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Everything posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. Right. I've noticed a lot of men in their 50's-60's losing their hair too. Seems it isn't only in the early years for some MPB. rats!
  2. Hope the scar gets better with time! It's a shame that the HT procedure is still producing scars like this on people. Just seems so backwards. Hope in the next few years this will be completely outdated by solid FUE with high yield. Sorry to say you might have to look into revision. But wait until 12 months. It still might smooth out a bit.
  3. Looks a little sparse up front post HT but it's hard to tell, the after pics are too far away. p.s. how about putting your logo on the side or bottom...
  4. Yea seriously. Concealer. Look at those first pics. Its a straight black line.
  5. No way! she was a beautiful beach girl from Corsica....and she told it like it was. We stayed together for years, though I think her new guy is about a NW +1 (rats!)
  6. Still much more posts/concerns about FUT scars. No?
  7. I remember when I was 26. My girfriend at the time woke up one morning, turned to me, looked up at my hair and said "You know you will be bald when you are older". Oh man that hurt.
  8. Think about how many posts you've read about stretched scars, scar repair, scar regrets -VS- how many FUE repair, regrets, etc. 100 to 1.
  9. Great result. you must be thrilled! How is your scar looking/feeling? Is it noticeable now?
  10. FUT or FUE? more pics would be helpful.
  11. That's nice to hear. If the assistants are going to be doing parts of the operation that could potentially matter we should know about them. How long they have been working there etc. If not we are driving partially blind it seems.
  12. This logic does make sense. (A person could potentially get the scar repaired, but that doesn't seem like much fun)
  13. This result is great with the amount of grafts! I would like to see the back of his head though. He's wearing his hair pretty short back there. Dr. Konior seems like a TOP choice for natural looking hairlines. But as we all know there are more factors that come into play when dealing with possible scar stretching than the Doctor, even at the top level.
  14. Maybe:Why does he think it he gets such good results? How does he combat fatigue? (he does most of the work himself ..right?) I guess I still wonder about that thought that in Spain the people's hair is generally thick...but I dont know how you could ask that. Maybe "How is it different to work on thick/thin hair?" Great threads. congrats!
  15. I would have to agree with that. That's a risky way to look at it. A patient wont know if they are being worked on by long-term experienced techs who have been there for years or someone new who is still learning (and making mistakes). I think the high cost of FUE should include at least the doctor there watching the placement. This is seriously expensive and can effect a person for the rest of his/her life. The doctor should at least be there to oversee the whole procedure. Seriously.
  16. yea. That doesnt really look natural. I think you should move on to another recommended doctor now and try to get this repaired. Dr. Kiely seems behind the curve.
  17. Straight answer- yes. it looks like it was. Sorry to see your going through this Torip. Hope you can find a way to repair the scar and move on. Its sad to see scars like this and I know that they aren't all bad but we never know who will get a pencil thin scar and who wont. seems like a big gamble. Looks like FUE is the only smart answer. rats! just when I was leaning towards FUT again.... All the best Torip. Hope you get to a place where you are comfortable again.
  18. Amazing. FUT results without the scar!! Everyone's dream. Good to see.
  19. Great thread. In my opinion a tech will always have less experience than the doctor and some may be better than others. There is no way to know who is good and who is less artistic/precise/really loves their job. We just have no info on the techs and if we are seriously relying on them for our results we better take that into consideration. Also they may be coming and going. You could potentially set up a HT date 6 months down the line, check all the techs, and by the time of your OP one tech could have moved on with a new one there to take their place. It has to happen sometimes and the techs must have a learning curve. Seems smarter to go with a TOP doc who does it all himself... if possible.
  20. Are you serious? This looks AMAZING!! It looks 100% natural. WOW. Do you have any pics from the back and sides with your new haircut? Does it look 100% natural to you?
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