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Everything posted by Rootz

  1. It's hard fully judge the result. If your office took the pictures, you should have taken shots with the hair pulled back so that the results of the HT could be better seen. If this was submitted by the patient, did you ask him to do that?
  2. I'm not familiar with Dr. Meshkin offhand, maybe he produces good results... I don't know, don't really care. But if he actually said that... what a disgrace of a doctor. He should be ashamed to call himself a "doctor". To say, "It costs double and the success is only 50%" ... what a joke. Trying to strong arm and coerce a patient into doing what he wants, and with lies? Revolting behavior from a doctor. Sorry for the slight tangent, I can't get over that. Anyways... a HT is a major procedure, I would strongly recommend considering spending extra time and money to travel if it means better results. It is a minor inconvenience when you realize a HT will affect the rest of your life.
  3. Because your loss is so aggressive and your donor is thin, I think no matter what type of HT you get (including body hair) you will likely end up disatisfied and wanting to just fix something else. I think your best bet is either going completely shaved, or SMP. You can try the temporary SMP for a year or so and see if you like it. Fortunately you look good with the shaved look, you have the right shaped head for it.
  4. She's trying to trick you into going to bed earlier. Also, if you masturbate you'll go blind.
  5. Very lame. Making the job of the doctor and her staff easier is absolutely, 100% irrelevant to you. Even if it was just a joke, it's poor form and unprofessional. The doctor either does FUE, or doesn't. If she does, take the money and do it. Don't complain, delay, or make excuses to get out of it. Jesus. It sounds like her initial FUE test failed because she... doesn't actually know how to do FUE?
  6. What density was the hair generally transplanted at? That looks like a lot of area to cover for only 1169 grafts. Are you concerned about issues with density?
  7. Whatever you do, I do not recommend showing up with Pokemon cards and trying to barter with them. I know because I've tried. I wanted to trade my Graded 9 Poke Tour Pikachu (mint condition mind you) for a HT but was promptly declinded. They eventually escorted me out of the building. Such bulls***.
  8. I think you can achieve the look on the left (grown out hair) with a variety of hairlines. The guy on the left looks to have a very solid hairline, but it is styled in such a way so that if he had a little temple recession/thinning you couldn't really tell. His right temple is covered by most the hair being combed that direction (there's a big shadow there anyways) and if you look closely the hair near his left temple is actually strategically leaning out infront of the temple. Whether this was done to conceal some mild temple recession or just coincidentally I don't know. The guy on the right looks to have no temple recession and so I imagine could pull off the same look pretty easily. Neither picture has a widows peak, but if that's what you fancy I don't see why it wouldn't jive. Either way, you don't necessarily need a super aggressive straight hairline to pull off the hair on the left. Some minor temple recession (mature hairline) can still work. As fueonly pointed out you'll need to be aggressive with the density so make sure your surgeon is capable of accomplishing that and you have the available grafts to afford it. If your hair loss is aggressive or you're young, I would be very careful about going for an aggressive straight hairline. A lot can change in 5-10 years.
  9. I'm continually shocked at the deceitfulness and greed of some doctors. There's actually lots of doctors like this, some are just not as bad as others. What I don't understand is how 1) they can be so apathetic towards the live's of the people they're supposed to help and 2) have such a strong desire for money when they usually have more than enough to live comfortably. Why try to obscure and disguise the true results of procedures? Why sugar coat it or outright lie? Just to get another sucker and take his/her money? It's an outrage knowing doctors out there are encouraging patients to subscribe to treatments that they themselves would never be caught having done. But why? Just for money? You have millionare doctors doing crap like this. Rich doctors manipulating both patients and insurance companies, maximizing their profits... when they're ALREADY wealthy. What the hell? Some of the loopholes doctors find to bill insurance companies are literally illegal, but they know they can get away with it. My sympathies go out to you Nemack, it's an absolute disgrace when you have to look over your shoulder at the doctor's office of all places.
  10. Based on the FUE pictures I've seen from Lorenzo and his patients, I personally do not understand the hype. From what I can tell Feriduni and Bisanga consistently produce more natural hairlines in terms of density and yield with FUE.
