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Everything posted by MAGNUMpi

  1. You're doing the right things and asking the right questions. Just be sure you dont rush anything. keep looking at threads and take your time. Good luck.
  2. wow your scar in photo #3 looked really unbearable. Im glad you went to a good doctor and are taking steps to clear everything up. How big was your first procedure? did the scar stretch or was it just always big? your new hairline looks great.
  3. NIce! he wont be wearing his hair short like that again but he might never want to with all that new hair. Looks really good.
  4. Very nice. Its looks like you transplanted around his existing hairs. Were those hairs miniaturizing at the time? or did you decide that his loss was pretty much stable at that point. I have heard that after about 5 years the hairs around the transplanted hair "usually" will be lost leaving a thinned out appearance but this does not seem to be the case here. How did you proceed?
  5. anyone have a list of the doctors that do use this blade still?
  6. anyone have a list of the doctors that do use this blade still?
  7. Hi Guys, I was wondering about the correct form of action for transplanting into a weak (miniaturizing) frontal 3rd. Would a good doctor basically wipe out all those hairs. transplanting over the old hair that will obviously be lost eventually? Or would a good doctor try to transplant around them even though not far down the line the old hair will fall, leaving just the transplanted hairs standing and a need for more procedures? Thats what Im facing now: A slowly miniaturizing frontal 3rd that would look strange with a thick new hairline (hairs from back are thicker) because just behind the new transplanted hair it would look thin, and I noticed the hairs parts easily due to the thinner hair. What do you guys think? M.
  8. This is a very intense post. Some good points. Hope you get your situation sorted out and can walk away happy in the end. I'm going to read your post again now. Thanks for posting.
  9. Cant we all just get along? (naw just joking). Looks like some people get bad results with FUT, and some people get bad results from FUE regardless of going to the best doctors in the world. I guess the only question then depends on an individuals needs, and weighing the possible trouble they "might" get into going forward into a HT. From reading the forums I see a LOT more people who have trouble with their FUT scars than FUE scaring. A LOT MORE. In my mind it seems FUE is a safer bet (though more expensive for sure). I wish we had some real stats on this stuff. Anyway thanks guys. I respect both your opinions very much.
  10. I was wondering if someone has a big stretched scar is it noticeable when your hair is grown out? I always hear that you cant shave down but what if you like your hair a bit longer in back (2 inches+)?
  11. You wouldn't be able to shave your head again because there would be a big scar across it if you go FUT. If you look good with a shaved head I would say, walk away. Save your money and a lot of worries. If you do decide to go for a HT, go with a GREAT doctor and know that you will probably need multiple operations to be looking solid. Read around this form a LOT and dont rush anything. Good luck.
  12. I agree. I think BrianR didn't really understand your post. My opinion is that it's good to hear the truth from people with experience like you. The positive and the negative are both equally important. We're all here to learn. Thanks.
  13. Hi nativerendies, This occurred because your native hair thinned more over the last 5 years, not because the transplanted hairs were bad or lost, right?
  14. I would like to see this grown out a bit to see how it lays. This guy should be wearing his hair longer for sure.
  15. But isn't it true that you can get more grafts with FUT in general than FUE or is that just factoring in the possible lower FUE yield? Thanks man.
  16. Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone out there knows if Dr. Bisanga is very flexible with his hairlines? I am looking for something more "V" shaped than what I normally see from his patients. Any one out there with a hairline less round and more "V" shaped from him? (like this):
  17. Yea it seems smart. I read so many of these write ups and it's always " the doctor took all the grafts out, then we took a break, then the assistants placed them, end day". I for instance need about 2000+ grafts now for hairline (NW3 A) but I've had 2 Doctors tell me I will probably progress to NW5 in time. They said I have good donor density and should have enough grafts to cover everything I might need. Should I go for FUE knowing I will need more in the future?
  18. I was wondering why if the downsides of FUE seem to come from the fact that the grafts are out in the air too long and possible transections why don't the doctors work like this: 1. Do 100-200 grafts (lets say) 2. take a break while assistants place those grafts 3. do 100-200 more etc. This would reduce the time the grafts are out in the open and also because the doctor would be better rested it would cut down on mistakes and transections. Seems simple. What do you guys think?
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