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Everything posted by Marvin

  1. They prescribe Propecia even for guys who are completely bald on the top of their heads. If it can make you stop at NW6 rather than NW7, that is still valuable.
  2. Don't worry about shedding. If you don't take finasteride, you are going to lose that hair anyway.
  3. I'm also extremely interested in the question of predicting one's final NW number, for selfish reasons of wanting to know my eventual fate. Do we have even anecdotal evidence that some doctor can share?
  4. So do we know about the different "brands" of generic finasteride? The first time I ordered from quality-rx I got "French Remedies", but now I got "Sunrise".
  5. Good luck, Drew. You guys who do these procedures with higher levels of loss are a big inspiration.
  6. That's a pretty common pattern for hair loss on the crown.
  7. He mentions taking "fin", which could be finasteride, in which case he should be fine assuming it is a full dosage. Taking vitamins, supplements, etc. will do a lot of good for your body and your health, but I'm not sure what precisely it will do for your hair. Does "hair quality" really matter when you only have a half-ring of hair around your crown?
  8. How quickly did you start having side effects?
  9. Bald men have always looked less intelligent to me. I think it's an innate thing for me to see baldness that way, as I've continued to assume that bald men are less intelligent even when I realized I would eventually go bald, and even when I started going bald. This is obviously a major reason why I am at this forum trying to do something about it.
  10. Mine from QualityRX are the same, except they are red/orange instead of white.
  11. OK, so I still don't have any side effects. But I think I may be shedding now. Is it totally abnormal for shedding to start after one month? Perhaps it's just fake, and this is my hair loss just naturally accelerating as I get older.
  12. I have been taking fin from QualityRX for about a month now. I considered both 4RX and QualityRX, and ultimately went with QualityRX because there were more positive reviews of it on the internet. Of course, those reviews could be put up by the company itself, or it could be paying a web rankings company to push good reviews to the front. I am a bit concerned that it is fake, because I haven't experienced any side effects yet. I know that one month is absolutely too soon to tell whether its been working yet in terms of anything else.
  13. I know a guy who looks like a NW2 from the front, but from the back he is a NW6 who is clearly advancing to NW7. It can definitely hit the back heavier than the front, and go on for a while that way.
  14. Yeah, I have two issues with this post. First, you're assuming that the only reason anyone would ever want to fight hair loss is to attract women. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm fighting hair loss because I don't like the way that I would look bald, not because of what anyone else would think of me. It's about ME ME ME. Second, you assume that you would only want to fight hair loss if you are insecure about your baldness. I disagree. If you want a raise, does this mean that you are insecure about your current salary? Not necessarily. As human beings, we instinctively want MORE MORE MORE, this doesn't mean that we're insecure with what we already have.
  15. If Rogaine does cause some hair loss in the front, what do you really lose? You'll lose that hair anyway if you don't take anything.
  16. I have never used Rogaine, but one of my good friends in college used it for about three years before quiting out of frustration. Looking at him, it did not seem to do it any good -- he lost more hair than I did over the same period, and I was taking nothing at the time.
  17. Just the other day, Facebook informed me that one of hottest girls I know was now in a relationship. I looked at their pictures together and the guy is well on his way to NW3 (in the front at least). One floor below me in the building I live in is an NW6 with a very hot girlfriend too. Remember, the reason that we are all going bald is that somewhere down the line, a guy with a gene for baldness reproduced.
  18. Well, my concern is that if there are no side effects, it may not be genuine. I agree though, it would be ideal if it were both genuine and resulted in no side effects.
  19. I wonder if there is a combination effect. There is lots of baldness on both sides of my family, just not extreme baldness. Pretty much everyone is an NW4 or NW5. I wonder if I'll be like everyone else, or if the fact that I get it from both sides means I am headed for NW7.
  20. Lots of loss early and then stoppage at the early 30's seems to be the common story for NW6's.
  21. So I have been taking this for about three weeks now, and have felt just about zero side effects. Perhaps a bad sign?
  22. Maybe your mother passed you something from her mother's side? I know lots of guys in their 20's who already have less hair than their fathers who have been going bald for decades.
  23. Why not just admit it? If people are going to notice anyway, you will get extra points for being honest and not trying to deny the obvious. If your industry is aggressive, they might even respect you for taking the "Yeah, I got a hair transplant. You got a problem with that, punk?" approach.
  24. I'll start taking it tomorrow morning. With or without food? Can I take it with water?
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