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Everything posted by Aftermath

  1. I don't think it's going 2b anywhere near as bad as u imagine mate! Also remember with the amount of hair u have your in a better position than 99% of people on here! Wait for it to grow in before stressing so much, at 2weeks it's gonna look shitty, it does with everyone! Plus at 2 weeks I'd shed a lot! As far as hiding it, get topik like I said b4 (probably medium brown) and get the pump applicator, this makes it easier to apply more precisely, u can use this safely in the recipient area after 2 weeks as long as you wash it off at night, get next day delivery from amazon and call in a sick day in work tomorrow, then you can say the redness was a bad reaction from hair dye, then u can reduce the amount of topik u use per day and say some hair fell out from the dye... Fairly convincing excuse! Then if in a year density does turn out to be a problem a surgeon such as dr koray erdogan in Turkey can provide dense packing at 2€ a graft for FUE, even if u need another 1700 grafts it's only 3500 Australian dollars! Bottom line is that your not in a bad position, and every1 on this forum including myself have had to go back to work with a red scalp! My first HT wasn't great but after that I did see a really great surgeon who sorted me out with a nice result!
  2. After a failed HT in the past didn't you consider moving outta Pakistan for a recommended surgeon? I really hope it works out for you mate but that's a lot of wasted grafts if it doesn't
  3. who performed the first and who performed the second surgery??
  4. The 2000 for 1cm is very generalised mate, maybe u have very thick calibre hair and the right hair characteristics to pull off a lower number, I am surprised he lowered a hairline over 2cm with under 2000 grafts though, even if you don't get the desired outcome though mate it's very fixable, you have great hair and adding density in a year would be pretty straight forward if needed, and in the meantime combing your hair forward when it grows would hide the difference in density if there even is a difference in a year
  5. Isn't a rough estimate for graft counts 2000 grafts to lower a hairline 1cm? How much was yours lowered? If it's 1cm or less you should be absolutely fine IMO
  6. By 2weeks quite a few of the grafts have shed so no that's not an accurate representation of the final result! As far as hiding it... If the rest of the grafts stay put u may have a chance to camouflage it with topik, although for the hairline you'll probably wanna buy the pump applicator as well, if the rest of the grafts shed there's really no way 2 hide it. You'll just have to come up with an excuse for the redness that'll be there... Sunburn, allergic reaction to hair dye etc
  7. I agree with Mickey here, scar does appear quite wide when hair is combed off it, looks great at short length with hair covering it though... I do think any shorter it will look pretty bad though judging by the width! Of course at 4 months this could just be shock loss and may grow back
  8. Sean, how was your final result with Rahal for FUE? Would you recommend him? I know he's primarily a strip surgeon so I was unsure about his FUE? I heard he used a motorised punch and doesn't do the extractions? What's your final verdict? How did yours turn out in the end?
  9. I wasn't aware of that with Lorenzo, thought I'd heard a couple of people mention they'd had two consecutive day sessions with Lorenzo? I agree that mega sessions aren't the best of ideas with FUE. What are your thoughts to the original question posed by the OP?
  10. I use it twice daily on my head, no irritation at dll, think m skin is pretty tough!lol there wouldn't be any negotiable long term affects to the skin that you're aware of? May give it a try! My patchy beard irritates me... I have the beard of a teenager!l
  11. any1 know if its ok to use rogaine on their beard to encourage growth? any1 tried it? does it work??
  12. The only surgeon I'd be willing to see in the UK is Dr Lorenzo at Farjo for FUE! as for strip if u want a mega session the best place to go is probably Hasson and wong in vancouver! there are other great strip surgeons that'll offer megasessions Rahal, Konior, Feller etc all of these are great, I wouldn't really recommend any british strip surgeons... In my experience they're light years behind the ones I've mentioned! Stay away from places like the hospital group, or any big faceless companies... never a good idea to trust these with your scalp IMO
  13. I wouldn't worry mate, as long as u went 2 a good clinic you'll get good results
  14. i don't think that thing about the growing hairs is true, some appear to be growing when they're infact pushing out as they shed, which is in fact not growth! who'd u get your FUE with mate?
