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  1. The ache seems to move around and fluctuate--at times, it's more in my lower back, other times, it's my testicles, prostate area, or sometimes in my penis. What gets me is that the symptoms started up so suddenly--prior to that I was having no issues, and I've been on Propecia for a couple of years. I do suspect the drug may be a contributing factor, but I also think perhaps frequently pinching my testicles may have also aggravated it--as I said, that seems to be when it started.
  2. Thanks for the response…yeah, I know in terms of the risks, sexual dysfunction is one of the biggies… I don’t yet seem to have difficulty getting an erection, but I know that may not always be the case. I’m not very sexually active (not something I’m proud of, but alas, that’s been the reality of my life), I can’t say that’s number one on my hierarchy of concerns at this point. Though I can see how it could create potential problems down the road. My more pressing concern is whether or not these symptoms could mean anything life threatening. I’ve always been aware that testicular ache is a side effect of the drug, so if that’s all I were experiencing, then it would be more easily explainable. But I haven’t been able to find much information about whether or not aches in the prostate area and lower back can be side effects as well. However, those are definitely known symptoms of a prostate condition. So far, the doctor says he couldn’t find anything wrong with me, but I’m wondering if the drug might be masking whatever condition I may have, as well as perhaps being the cause. I read that propecia shrinks the prostate, so even if there was something wrong, maybe the doctor just couldn’t tell by a standard examination? I already made an appointment with my doctor next week, so hopefully I’ll eventually be able to get to the bottom of it. If it turns out to be life threatening, then my decision will pretty much be made for me.
  3. I’m a 32 year old guy, and have been taking Propecia for, I think, a little over two years. After weighing the risks and benefits, I made the decision to go on it. For the first several months I was on the drug, I occasionally got mild testicular ache, but it eventually went away. After that, I had no real problems or side effects. But now, for the past several weeks, the testicular ache seems to have come back. I’m not in excruciating pain by any means, and it doesn’t interfere with my daily life, but I am worried about it. I’m also noticing a dull ache in my prostate area, as well as in my lower back. I recently went to see my doctor for a routine physical, and told him about the symptoms I’d been having. I also told him I’d been on Propecia for several years. The doctor told me I might have a prostate infection, but when he examined me, he said everything felt normal, and he couldn’t find anything wrong. The only thing he suggested was that I start wearing a jock strap for some kind of support. I’ve been trying it, and so far, it hasn’t really made much of a difference. Anyway, I’m wondering if these symptoms could be side effects of Propecia, and if so, how alarmed should I be about them? Are they serious? It’s worrying me, because I don’t really know what it the problem is. I thought for certain the doctor would say it is a prostate infection, because the symptoms are so similar, yet it’s strange that he found everything to be normal. Of course, it probably goes without saying, I’m worried it could be something even more serious as well. I also find it strange that I’ve been taking the drug, problem free for two years, and now all of a sudden, it seems to be acting up. The only thing I can think of that I’ve been doing different lately is that last month, I was going through a phase where I was worried about getting testicular cancer, and was checking myself excessively for lumps, sometimes three or more times a day (I ultimately didn’t find anything). During this time, I was pinching, poking and squeezing that area perhaps a little more than I should have, and maybe that somehow could’ve caused an inflammation in my prostate area. Pretty much the week after I stopped, I started noticing the symptoms I am currently having. I mentioned this to my doctor too, however he couldn’t give me a definite answer on whether or not this was a factor. I don’t really know what to do. I would rather not stop taking Propecia, if I have any other option, but if it comes down to that, I’m afraid I might be forced to make a difficult decision.
