time fromes for the temporary? meaning some last a year and other last a shorter duration or longer? can't find a SMP looks website? does one exist? can u imagine getting another 1500 on ur crown AND SMP? ill bet ud look like u had a 100% full head of hair
  17. well u won't hurt my feelings if u share a little more.... please tell me its not something I'm gonna have to wait 15 years for like FUE back in 2000 lol. cause I'm still on the fence about who I'm going to have perform my HT.
  18. I wud agree with Joe. looks as tho they filled a 1/4 inch line of SMP across ur head which also means more irritation. not sure why they wud do that but I'm sure it be less noticeable once the irritation goes away.
  19. the funny thing about Bosley is if u polled a 100 ppl off the street and asked them who they wud get a HT from if they needed one and cud afford it 80% wud probably say Bosley lol. and they wud be the very LAST clinic I wud send anyone to. in fact, my buddy needs a HT and said that he might go check out Bosley. I LOL and of course I had to set him str8 but nonetheless ur exactly right about advertising. I too wonder about SMP after a year or two. its just far too expensive to go the temporary route. I wud think the price wud be the same considering its the same amount of work.
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