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Everything posted by TommyLucchese

  1. It really is amazing how much people don't care isn't it. I told 5 of my friends, the first time I saw them 1 week post op, I took my hat off for the big reveal and they barely looked. They said "I thought it would have been much worse than that"..........the only time it gets discussed now is when I bring it up! As for strangers, they might have a look if something catches their eye, but people don't care - they are too busy with their lives. You make a good point Shampoo about how it's not as big a deal as you think before hand. I think that may be because you have it ALL to come, it can be daunting. I have taken everything one day at a time and it's been easy. Yes I've looked a bit weird, but you just get through it and stop caring. It's all for a good cause, afterall.
  2. This in no way impacts the fact that I've read countless feedback of people WORLDWIDE saying your company sold them wigs at ridiculously high prices without being up front about what it is they were getting. Why don't you consider perhaps a more ethical approach with your customers? Then you wouldn't have to resort to such lame posts to try and limit the already colossal damage. Get these cricketers to say publicly that 'strand by strand' is a wig that will cost 10 times more than other wig outlets. I believe the numerous negative posts from people more than I believe a PR person posting a few quotes.
  3. I would love it if you can do that. Hope it turns out great!
  4. Looks great! I'm 2 weeks ahead of you, but I'd say you're ahead of me with your progress. I'm really happy with mine so far, but yours - WOW. If I hadn't done so much research then I'd probably be disheartened at how brilliant yours is looking at this early stage.
  5. The side effects seem to be quite rare, I'd say it's worth giving it a go - if you get the sides then you can stop.
  6. The scar has been no worries for me and many people, so don't rule FUT out because of that. FUT is also cheaper too. It's good you're willing to travel! I think the cheapest FUE is in Europe - Belgium, Spain. I think this is where the best FUE is and for the best price. However for FUT (and FUE, but more expensive) the US has brilliant doctors..plus Canada. Have a look at the list of recommended doctors, send your photos and have an online consultation with them. You should also try and see some in person too for a better assessment of your needs. Good luck! Also, try and get on finasteride and minoxidil if you aren't already - these can help a lot to maintain and regrow some hair. DON'T DO GROUPONS!
  7. I'm no expert on this but I think 5mg is way too high. Most take 1mg or 1.25mg (I think it's 1.25...something like that). Maybe the 5mg is cut into fifths? There's lots of different names and brands for the same drug. Propecia, finasteride (the actual name of the drug), and proscar. There's also finpecia, and generic finasteride. Probably much more other types too. I take 1mg of propecia. I'm guessing Dr. Wong says MWF because it's a slightly higher dose than the 1mg....but I don't know. I've had it 3 years and get no sides. They are quite rare, it's worth giving it a go! From what I've read, I'd avoid taking 5mg tablets!
  8. I really don't know a definitive answer. If you have hairline work, I don't see how exposing your hair loss can be avoided. I still put a bit of concealer on the crown and mid-scalp (mainly incase of very bright lights) but in the 4 and a half months since my FUT on the frontal third, it's not really not easy to conceal. You can wear hats until your redness has died down, but with the bit of shaving down I had, plus the new grafts starting to come in, it's obvious that SOMETHING is amiss. I just think "f**k it" and go about my business with my very faded red hairline with loads of new hairs coming in nicely. I have had one or two looks up but that's it, I told all my close friends about it so I just live life and look forward to hopefully better hair days in the new future. Good luck with whatever you do! Oh and I do put a bit of concealer on the new hairs coming in too, it makes it look a bit thicker and I think helps with the redness also.
  9. Agreed. I flew from London to New York for mine...location shouldn't be the deciding factor!
  10. Budget: 2000 FUT grafts in the hairline/frontal third with Dr. Feller, hotel, flights from UK to NY and spending money cost me (my parents) around 6-7 grand. FUE is more expensive (or so I've read) so perhaps it'd be closer to 10 thousand pounds for you if you went with Feller. I heard Rahal compensates for long distance travelers though, and that maybe you could work out a payment play with any doctor. Hair style: I was concerned about this too initially but there are plenty of photos with people's hair brushed down. I think it's only brushed back to show the hairline. You'd have no problems with a fringe - if the pics I've seen are anything to go by. I don't know the ins and outs of density sorry!
  11. I love Dr. Rahal's work, I'm sure you'll be in for a great result!
  12. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get your hairline lowered in the sort of U / band type shape, when grown out it should look great. It's also conservative with grafts, so even if you do lose more....you've got a nice hairline that hasn't taken up too much donor. Look up the "Dr Feller love letter" thread for an example of the hairline I mean Your best bet is sending photos to doctors and getting a valuation. My comments here are just speculation...but personally I can see why you'd want it done. I'd love to have your hair, but everyone wants improvement and I think a procedure would help you a lot.
  13. Would be interested in hearing more views on this I've been on propecia for just over 2 and a half years and it's worked really well for me, but I am concerned about what I'll do if it wears off...
  14. I think SOME girls don't like the bald look, but like others have said, mainly it's the lack of confidence of the bald/ing man that turns them off.
  15. Thanks for your reply I just had the occasional yellow headed spot/zit type (like what you get on your face) in the recipient area. One formed about a week ago and I decided against popping it, it disappeared on its own in a few days. I don't think that's anything to be concerned about, is it? It doesn't seem to have caused any problems....what do you think?
  16. Funny that he literally said in the post before you how much he rates two other doctors. He's always replying and paying respects to the work of numerous surgeons and their results.
  17. Any updates? You were looking good at 4.5 months... Have you got on fin? It's worth a go, I've had no side effects in nearly 3 years and it helped my hair a lot. Since you've invested in the HT, it might be worth giving it a try to preserve the rest of your hair.
  18. Can you not keep your hair longer to cover the scar for now? Should be better than brain surgery comments. My scar is covered by hair and takes my mum ages to find now that the hair is growing and the scar is fading. The new hair is not going to be perfect hair yet. If the timeline for final result is 18 months, why are you worrying about density at 4.5 months? I'm 4 months and 3 days, I have lots of new growth but it's still not thick or dense. These things take time, be patient! I wish I could be one of these early growers where it looks like a full result very soon......but we can't all be that way. At least you have hair growing! Give it time to thicken and mature.
  19. Hasson and Wong would be the place for you
  20. Look at all the names that crop up on here in terms of hair surgerons, they're not from the UK. Belgium, US, Canada...
  21. As someone who took the plunge exactly 4 months ago today (including flying from UK to US on my own) I can vouch for everything so far. The travel and procedure itself was really no big deal at all, I actually enjoyed it. The ugly duckling phase hasn't been fun but I told my close friends so I was able to maintain a low key social life. I've had some good growth already too, looking good for such an early stage. I can't promise you'll have a great result. I can't even promise that I'll have a great result! But if you pick the right doctor for you, I'm sure you'll be one of the many posting about their excellent experiences......and hopefully posting an excellent result 1 year to 18 months down the line.
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