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Everything posted by KO

  1. Yes, it has definitely helped retain my hair. I do not believe it has progressed significantly, if it has progressed, it's done so at a significantly slower rate than what was happening before, those sets of photos were with different lighting situations, first set with webcam. No new growth though.
  2. Those alternative treatments are completely ineffective for stopping hair loss. You may as well light you pr money on fire. Oh and people get sides from saw palmetto as well.
  3. Why wouldn't i? Finasteride is a great drug that works to stop hair loss with a low incidence of side effects. If you can't accept that, too bad.
  4. The purpose of this thread was to get information, not to hear your personal decision on taking it, because guess what, this isn't about YOU. If you don't want the risk, don't take it, just don't go lying to others about efficacy as you have done or constant,y parroting your personal decision as fact.
  5. Keep taking it, just because your hair doesn't look better doesn't mean it is not working. Fin slows down the whole MPB process.
  6. The option isn't there as much as you think it is. Yes it is better than FUT, but even buzzing after FUE will not look natural as just shaving and moving on.
  7. Biolizard, it's too bad that you had side effects, but it is sad you want to ruin it for others. Misery loves company.
  8. Not true, if you're facing aggressive hair loss, fin is quite effective. And even if it just slows down the whole process, it's a massive boost compared to going straight to NW7. Anyways, point is, each guy has to make his own decision. All drugs have side effects, it's reality.
  9. MPB also causes depression. Just because you got sides from fin doesn't mean you try to ruin it for the rest of us. It's irrelevant if it's not worth it for you, it's not about YOU.
  10. No its not, even if you have a lot of hair loss, there is more you can lose. Some people might be happy to take that risk, I sure am. Plus the risk of impotence is quite low. You may think the risk is not worth it, but it isn't about what you think. It may be your opinion but it is not everybody else's. If you're facing aggressive hair loss, and you get an HT without fin, that hair is going to look weird when your native hair falls out.
  11. Nope, it is a great idea to try propecia at NW5 or NW6. A NW5 has a LOT to lose. Your sides can drop, your crown can widen, your donor can thin out, not to mention you can get bad shock loss when you're not on meds. Finasteride is a truly amazing drug that should be tried before attempting surgery.
  12. This is very poor documentation, typical for Bernstein clinic. This guy looks like Mitch Daniels.
  13. So tell me, will you be more depressed if you get off fin and lose your nontransplanted hair? Big decision.
  14. Is hair loss also causing you anxiety and depression?
  15. You're not thinking about this clearly. One thing matters, are you going to lose a lot more hair? If so, just imagine being bald with some transplanted hair on top. (If your pattern is not expected to advance much (say NW3 at age 55) you will probably be OK). HT's have serious limitations in what they can do, and if you're not on meds before doing an HT you're not setting yourself up to succeed. If you are afraid of meds, you will need significantly lower expectations. MPB is a moving target, you are covering an area of your lawn that is losing grass with grass from another area. There is only one way this can end.
  16. Are you on fin? One thing that happens after an HT is that a bunch of hairs go into telogen. This is the stage in which androgens are supposed to be the most active...
  17. ^No. You don't understand that when you plan and place follicles for an HT, you have to place them very differently based on whether the patient is going to buzz or not. If he does buzz, it will look unnatural, regardless of whether the doctor is "best" or not. You're presenting a false choice, a guy with baldness can just buzz his head and move on without the HT. A guy who gets an FUE and buzzes will look just as bald as a guy who does not get an HT.
  18. You're referring to celebrities....I'm talking about people I've seen in real life with HTs.
  19. A lot of guys have gotten HT's. I believe even Kevin Spacey. Look at Antonio Conte. I think he's the standard bearer for celebrity hair transplants. No other celebrity HT comes close IMO. (A Hasson & Wong production btw).
  20. This is a false choice. Of course it is better to be buzzed+FUE than buzzed+FUT. But even if you are buzzed+FUE, the hair on top will not look as natural as buzzed+no HT as many here are assuming. Understanding how surgeons actually plan and place hair transplants explains that. In other words, if you get a bad looking HT and buzz down, it will still look like an HT.
  21. I work with a guy who shaves to the bone after an HT, and it is noticeable. He had FUT actually. Interestingly, his scar is quite thin and only noticeable if you look for it. What immediately strikes as odd is the odd thick hair shafts spread on his head. You can immediately tell something is off. He seems to be happy though and is working as a sales guy...aka lot of people contact.
  22. ^Nobody said only FUE doctors plant the top with low density. We're just refuting the argument that you'd get away with a buzz cut after an FUE, when this is patently not the case. Unless you've planned on doing an HT with the intention of buzzing down, it will be noticeable. An HT will leave you with sparse coverage on top with thick MFU's on a shiny scalp....even the uneducated eye can tell this is odd.
  23. ^Yeah, that and even if the effect for Low DHT people if muted, it could still be better than going without. You never know....
  24. Did they present evidence that those with low DHT levels did not respond to fin?
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