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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. @JayLDD You have every right to voice your opinion, but aesthetics are subjective let’s be clear on that. There’s a recent review from @IanH which shows excellent growth and aesthetics in my opinion, another case on her recommendation thread where the patient looks very similar to Deb1982 who got a fantastic result. Someone even commented on Instagram how @Craig2412 hairline was ridiculous and unnatural (I disagree strongly). My point is, as good as some may think a result is, others may think the opposite and that’s okay. Let’s look at the facts, she is patient-centered. According to her patients her aftercare is top-notch very caring and helpful. Her yield is good, donors also look good. Now, hairline design and placement, that’s a matter of taste. @Icyraindrops I don’t think comparing Bicer to a hair mill like HOI is fair in the slightest. She has plenty of verifiable reviews here. Now as for ASMED. Yes we did remove Erdogan last year. Particularly because we received a lot of complaints. However, the biggest reason was the number of surgeries the clinic does a day, it’s six on record. But I was sent proof a screenshot that showed 8 surgeries at one time. Unfortunately, that would categorize them as a mill. We simply cannot recommend that as there’s too many variables. There is no doubt that Erdogan is extremely skilled, probably one of the best in the world for FUE. Personally, I like him, he’s pleasant and has always been nice to me. If he were to ever perform surgery alone, as he did in 2010 and charge a premium for him to extract and do everything like Konior. I would 100% bring him back and would recommend him all the time. But until then I would not recommend a clinic of various technicians doing the work over a skilled physician. Too many variables to consider. Overall, I think the safer bet is choosing a surgeon who does the work because you know the reviews and results can be replicated.
  2. Hi Flavio, We recently approved Dr. Bicer for recommendation, you can see that thread below. I believe Pekiner and HLC do good work as well. We have a list of our recommendations that are approved and reviewed by the community. I suggest using the list as a starting point for research. Submit virtual consultations to receive a general consensus. Spain https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/ESP/Spain Belgium https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/BEL/Belgium UK https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/UK/United Kingdom Turkey https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/TKY/Turkey
  3. I don't think it's a waste of money, definitely a viable option and better than expensive treatments like exosome therapy.
  4. Looks like you've held on really well. Do you plan on going back to Hasson and Wong?
  5. Read this That will tell you what you need to know. I really don't want to badmouth anyone. But transparency builds trust and credibility. If there is no transparency how do you know you can trust or that the organization is credible. That's all i'm gonna say.
  6. He probably forgot about the rest of us baldies and is probably enjoying his mane.
  7. Are you insinuating something? Dr. Diep doesn't need to fake reviews trust me
  8. Yea permanent shock loss has happened without finasteride. You have a lot of hair right now, and most of it is thinning and very susceptible to being shocked permanently. If at 12 months you're not happy with regrowth or you still want an HT. I would say start with the hairline and forget about the crown. You need to have ultra-high density to have a short haircut. Generally, with hair transplants you need some hair length to layer over and have the illusion of density.
  9. Here's what I suggest you do, start looking at doctors based on results. Forget about everything else. Below is our list of forum-approved surgeons who have been vetted by our community. Look at their profiles, look at their results and then research them here on the forum. I would suggest to start sending as many virtual consultations as possible to get a consensus for the cost, as it will vary from surgeon to surgeon, and region to region. Once you start looking at doctors for quality, then you can start to weed them out based on cost, convenience, etc. list of recommendations https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp
  10. We’ve removed two surgeons within the last year that IAHRS still promote. Their process isn’t open or transparent. 10 years ago we were sued by Alvi Armani, for keeping up a slew of negative reviews. Meanwhile, once the truth was revealed, they continued to promote the surgeon regardless. No list is ever definitive, but if you’re gonna put your faith in any list make sure it’s a list of surgeons that are being selected by reviews in an open and transparent manner. That said, lists are starting points for research. Take a look at our process
  11. Dear Community, After receiving a lot of positive feedback both public and private. We have decided to approve @Dr. Ozlem Bicer Clinic for our recommendation. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Bicer, and please feel free to submit her a virtual consultation using the link below. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/physician/Turkey/Ozlem-Bicer/694
  12. Good stuff, very excited for you. Almost miss the excitement I got before getting a hair transplant.
  13. Wow it’s incredible how much hair changes your appearance. This story and write up has been fantastic. Thanks for sharing such a detailed review. I look forward to seeing your updates. Thanks for joining the forum 🙏🏼
  14. Btw I’m a fellow Diep patient, I know at least one other actor that Diep did surgery on 🤫 btw those cracks are totally normal
  15. This is an awesome story man, I actually really like Rogue Wave too. Indie rock is my favorite. Looking forward to more of your posts. I have a few friends in the industry, I’m from LA lol figures. You look sorta like Justin Chatwin
  16. I didn’t know smp would require a tip. I assume its a few thousand. Generally, you tip for things that aren’t that expensive.
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