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Everything posted by Gary1911A1

  1. Very nice. Doctor you are on my short list of surgeons I plan to use in the future.
  2. If true I hope it will allow beard hair to be placed on the head. I understand the typical male beard has 8 to 10,000 hairs that are thicker than the average hair on the top of the head.
  3. If true good for us all. I'd pay $35,000 for a full head of hair, but there are a lot of scams out there so I'll wait until it's a approved technique.
  4. Don't understand much of what you're doing there, but I look forward to your report.
  5. I'm impressed he didn't buzz your head. Could you tell us more about the PRR/ACell?
  6. Hope you have made the breakthrough using plucked hair and doubling it. How much do you charge for this in USA Dollars?
  7. I know what you mean. People post pictures, but it seems if all of them show some degree of facial growth of hair as if to hide scaring.
  8. I have my doubts too otherwise several rich Americans would be beating a path to his door and even if they didn't want to say so, several male actors would be appearing with a lot more hair on their heads.
  9. 10,000 plus grafts. Did any of thieves grafts come from other parts of the body besides the head?
  10. My experience too. I went and had a sexy acting girl try to sell me as much as she could. I wouldn't let them touch me.
  11. If scarless then it would seem to make it possible to transplant beard hair to the balding spots on the head.
  12. I have never been out of the USA, but if I'm convinced a doctor outside the USA can provide mr with more hair then I'm more than willing to travel.
  13. I think you will need to see it in person as pictures and film are two deminisiional and not three deminisiional when seen in person with the human eye.
  14. Nice results. If none of the various hair cloning processes don't come along soon, I won't care if my hair is grey on top as long as I have hair. I'll just dye it.
  15. Did you get work on your crown too? I say that as I saw scabs back there in your first picture. I'm no expert, but it looks pretty good to me.
  16. From the picture of the mice in the video it does seem the hair grows which every way. Maybe they will be able to grow hair in the lab and then in plant it so it grows in the desirable direction?
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