  15. the answer to this all depends on the surgeon IMO, if you have an excellent surgeon chances are you will get 95-100% growth of grafts so it can be a good indication... although the redness can make it look slightly more dense IMO. The problem is when u get these guys having FUE with surgeons that aren't that experienced in FUE (or even a poor strip procedure with an inadequate doc). FUE is technically a lot more difficult and in megasessions (above 2000 in 1 day) is never a good idea IMO, guys like Lorenzo may well do mega sessions but they stage them over a couple of days, which gives a much more predictable result as fatigue in large 1 day sessions can be a real issue. Some guys on here go to Timbuctoo and have like 4-5k grafts done in 1 day because its $1 per graft and they think all surgeons are the same... unfortunately they aren't! These type of cases end up getting 40-50% growth at best and a vastly depleted donor area! They look great post op then 12 months later they look more like the pre-op pic, this is why u have to be so careful with doctor selection FUE or FUT, IMO though theres a much shorter list of good surgeons for FUE and there aren't many docs i'd personally trust... Lorenzo and Bisanga are two I'd personally trust with maybe a couple more from Europe... the list is short though!
  16. When true FUE is done no sutures are needed as the punches are below 1 mm and close on their own! Looks like he's punched out groupies of follicles ("plugs") calling it FUE which it most certainly isn't! Not sure what kind of scarring that could produce! One things for sure, when u get repaired, do some research and don't stray outside the recommended HT docs! The good news is u still have a fair amount of native hair and the situation your in is very likely fixable! No reputable doc would've done thus 2 u though!
  17. Yeah he does offer it, I've seen at least 1 case where he's done this
  18. No problem... A compliment that I sincerely meant! So my best option at this point would probably be a small amount of grafts placed around the scar taken via FUE (beard/scalp) rather than a revision as this would further decrease the density? And yeah I was talking about the muscles that move my ears, as I get this when I smile and following a strip it can cause some discomfort so I assumed it'd be stretching if there was discomfort
  19. Thank you for taking the time to reply, IMHO you are probably the top doc for strip scar revisions in the entire world, so I couldn't ask for a more educated response! For me I have always noticed pain and stretching when I smiled following a strip, so I was alluding to the minor muscles just above the ears more than anything, would there be no benefit at all in relaxing these muscles? Also slightly off topic... When you stretch the area below the strip scar from continual strip procedures I have noticed a thinner appearance in the density, especially at the sides below the scar, is this something that can improve with revision or will it further worsen? I have this to some extent and I wondered if revision or FUE around the strip scar would be a better option? I'd really appreciate your input
  20. The results with even very large numbers of grafts with body hair never tends to look great IMO and the amount needed to cover the whole head would be astronomical in price! If u were to just cover the scar and the hair around that dropped out it could look a little strange, as you said SMP may be a viable option, or possibly a good hair system. It's a shame the doc who performed the op on you didn't recognise diffuse thinning in the donar area as there must've been some signs of it pre-op! Unfortunately with this type of hair loss transplantation options are pretty limited! If you are gonna go down the BHT route it'd be worth contacting umar and bisanga! Lorenzo may be an option as he performs top level FUE but I'm unsure how much work he does with BHT! I think the 2 top Turkish docs work with body hair and their prices may be quite a bit cheaper!
  21. What do the transplant docs think it's related to, as they're far more qualified to comment then any1 on this forum, I did remember reading a post off here about PRP at one point though, here's the link if u wanna check it out, not sure how much truth there is in the post but thought it may be of interest http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/160493-prp-injections-dont-do-its-potentially-negligent-criminal-activity.html
  22. Why don't people get Botox in and around the strip scar in the first 1-2 months post op? It relaxes the muscles around the scar meaning less tension and also has an affect on fibroblasts to assist with the healing! There is a lot of research going into the use of Botox around areas of potential scarring! Anyone head of this/had this? Thoughts?
  23. Almost 6000 grafts in a hairline?! WTF! If his native hair holds up thats 1 thing, but if he ends up on a high NW scale he's screwed!
  24. Have u started any new medication or have u been under a lot of stress the last 2 months? I'd start by contacting a trichologist to see what their thoughts are, a transplant would be pointless if it continues 2 thin
  25. That is indeed pretty strange, what were the sides and back like before the operation? do u have pics? also what is your age? as for a doc in NYC, Dr feller is world class and does FUE and FUT may be worth sending him an email. I wouldn't have thought this far post op you'd have shock loss, although they do say u should wait a year to evaluate the scar... this thinning however seems diffuse! (i checked out the pics in your other thread)
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