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Everything posted by KO

  1. HT doctors don't have the background to contribute to mpb research. Nor can they stop it. There is no connection here, period, just conspiracy theories.
  2. FUE is a harvesting technique. Nothing to do with hairlines.
  3. What does getting married have to do with this? You can get an HT for after you get married, if this is a big deal. Each of those thing is stressful, why make it worse?
  4. Factors: 1) Density of hair surrounding strip 2) Length of hair surrounding strip 3) Width of strip 4) Length of strip If you can see the skin, you can see the scar, that's the rule. If you leave your hair long enough so no skin is visible, then the scar won't be either.
  5. Then why do great FUE clinics relegate harvesting to the techs? I'm not talking about just the FUE mills either. I agree to some extent with the plastic surgeon because I think strip harvesting requires a lot of skill. With FUE though, harvesting is laborious, painful, and yet rote. Consequently, IMO FUE harvesting is heading towards commoditization with the placement of grafts the core of surgery.
  6. Karadeniz withdrew his membership, Lorenzo is wrong.
  7. Take it with a grain of salt, but he has a point. FUE is easy to learn for sure. There are people who've done FUE on themselves.
  8. Not considering H&W FUE? Also check with Shapiro. For more options, you'll likely need to travel abroad.
  9. Unfortunately this does look to behind the typical curve of an HT. I would urge you to speak to the clinic.
  10. This is going to be a great transformation, it already is actually.
  11. Do you have pics that show that? I recall you mentioning that you started losing hair on fin, which is why you added dut.
  12. There is absolutely no basis for the statement that taking fin would harm your performance.
  13. So you lost hair after replacing fin 7x with avodart 2x? or were you taking 5fin+2dut? Didn't you lose crown hair on fin though?
  14. There is actually no evidence linking fin effectiveness to body hair. For shedding, just monitor your appearance with photos, and give it some time.
  15. Go to a different doctor. Seriously. Or go to www dot medicalwellnesscenter dot com to get an online consult with a doctor who will.
  16. You have diffuse MPB, so a lot of risk of shocking native hairs. Whatever you do, keep a very conservative hairline, just lower the temples a bit and that should be it.
  17. No, the incidence of side effects is low. Everybody is entitled to their opinion on taking the drug, but not entitled to their own facts. If you get side effects, it is unfortunate, but that is not an excuse to lie about the drug.
  18. Dr Lindsey, have you actually taken a look at the patient's photos? Even a NW6 pattern may show hair in the nonpermanent zone, and he also has sides that can collapse, so he has a lot to lose, this is very different from a NW7, whose parietal humps have disappeared.
  19. Earlier is better, but, as long as you have hair on your head you want to keep, it is worth using.
  20. Nah I experimented with fin earlier and didn't see regrowth, so I got off (stupid), in the years later it accelerated, oh well, live and learn. But yes, earlier is always better, needless to say, you can see why I hold the views I do.
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