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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. H&W created the lateral slit technique which is equally good. They both have amazing post-op photos.
  2. This is an excellent design 10/10 it will serve you now and in the future 👏🏼
  3. Your donor quality and density is exceptional. If you go to one of the names you mentioned, I don’t see how you wouldn’t get a stunning result.
  4. Omg haha I meant April, I’m still in March you guys. This years moving fast haha
  5. Looks absolutely normal. However, you can still take body baths, and I show how to wash your hair for the first couple of days here
  6. There is a big mistake people make, and that is thinking cheap= better. Some even make the mistake and think expensive = quality. The truth is you can get both affordable quality. Dr. Arshad charges 3 per graft, that is definitely affordable quality and he's in the UK. There is a difference between cheap and affordable too. Some guys come here saying their max budget is $1,000. I say save up, or forget about surgery. Hair transplants are serious and you don't want to go to a budget clinic because thats all you can afford, it's not like a car, this is your head we're talking about.
  7. To be honest, you need at least 3,500 grafts to restore the frontal third. I don't know where you got grafts placed, but it doesn't look like you have much of the hairline left. For your case, I agree FUE is probably your best bet. You need a clinic that can perform large FUE procedures at once. Eugenix comes to mind, Hasson and Wong, Dr. De Freitas, etc. Take your time and submit as many virtual consultations as possible.
  8. I don't know anything about KSL clinics. Prices may sound attractive, but are there real reviews? Not just some IG page or social media account. If you're in the UK definitely take a look at Dr. Arshad, Reddy, Farjo. But I think you'll find that you don't have to sacrifice quality with affordability. You just need to travel. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/UK/United Kingdom https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/ESP/Spain https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/BEL/Belgium https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/CYP/Cyprus https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/JOR/Jordan
  9. Yea it will be both doctors. Hopefully the community will enjoy it.
  10. Wow do you mind taking close-up pictures of the graft placement? The refinement looks absolutely stunning. Dr. Konior is such a nice guy, few surgeons would give rides.
  11. Initially, I rushed and made a huge mistake. Luckily, I found this forum, researched thoroughly and then pulled the trigger on a doctor with excellent reviews.
  12. Dear Community, I've been working hard this past year to get you guys great interviews from industry leaders, behind the scenes footage of hair transplant surgery and the latest in hair loss treatments. After filming @Parsa Mohebi, MD procedure on @Manu Gujrati, MDon Instagram, the feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive. True transparency builds trust and credibility. There is nothing more transparent than seeing the surgery live. So i'm excited to announce that I will be doing an Instagram live with Dr. Sethi and Dr. Bansal on the April 18th 7:00pm Pacific Time, and March 19th 7:00am Indian time. I really hope you guys can join us, it will be interactive, you can ask questions about surgery, and most importantly get a glimpse at how one of the world's best hair transplant doctors perform surgery. More details to come.
  13. I know you've had several HT procedures yourself, do you shave your head now? I was considering SMP, obviously I would shave my head for the procedure, but eventually I would grow it out. Currently I use toppik and dermmatch, my hope was that the smp eliminate the need to use both, or at least use less. Do you think it's not worth it for someone in my position?
  14. The hairline is slightly receding. At age 20 it could become a real problem in years to come. I think it would be a good idea to be proactive and get on hair loss medications such as finasteride and minoxidil.
  15. I love the work Eugenix puts out, they have the largest portfolio on the forum.
  16. I tend to agree. I remember I sent Dr. Konior several photos, videos, and once I flew out to meet him in person, he said that everything I submitted to him was pretty spot on, and that there were no surprises.
  17. @HCH looking forward to seeing your full journey. I'm thinking of starting a thread on how to get approval for a medical visa. I know it may not be needed by next year, but definitely this year it could be useful.
  18. You know Dr. Bloxham touched on a point in the video that isn't discussed that much. What's the perfect hair length after getting a hair transplant. How many inches would you say your hair is right now? I'd guess around 5 inches.
  19. I've taken collagen peptides before. It may help with aging, but I don't think it does anything for hair loss.
  20. Love having you on board. It's great to give our community a great alternative to some of the black market low-cost clinics. I'm very impressed with your work and aftercare.
  21. They're both excellent surgeons. But I think you should factor in the results above all. You should also factor in convenience, who's closer, etc. I got the sense from Dr. Reddy that he doesn't really do any marketing. It's mostly word of mouth referrals and this forum, which is basically virtual word of mouth referrals. Here is another thing you should do, start reaching out to both of their patients. @Deanomag @timcfc reach out to @Swill@Gasthoerer these are just some names off the top of my head. But it's a good starting point. I'm sure they're more than willing to share their experiences, comfort, aftercare, etc.
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