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Everything posted by TommyLucchese

  1. 4 months today! I have a lot of growth which is very promising. It's not the ridiculous early growth that some people get where it looks like a final result, but I'm very happy with what has grown in at such an early stage. My scar has sections that are completely faded and the rest is just "a little bit red". There is still an outline of the new hairline that's a very faded red colour. That's most likely due to my light skin, but I thought it'd have gone by 4 months though! It's not a problem, however. There seems to be new hairs spouting every day from the new hairline. It all seems positive for the next few months let's hope!
  2. You've had great advice on neograft and that doctor. I think it's really in your best interests to heed the advice given to you. Dr. Lindsey posts on here a lot and is very informative. Wouldn't you rather go to a surgeon who has numerous results, a great reputation and posts his work and knowledge in this very community?
  3. Yep it's a great shame we can't hear the rest of the story. You just have to think: if you had posted your whole story, showing you so excited and positive at the start, and seeing how gradually that positivity turned negative.......you'd be a bit embarrassed. This is why I haven't posted my pics and been very careful with my wording (i.e great experience, can't speak for results yet) because I don't want to look silly if I end up disappointed. Let's hope their hair took a turn for the better and they forgot about us and are too busy enjoying their new hair
  4. Many who find the forums and do the research travel abroad. UK is about the same as Australia when it comes to HT reputations, I traveled to New York for mine. It's not the sort of decision you want to make where you base it on location. You should want the BEST for this procedure, location shouldn't be a part of it. Plus, it works out much cheaper for Ozzies to go abroad because of how it expensive it is there. Lots on this forum have gone abroad. There's been recent posts of two people who went to Thailand, India and New York. Maybe you could get a good result in Australia, it's up to you if you want to take the risk. I didn't want to risk the UK.
  5. I don't think any clinics in Australia are recommended. USA, Canada, Belgium, maybe Thailand/India are your places to go.
  6. Plus, it was FUE. Am I right in thinking that you need a little more grafts for FUE than you would for FUT? (Don't know where I got this from, could be wrong) MTL30 there are numerous threads of great hair lines for 2000 grafts and under.
  7. That's great to know Spex. Even with the lack of sides for me, I have been slightly concerned that it could impact my fertility down the line. Twins? Wow that's awesome, no wonder you're dreaming of 8 hours kip a night
  8. Apologies. My mistake, didn't read the whole post where he mentioned FUT scars or the 'veteran'. What a rookie mistake! I do have to speak up for the FUT scar though. At 3 months, 3 weeks and 2 days, my dearest mother just checked my scar for me and it's disappeared to the 'pencil thin' variety in lots of places, and is just slightly red in others. Of course, this isn't guaranteed, but it's worked out well for me and I also saw two great FUT scars in person at my consultation. I'd never recommend anyone doing FUT based on my potential results though, I just have to say how my experience and results so far have been. Anyway, again, my apologies for my comment. I just watched that video. Amazing transformation! You can still see the white dotted scarring in the donor area, but considering just how shaven his head is, that's incredible. Why is this doctor not recommended? [edit] ah it's Dr. Lorenzo, nevermind, I know about him.
  9. I just found this on the site: Hair transplantation is a proven surgery with assured and 100% guaranteed results Nothing is ever guaranteed in ANY type of surgery. I can't believe this statement is put on the same site as some of those before/after photos.
  10. From the looks of the results on his sites, his HT's are "low cost" for a reason. With something like this it shouldn't be about price. It's worth saving to go to a more established surgeon. The fact you can't find any reviews on this doctor would be alarming, in my opinion. I wouldn't go there. Maybe he is capable of producing a great result, but it's a bigger risk than someone recommended here as there are numerous results posted online from them.
  11. I don't think this was a thread for FUE v FUT scars. I'm interested in seeing some FUE scars too, btw. Can anyone oblige?
  12. Just re-read this post. At what point did I say I "knows" it can't cause side effects? Did you read my post? I'm perplexed.
  13. 'Expert above' clearly just described how the drug has effected him, whilst also admitting to a lack of knowledge and seeking some advice. Why would you make such a condescending comment?
  14. That doesn't sound too good for you, but doesn't it also take a bit longer for a second procedure to come through?
  15. I'm 23. Been on propecia and minoxidil since March 2010 - had no side effects what so ever. My libido is still high, I can rise to the occasion and finish the job as good as I ever did! I've read that about 2% of people suffer the side effects, so it's worth giving it a go. The medication has been AMAZING for my hair. I'm not sure about whether propecia can effect fertility though. Anyone know if this is possible, or if it is limited to libido and performance?
  16. I can't claim to have too much knowledge, but I've read many times FUE is a bigger risk when you have a megasession. Perhaps this could be part of the reason too.
  17. I think you should consult with some top doctors - in person (if possible) or via email. If the medication has slowed down your loss, you could get 1000-2000 grafts to sort out the hairline. It's not my place to say that's a possibility for you though, you need to seek the advice of a reputable surgeon.
  18. I can understand why someone wouldn't want to stay around after an unsatisfactory results. Regrets, embarrassment, not wanting to be continually reminded, feeling bad when seeing other people's great results etc Sean didn't claim an unsatisfactory result. He posted his photos, it's the community that deemed it somewhat unsatisfactory. If you get an unsatisfactory result, I suppose it goes two ways: you stick around and try to sort it out - OR - you give up all hope and retreat. (if my result turns out bad, I'll probably retreat too. I can't afford to go through it all again for the foreseeable future)
  19. That looks like a great result. I didn't think 2400 grafts on such a large area would produce such an incredible transformation
  20. This is a great move for you. I was also very nervous before meeting Dr. Feller in person for a consultation, I too was scared that I wouldn't be a good candidate. It's great to have all your fears and questions answered. Good luck, and Milan - not a bad place to go eh?
  21. I must not have got what you all seem to be describing. I just got the odd yellow headed spot ("zit") which I popped, a bit of yellow and blood came out and then it was fine.
  22. Thank you David, I will give the Kirkland a try then!
  23. Is there no-one with any input at all? I thought it's a legitimate question.......a 40 pound difference in price is significant, I'd like to make an informed decision on this!
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