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Everything posted by Torip

  1. Try using little Dermmatch on the back and the sides...so that even with very short hair, you wouldn't see the effects of FUE.
  2. Your donor hair on the back seems to be healed well, without any signs over usage of the donor hair. BTW..or you on Finasteride? You seem to be getting some hair on the frontal..not sure whether it is the transplanted hair or your natural hair.
  3. Decent result..considering your large hair loss and weak donor. At least it is much better than Dr. Radha's procedure.
  4. I personally liked Toppik fiberhold spray as it was giving me shiny and non-dry look. However it doesn't keep hair so strong to stay in place. Though any hair spray could stick the fibers to hair, many cause dry hair and damage.
  5. My advice to you is... Continue with fin for a longer time...in my case it took about 1.5 yrs for the brain fog to go away. Also regularly take Omega 3 supplement for sharper brain. Also use Merk branded Proscar and not generics. I battled with brain fog and my desperation to keep my hair for 2-3 years. Finally continuing to use Merk proscar for a long duration got rid of my brainfog.
  6. Thanks for the update. You have had a good growth. Try using Toppik for even thicker hair. Also reconsider your decision on using Finasteride. You could go for a second HT, with focus on thickening the front and mid scalp and also some in the crown. After your second HT with FUT, you could go for a FUE for the final touches.
  7. My suggestion to you is to consult with Dr. Path and may be go for a FUT. Sure your depleted donor will play a part, but I guess Dr. Path with his scientific methods would able to estimate donor yield. Though this HT didn't workout for you, on the positive side you seem to be having a relatively smaller balding area compared to many NW5 s. In my opinion filling your frontal and mid scalp would change your look completely and you would be as normal as anyone else. Considering the hit or miss results with FUE, I don't think you should be choosing another FUE. With high reliability of FUT combined with a doc like Dr. Path you might be feeling totally normal in an year from now. Good luck.
  8. I heard of a case of death from HT, in a relatively small town in India, from my hair dresser. Apparently the patient got severe infection or something after HT and died from it. I am not sure whether the HT was done by a licensed medical practitioner. From what the hair dresser was saying it didn't appear like a legitimate doctor. Perhaps a nurse or a technician with some expertise in HT.
  9. I buy my proscar from candadrugs.com. Seems alright to me so far.
  10. So..These results are without you being on Finasteride? If so, they are outstanding...
  11. Why don't you please upload few pictures of the current status of your hair? This would show how HT would look few years down the line. Thanks.
  12. Start taking Finasteride if you are not in it yet. If you are taking Finasteride then may it is the shedding phase before it starts to regrow. Also try to reduce your stress levels if for some reason you are coming under too much stress.
  13. I am sorry to hear about your bad experience with Dr. Bhatti. On the other hand you seem to be having a plenty of donor to cover your bald spots. The red flags you have seen with Dr. Bhatti are probably typical with many Indian doctors like, not honoring consultation times, not remembering your case well etc. They seem to be not having so much concern and respect for patients compared to their counter parts in developed countries. Of all the red flags probably some could be forgiven but others like inviting a second patient while he was with you rushing the procedure cannot be ignored. It is not a secret that Dr. Bhatti is highly commercial and probably performs multiple procures a day and thus rushes himself and his technicians. Regarding temple restoration from what I have seen so far Dr. Bhatti is not so good. Raj_Jayukdht and dragonfly2014 both had unnatural temple restoration results from Dr. Bhatti. I do not think your further frontal hair loss is due to finasteride but progression of the natural balding process. Fin does a little to keep frontal hair compared to the crown hair.
  14. Thanks for the update. It would be great if you could post just after the Op pics to show where and how dense the grafts are placed. If you hadn't taken any pics...perhaps you could ask Dr. Bhatti.
  15. Thanks for posting your experience with Minox. Hmm...looks like Minox indeed works a little bit.
  16. Your hair looks natural and I don't think that anyone could tell it is a HT. Your coverage is not bad for 4k grafts provided all the hair on your scalp is transplanted hair. If there significant amount of native hair as well then it would be a different story. I guess you could go for another FUE may be this time with a turkish doc, if $$ is a concern for you to fill up your hair line and crown. Besides, try using Toppik to give a better look.
  17. That is a really long time on propecia. Your case could be used as an example for long term efficacy of the drug. It would be great if you could post some chronological pictures along with your story.
  18. It would be good if the doc could post pictures just after the transplant. From these pictures it is hard to say whether the growth on mid scalp is due to the transplant or drugs.
  19. Looks like she transplanted dense enough to give a good appearance. With 4k grafts she covered a pretty large area as well. Do you know what is the total bald area on your head and how much of it is transplanted now? Besides what is the avg grafts/cm2 for this procedure? Should look good once the hair grows. It would be great if you could post the pics taken at the clinic by Dr. Radha. Good luck and keep your post updated
  20. Thanks for posting here. Please keep your results updated.
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