  4. About a month or two ago, I started noticing my heart would beat a little fast at times, and also around the same time, I started noticing a cramp or tightness on the left side of my chest. The symptoms were not anything severe, nor were they constant, but I’m not the type of person to let something like that go, so I went to see my physician. I got an EKG, which came out perfectly normal, and he ordered a stress test (i.e. running on a treadmill while having your heart rate monitored) My doctor also said my blood pressure was excellent. I haven’t yet heard back about the results of the stress test (although I imagine I would’ve heard back by now, if something was wrong). Today, I looked on my bottle of Rogaine, and it said that some of the side-effects are chest pain and rapid (or irregular) heartbeat, and that I should contact my doctor immediately if this occurs. This concerned me. At the time of my doctor’s visit, it never crossed my mind that this could be a cause, or I certainly would’ve brought it up with him. Anyway, I searched on-line and found very little about what those side-effects actually were an indication of, other than a relaxation of blood vessels. But could I actually be doing serious damage to my heart? Could Rogaine kill me? I really don’t want to stop using it if I don’t have to; I’ve been using Rogaine foam for several years now with no problems (along with Propecia), and it seems to have worked the way it’s supposed to. Up until now, it also gave me some peace of mind, which is definitely important to me. I always try to be careful to wash my hands immediately after using. However, I did read you should apply it to a completely dry scalp to prevent excess absorption, so that may possibly be the mistake I’m making (I usually do it after showering). I’m due for a routine physical anyway, so I’ll make sure to bring it up with my doctor then. But in the meantime, I’m just wondering if anyone might be able to give me an idea of how concerned I should really be about this.
  5. I've been on Propecia since the beginning of this year, and have been using Rogaine Foam for 4 months, mostly on my hairline. The hair specialist I've been seeing told me I should start noticing hair growth results at around this time. I really haven't noticed any difference, but I'm not too concerned about that. I have enough hair that lack of regrowth really isn't much of an issue for me, at least not yet. However, I'm starting to wonder if my hair loss might be getting worse. I seem to notice a few more hairs coming out of my head than before, usually when I run my fingers through, or when applying the Rogaine. Often, they are the really thin, fine hairs, but not always. Sometimes they look to be of normal thickness. I know Rogaine can cause shedding, but in my case, it doesn't seem severe enough to be a shed. I don't have a pile of hair on my pillow when I wake up in the morning, and there really isn't a visible difference in my hair's appearance. So I'm not sure--am I shedding, or is my hair loss simply getting worse, despite efforts to treat it?
  6. The thing I'm most concerned about with the sides is that while it's generally understood testicular ache and erectile disfunction are side effects of the medication, which to me are annoying at most (although I understand they can be devastating to some), there seems to be little information about what the underlying cause is. Ignoring it would be the easy thing for me to do, but I'm aware that pain in general is the body's natural way of signaling that something isn't right. If I'm doing some kind of damage to my body, then of course I should stop. My main concern is that playing around too much with the dosage could actually accelerate the hair loss, and end up becoming more severe than if I'd never gone on the drug at all. My hair loss, if any, was mild to begin with. Apart from maybe some recession along the hairline and temples (and it's tough to say how much, since I've only really been paying attention since last year), I still have a pretty full head of hair. So I'd like to get a bit more info on the effects before I decide to cut my dosage or go off it altogether. Has anyone actually noticed more severe or accelerated hair loss after going off the drug or cutting their dosage? I know everyone's different, but I'd just like to know if that kind of effect is typical or not.
  7. I know about what Propecia does and how it works, and I went into it knowing what the risks were. I decided to try it anyway, because personally, I have more peace of mind knowing I'm doing something to keep my hair, than keep my sex drive (although I haven't been noticing much difference there either, so far). Sure, if I had a choice, I'd keep both, but everything has a price. I know there a lot of guys who wouldn't be able to relate to my decision, but everyone is different. My concern is more with my health overall. I'm willing to consider the option of going off it, or maybe lowering my dosage, however, I've heard that going off the drug afer having been on it a while causes accelerated hair loss. My hair loss was never that severe, and so far, my hairline appears to be holding steady, so I fear messing with the dosage may have adverse effects. Maybe I shouldn't have gone on the drug to begin with, but nonetheless, I've already started, and what's done is done. So my question is about what the best option is right now, going forward. I may consider seeing a dermatologist and have him lower my dosage. I also have an appointment with a hair physician in two months, so I can ask what my options are. If he tells me I have no other option than to continue exactly as I'm doing, then I guess I'll have reason to be suspect of his opinion. But till then, I'm just looking for feedback on the best way to move forward at this point. I've only been on it 5 months, so nothing's set in stone just yet.
