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Everything posted by mustang

  1. If Finasteride is doing wonders on your donor then it's doing wonder's on your recipient as well as you made be resolving a previous BUPA or DUPA condition. Your case is truly amazing. You are a Norwood 6/7 and to achieve full density 12.000 grafts are required. A Norwood 5 usually requires at least 9.000 so the fact that you look this good with 7K is really promising. You should consider doing DMP in your donor and some re-stocking with BHT to allow another 3K to be extracted. If you have good body hair in you chest or under your chin you can extend your donor supply and reach at least 10K with your donor looking good. SMP really does us all a favor here as long as you keep it short on the sides and gaps are not to wide. Congrats on your transformation.
  2. Gosh Being half Spaniard and living in Spain I must say I have never read are more ignorant and stupid post this year. It's frightening how stupid people are. It really is.
  3. This forum really is a great pleasure to share progress pics with You guys have a nice and positive community here. Congrats on that I will be happy to post another update at 5 months
  4. Just got a hair cut. 4 months actually today. I am happy but still hoping to see and improvement on the marked zone. I might add another 250-300 BHT to that area but I will wait for further improvements before doing so. The left side is pretty much perfect.
  5. I had a 1.800 graft surgery with HLC with 2 friends. I went to Ankara a couple of times We all had a great result. So will you!
  6. Not on the picture but yes, I did 750 grafts on the crown FUE with Dra Vila in Spain and previously I had done 500 grafts FUE/BHT I am set for one last pass of about 300-400 grafts to the crown to achieve density of 40 grafts per square cm. More than enough. All doubles and triples of course
  7. Very pleased indeed! Still have a couple of more months to improve I can't tell the BHT apart from the FUE Thank you sir Josh
  8. 2 months vs 4 months comparison [url=https://ibb.co/VjRhT88][img]https://i.ibb.co/YRmKhGG/combine-images.jpg[/img][/url]
  9. 12 so far my friend and 3 more sessions to go. 300 grafts to the crown, 700 grafts to zone 2 and 3 and probably a last pass of 300-400 BHT into the donor area. After that some SMP my work will be completed. I am very happy with my hair, this journey and everything in between. We all agree it's an obsession but one that gives me great joy every time I look in the mirror. I have enjoyed every surgery
  10. Dr Mwamba had quite a few (amazing) cases of FUT scar repairs with BHT, unfortunately there was a breaking in his Brussels clinic and they took the hard drives and computers. He will never be able to post them so I really hope my case and David's help bring him back to the spotlight a little more. He is a world class surgeon and a pioneer in this field and probably the nicest and most patient Dr I have ever had surgery with. My donor is improving weekly. I can feel many hairs coming out when I touch. I hope all the larger spots can be closed and then get SMP.
  11. Thanks to like you some people never bother sharing their success stories on forums. Balding has made you a bit of uh? I'm really sorry for you
  12. Glad it has helped you brother. I am expecting more improvement as it's only been 3 months but yes, it looks better and better SMP will be the final touch
  13. 3 months and 2 weeks BHT is starting to fill in the gaps [/url]http://[url=https://ibb.co/rHzrbsN][img]https://i.ibb.co/Yh1sDZw/unnamed-2.jpg[/img][/url]
  14. Mirko is the man. Always has been #1 on SMP. Congrats on your wonderful outcomes
  15. Heavy brain fog, as thick as ever Total ED and complete loss of libido Gyno. Removed with surgery Hypogonadism
  16. I had massive sides with their Topical Fin. Worse I have ever had. Topical Dutasteride is a much safer and way more effective alternative.
  17. You lack density but a second pass of 500-750 grafts would certainly fix it.
  18. Yes, triquim and temple points. Virgin areas with 100% growth. The problem was we didn't use enough grafts, I needed at least another 750 to achieve full density in the frontal third thus my results were good but not incredible. I also had a little over extraction on the right side of my donor which I had to repair with a few BHT grafts so again, not ideal but nothing major. I would recommend Couto to anybody. He is on a different league. All clinics have outstanding cases and some OK or bad cases, even the best ones. Sometimes there is scar tissue, poor blood flow, infection or other factors that prevent full regrowth which has nothing to do with the Dr's skill or protocol. Why I switched so many doctors I have explained already but I will make a full post with all my surgeries when I find the time. My last surgery will probably be with a different doctor as well.
  19. #25 Mustang, May 6, 2020 True but 1 of them had an infection which was unlucky and they did a repair which was successful 1 is unhappy but he is unhappy with all of his surgeries so it's highly subjective My results with Couto were good, not fantastic but good. I have had a lot of work done and it's hard to yield good growth on scar tissue. I still believe the amount of impressive work he has done is undeniable and regardless of my results not being spectacular I would recommend him to anybody
  20. Bisanga has a LOT of experience and used to be a top regarded Doctor. You can't go wrong with him
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