  11. I think a lot of people get the impression bad scars from FUT only result from bad doctors, so they go to a reputable doc and find out the hard way it doesn't necessarily work like that. Only then it is too late. There is risk in everything, but FUT carries a lot more risk IMO. I would never take that gamble, even if I was told I had good skin laxity and whatnot.
  12. It's great you've been on propecia and minoxidil consistently for 3 years. With that said I think you should absolutely get a HT if it is something you really want (and it sounds like it is). In your case I see no point in waiting just for the sake of "seeing what else happens". That is silly. You're not getting any younger. Just choose your surgeon wisely and use your available grafts wisely. Keep in mind you will lose more hair later on down the road and at some point probably need to stop and reasses your situation again. In your pics I can't really see your crown, but it would seem you have general mild thinning. I don't know what you have in mind, but you might want to consider just improving your hairline/temple area and leave the areas that already have hair alone for now. Also your hair already looks pretty good. My honest opinion.
  13. I think the worst FUE scarring I've ever seen still makes the typical FUT scar look bad... the human eye picks up long straight lines like a 100x easier than small dots. The thing with FUE is, even if your hair is short enough and someone manages to even see white dots, they will likely think absolutely nothing of it. Whereas with a FUT scar, "Wow what happened to him??"
  14. If you draw a Venn Diagram of what FUE and FUT can accomplish, the portion of the FUT circle that is not overlapped by FUE would be very very small. And in that sliver where the circles did not overlap, I would call that the "a HT is not worth it" category. Again, just my opinion... but this is why I don't understand. I would advise someone with good laxity, lower donor density, and greater current or future loss, to... still have FUE done. Maybe with less grafts, or be more strategic with the placing of transplanted hair. But what looks more unnatural, donor areas that might appear thin (probably no less thin the the recipient area), or a long linear scar that creates a noticeable and unnatural rift? The hair density on the entire scar is 0.
  15. I've seen many FUT scars from highly recommended doctors on this site that make me cringe, even the best surgeons have limited control on how well the closure of such a large incision will ultimately turn out. I agree wonderful results can be achieved with either, but FUT is a huge unnecessary risk in my opinion. Honestly, advanced norwoods are generally not good candidates for hair transpants. Also, it is my opinion that if you need so many of your grafts that FUT is necessary, you shouldn't do it. If you HAVE to cut out ALL the grafts from a section of your head to obtain the number of grafts you need, and FUE couldn't provide that without looking unnatural, you've gone too far. A large linear scar on the back of your head also does not look natural... yes, you might be one of the lucky few that has a nice scar, or you could have a result like the OP and so many others. Risk vs reward.
  16. Interesting. Too bad though it doesn't elaborate on what the side effects were or the severity for the 7 subjects (5.9%), or how many of those 7 quit the study.
  17. Why is that? To save money? Make the doctor's job easier? I'd much rather pay more, risk a slightly less yield, and even spread the operation out over multiple days to avoid FUT.
  18. Interesting case, bringing forward the sideburns that much was super aggressive. It looks good but at the same time is sort of bizarre on someone his age. I'm not positive, but looking at his before and afters I think he had additional cosmetic surgeries. I would guess a facelift and blepharoplasty (eyes).
  19. I've read many rationalizatons from both posters and doctors about the appropriateness of FUT over FUE, but I still do not understand why anyone who actually understood the differences would still choose FUT. Ever. It's saddening to read about people who underwent a FUT and did not fully understand the implications, not just because they didn't know any better but also because in most cases their doctor perpetuated the misunderstanding.
  20. An impressive amount of realestate covered for only 1090 units, and it looks pretty natural for his age.
  21. I don't even know where to begin... this is just hilarious
  22. Looks like you never had a procedure? Well, at least you're back to looking like your terrible self again! No but in all seriousness this is completely normal. I'm surprised questions like this are asked after the fact of an HT. I guess some people just don't do research.
  23. Looks great. Haven't seen the video yet but hopefully there's some close ups of the scar in there.
  24. Perfect results eh? Zoom in. Enhance. Actually, graft #752 is off angle by 4 degrees to the right. Unacceptable. No this does look very good actually. The pictures are well taken and display the fantastic result. But despite the technical achievement of the HT, I think (from the limited part I can see) she looked better pre-op.
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