  8. I've been on Propecia for about 5 months now, and for the first few weeks I was on it, I started having mild testicular pain, which I understand is a known side effect of the drug, but it eventually went away. However, it recently came back. I can't recall exactly when it started back up again, but I'm guessing probably a month ago. I hate going into private details, but I should probably mention that I noticed the side effects seemed to come back during a week where I masturbated a bit more frequently than usual, though certainly not excessively. Lately, I really haven't done it at all, yet the sides still continue. Apologies if this is too much information. The other thing I'm noticing is that my chest (nipples) seems to be a little more sensitive than it was before, though I haven't noticed any change in appearance, nor have I found any lumps. The sides aren't severe enough to interfere with my day-to-day functioning; they're more or less just a nuisance. But I am worried that they could be symptoms of something more. What if the drug is affecting my system in more serious ways than I'm aware of? I really don't want to have to go off the drug if I don't have to, because that might create a whole separate set of issues. If given a choice, I'd really rather just ride this out. But...if the drug is doing more harm to my body than good in the long term, then I think that's probably important to know. I feel kinda stuck on what I should do. Are these side effects something I should be concerned about?
  9. What do I lose? I lose hair! Yes, I'd probably lose it anyway if I didn't take anything. But I am currently on Propecia. I'd like to slow the process down as much as I can, which hopefully the Propecia is helping to do. The question is will I be helping or hurting the situation by adding Rogaine.
  10. Thanks. I'm not necessarily concerned with improving the hairline (although that would be nice)--I'm mainly interested in maintaining what I have. As it stands right now, I'm reasonably comfortable with the way my hair looks. It may be starting to recede a bit, but I can hide it pretty easily. It's difficult to tell whether the propecia is working, but from what I can tell so far, at least it appears to be doing no harm. If the issue was with my crown, I'd be a little less apprehensive to try Rogaine, because that's what it's meant for. But since the info regarding Rogaine on the hairline appears to be a bit iffy and inconclusive, I'm a little worried that adding it to my regimen might be pressing my luck. I guess my main question is (preferably to those who have or are currently using the combination of Propecia and Rogaine for their frontal area), can Rogaine possibly make the condition worse? Can you actually lose hair on it? Also I've heard about the possibility of Rogaine causing shedding. I'm wondering what I should expect with this? Is it very common? And is it typically noticeable to others? How long does it typically last? I'm planning on starting Rogaine in two days, so I'd just like to have as much info as I can before I start.
  11. This past year, I have noticed my hairline just beginning to recede. No hair loss in the vertex. I'm 30 years old. I was prescribed Propecia by a dermatologist, which I've been using since February. I also went for a consultation with a hair loss physician for a second opinion. Along with the Propecia, the hair loss doctor recommended Rogaine foam, which I haven't started using yet. I decided to go on Propecia with the understanding that even if it doesn't help me grow more hair, it would at least help me keep what I have. But the hair loss physician (who claims to be an expert on Propecia), said it wouldn't stop hair loss at all in the front, only the vertex. He said to start using Rogaine along with the Propecia would yield the best results. I purchased a bottle of Rogaine foam with 5% minoxidil. But the label clearly states that Rogaine is not to be used for frontal hairloss. So I don't know what to believe. I'm already on a drug (Propecia) that I've been told won't do any good where I need it to (and that I've heard may cause other long-term complications), and I'm apprehensive about starting the Rogaine, for fear that it might just make things even worse. It seems like I'm not getting the whole truth. So I would really like to know, if anyone can give me the answer??¦is Rogaine safe to use in the frontal scalp? If so, why would the company claim that it is not? And why would the doctor recommend it to me anyway? I don't know whether or not he might purposely be giving me the wrong information, so I'll have to keep going back. Am I being overly cynical here? But mainly I would like to know, does Rogaine typically help with the frontal hairline? Or is this just in rare cases? I know results vary from person to person, but I'd at least like to know that I've got a reasonable chance of benefiting from the treatment before I start anything (and that it won't instead just make it worse). Advice appreciated.
