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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Merry Christmas 🎁 Adrian hope you’re spending it well, what’s the weather like in Australia? It’s summer isn’t it
  2. @Nordster34 I agree the temples can be improved. Temple points are notoriously difficult. It’s hard to say whether it was graft selection that caused the appearance. That said, the hairline in my opinion looks fantastic. I’ve reached out to @H & W Doug, but with the holidays, I wouldn’t expect a response now. I believe H&W have an exceptional reputation and track record because they’ve stood by their work. Surgeons miss the mark, as hair transplants are not an exact science, even with the best surgeons. Alluding that we should reconsider this surgeons membership over one result, and one aspect like (temple points) is ludicrous. Let’s allow the clinic time to respond to the concerns and figure out what occurred.
  3. Hard to say the donor is destroyed at this stage, though, the first guy may have issues if he went to the famous clinic targeting afro hair patients in Turkey.
  4. No, I’m saying try shaving your head before buying or trying anything. If you can live with a shaved head you won’t have to do anything, that’ll be your solution.
  5. They were released on the podcast btw Free Speech = Sukh123 super troll whose created 16 accounts. If another use name joins and start’s posting the same thing, it’s him don’t bother responding.
  6. Yes, we chose to partner with Xyon specifically because of their siloxysytem gel, which acts as a mesh to keep the finasteride on the scalp and prevent it from absorbing rapidly. To me, the science behind it made the most sense, and it’s really the only topical I feel safe trying. I’ve always maintained that this compounded medication isn’t for everyone, many will be better off on the oral version if they don’t get sides, but for those like me who got bad sides, it’s a good quality alternative.
  7. You should try at least topical finasteride. There’s XYON that’s worth looking in to, if shaving your head is a possibility, best do it now. If you can accept a shaved head, you wont have to do anything else. That should be your first step.
  8. I suggest trying medication first before considering surgery. Surgery is last resort. You may get some good regrowth with medication alone. Finasteride and oral minoxidil.
  9. Yes, it’s normal to see a disparity in density. Hair transplants do not match density hair for hair, they give an illusion of density. But you still need to grow it out to allow the hairs to layer over one another.
  10. You’ve reached the best site to learn about the best surgeons and treatments. But it will take some work and research on your part. I suggest using our list as a starting point for research. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons But remember do your due diligence and research here, by looking up reviews and using our advanced search page, which is like the hair transplant industry’s Google.
  11. Thanks for sharing, what does it look like right now?
  12. Also, many clinics have you sign paperwork that says results are not guaranteed, so this pretty much absolves them.
  13. Why would you put aloe vera on the recipient? Are you sure they didn’t mean the donor? Also, washing twice a day seems excessive at 5 days. I didn’t even wash until a week. Let me tag @Dr. Robert Haber for his input.
  14. Here’s some cases of a men who committed suicide because they were balding. It seems more prevalent in India where shaving isn’t socially acceptable, and balding severely impedes the chances of marriage. https://m.timesofindia.com/city/madurai/techie-commits-suicide-in-madurai-due-to-hair-fall-problem/amp_articleshow/62325039.cms https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/mobile/news.php?id=940394&u=depressed-over-going-bald-youth-ends-life-in-kozhikode-suicide-note-recovered https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/hyderabad/2020/jan/08/upset-over-premature-balding-civil-servants-son-commits-suicide-in-hyderabad-2086671.amp
  15. Despite all of the red flags you still want to go through with it, something doesn’t compute. You say “they won’t be able to take down my review.” But what does that matter the damage will be done. Have you seen any good independent reviews? Not listed on yelp or google, which anyone can write.
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