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Everything posted by Gary1911A1

  1. Glad I found this old thread. Still excited about Dr. Wesley's Scarless FUE Method especially when used with beard hair. Hope we get an update from Dr. Wesley soon.
  2. So far the results look good. Hope there's no scaring to the face.
  3. Thanks. I'll be checking it out.
  4. Perhaps when Dr. Wesley gets his Scarless FUE approved removing beard hair from the face won't be a problem. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167243-dr-wesley-scarless-fue.html
  5. I can't seem to get it to work either.
  6. Yes, plus with the hope of scare less FUE becoming possible in the near future maybe more hair can be transplanted from the face to the head.
  7. Thanks for posting. I didn't know chest hairs would grow longer and thicker on the head. Makes me glad I have a lot of chest hairs. I think you are looking good after five months and hope it fills in to your expectations.
  8. Sadly it has seen to be the same to me too. They can clone a whole sheep, but not hair.:confused:
  9. I would like to think with time the cost would come down, but I'll be the first to admit I don't understand the procedure.:confused:
  10. How about trying that new fake ciigareete that just blows steam?
  11. Very impressive. I understand most men have between 8000 to 10000 hairs in their beard so he may have more hair for additional work.
  12. At your age I'd try to wait for some promising advances to hair cloning, but it's your decision.
  13. Looks promising. I hope you can provide us with a follow up to the patient improvement in 4 more months.
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