  12. I'm glad I didn't have the Internet when I started taking finasteride ten years ago or I'd be pretty concerned, too. I've never had any side effects (no shedding, no testicular pain, no impotence) and I'm sure most of the reported side effects are purely psychological. We're all guys and we all know that men can get paranoid when the subject is sexual potency. You're 29 years old, so this is probably a good time to start taking finasteride (I started taking it in my early 20s), if you really are suffering from MPB. It's a bit strange that you are not sure about your condition. Are you experiencing shedding? Is your pillow covered with hair in the morning? Do you think you're losing more than 100-150 hairs every day? Is your hairline receding? I'm sure it isn't psychological--I've had a mild ache down there since the first day of being on the meds, and it seems I haven't been able to "get it up" either. True, some guys seem to be deeply concerned with their sexual functioning, but it really isn't that big a deal to me. The way things are going at this point in my personal life, I doubt I'll be having sex anytime soon anyway. I'd rather be impotent than bald. I just bring it up because I think it's a significant detail, and also because I find it strange how they say there are only 2 percent of men who supposedly experience those effects. Either I'm part of that rare 2 percent, or there's a greater percentage than the data shows. So who knows in what other ways my body will react to the stuff? The reason why I'm not sure about my condition, is because I really hadn't paid much attention to my hairline until recently. So I don't know when it started or how much I had to begin with. I used to have longer hair, so it was never that obvious. It wasn't until one day I decided to examine my hairline, that I started to suspect something might be going on. But I don't think I'm quite a NW2 yet, and my hair is still quite thick on top. So it's really hard to say. When my hair was longer, more hair used to come out onto my comb and in the sink. But I was also combing, brushing and blowdrying extensively. Now I don't comb or brush it, and I either let it dry on its own, or blowdry it minimally. I still notice some hairs on my hand (maybe about 4 or 5) when I shampoo, but other than that, no major shedding I've noticed. So I don't know whether or not being on this medication is just going to make things worse. I also don't know whether getting *off* this medication will make things worse. I'm really stuck on where to go from here.
  13. I'm a 29 year old guy. This past year, I thought I was starting to notice some receding of my hairline and temples. I've had my hair shaggy for about 5 years, so I really can't say for sure when it started, or how much I've actually lost. I recently got my hair cut shorter, so I can see what's actually going on up there. I thought it might be the beginning of male pattern baldness, so I decided to see a dermatologist to find out about possible treatment. She prescribed me Propecia, and as of this writing, I've been on it for about a week. During this time, I've been scouring the internet to find out more info about Propecia, and I'm pretty concerned about what I've read so far. There's the sexual side effects, of course, but that isn't even the worst of it, in my opinion. What I'm really concerned about is the periodic hair shedding that I've read is likely to occur every few months or so. I went on the drug to *prevent* balding, not keep going bald over and over again. What does 'shedding' even look like? Is it typically enough for others to notice? Will I start getting my hair all over other people's furniture? Will I have to wear a hat all the time? Haven't been able to find much further info about the specifics of 'shedding' but it's something I really want to know about. I recently called the dermatologist, and she said that Propecia will *not* cause shedding, which is the opposite of everything I've read. So I don't know what to believe. I'm starting to have second thoughts about whether I'm even losing my hair. There's a chance I may simply have a so-called 'mature' hairline. My hair is definitely thick--in fact, I think I'm just about due to get it cut. Plus, I style it forward, so it really isn't noticeable to anyone but me. I'm actually pretty satisfied with my hair the way it is now. My reason for deciding to take Propecia was not to regrow hair, but to simply maintain what I have. But now I'm wondering if I've made things more complicated for myself by having gone on the drug in the first place. My question is, is there such a thing as taking Propecia too early? By taking it, could I actually be doing more harm to my hair (and the rest of me) than good? Especially if I'm not 100 percent sure I've got MPB. I know if I really am losing my hair, and the drug works the way it's supposed to, it should prevent me from losing any further hair (at least that's what I initially thought). But if I start shedding excessively, I worry it may not all grow back like it's supposed to. I may lose more hair on Propecia than if I never took it at all. However, I'm reluctant to stop taking it, because even though I've only been on it for a week, it's already in my system. Ever since I started, I've been experiencing some mild testicular pain, so it appears my hormones have already been affected. I don't know what kind of weirdness might occur if I stopped altogether. I may start losing my hair even faster than before. And if I ever decided to go back on it again, it may not work for me anymore. But whatever I decide, I have to do it soon. Otherwise, from what I understand, I'll have to take it for life in order to keep my hair. So I think it's easy enough to understand my dilemma. What should I do? Any advice would be much appreciated. And apologies for my long-windedness.
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