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Everything posted by TommyLucchese

  1. I went straight to the 9 month photos from the pre-op ones and I must admit I felt a bit underwhelmed by them. I'm glad that the posters in this thread were honest in their assessment, but I also feel bad for the poster. I notice he hasn't been on this thread in a while and that the 10 month photos were deleted? If you read this Sean, I hope things turn out well with your hair and wife. There are some pics (I think 8 months?) where your hair is flat down and it looks GREAT. I have limited knowledge of FUE but seeing 3000 FUE grafts did ignite my curiosity. Let's hope we get some positive updates from Sean soon
  2. I don't have much time right now so sorry for the rushed reply I have seen where clinics/representatives ask for pics with the hair grown out, as a buzzed hair cut is not ideal for displaying density - making it harder to give a possible estimation of grafts you'd need. Maybe it's best to take some of your hair grown out, then when buzzed if that's how you want it styled. Again, though, just emailing and getting in touch with some recommended doctors is your first step - they'll be able to give you clearer info of what you need to do. But yes, as someone who had an in person consultation, you should definitely try to get at least one done because it was incredibly beneficial. I'm sure online is a great alternative for those who can't meet face to face, but it will make things much clearer to you in person.
  3. I think it means the density and quality of the hair at the back of your head that would be taken and placed in the balding/thinning areas. I have fine hair too but that didn't mean my donor wasn't good enough. My doctor was very complimentary on the quality of my donor hair. I did have concerns about this though. I was worried if my donor would be fine, if I had the laxity of my scalp etc but all these worries were put to rest when I had an in person consultation. This is definitely the way to do it, the doctors are the experts so you should try and meet as many in person as you can. Though online consultations can help too if you take quality photos of your hair. If you haven't read this already, it's advised to be on medication like propecia/minoxidil for a year to try and stabilise your hair loss before you consider surgery.
  4. Spend time in the other sections of the forum looking at results posted by both patients and clinics. I went with Dr. Feller FUT after seeing both Dr. Feller and Spex' strip scars (tiny, barely visible), after seeing their hair in person, looking at numerous results online, reading various patient blogs and posts, and speaking to Dr. Feller in person and hearing his views on my case. It is a tough one going on what people recommend here, because really none of us wants to TELL someone what to do. I went with Dr. Feller, my experience was AMAZING and my 3 and a half months results so far are looking very promising. My mum can't even find my scar when trying to find it in my hair - after only 3 months! HOWEVER, I'm not going to say you should go with him. It has to be your decision based on your own research. I'd recommend him until I'm blue in the face, but I'm no salesman, I don't want to be seen trying to tell someone where they should go. You need to do your own research and consultations. The same names crop up and it seems you can't go wrong with any of the following: Dr. Feller, Dr. Rahal, Hasson and Wong, Dr. Konoir, Dr. Shapiro, Dr Charles and Dr. Lindsey. Of course there are others. Plus there's the Belgian clinics but FUE was never on my radar so I haven't looked too much into them. Out of the 3 you list, Dr. Feller has the best reputation and you'd have a great experience and almost certainly a great result. In my experience, the scar is really not a big deal. (Just tried to simplify things for you. Otherwise I wouldn't usually be so vocative about picking a doctor, it's not the place of anyone here to tell you where to go. It's up to you)
  5. You should consider getting on propecia and minoxidil to STOP the hair falling out and a hair transplant surgery to restore hair to the bald areas that cannot be saved from medication
  6. Apologies if this has already been asked numerous times. I'm looking to get away from the ridiculous Belgravia prices now. Through Spex's recommended website, I have two options: Rogaine 5% foam - 140 pounds for 12 months supply or Kirkland Minoxidil 5% foam - 97 pounds for 12 months. Obviously the Kirkland price is a lot more appealing but I'm also aware that you get what you pay for MOST of the time. I'd have no problem going for the Rogaine foam if it's better, but I thought I'd see what the general consensus is. Anyone know which is better?
  7. I have no input but I just wanted to commend you for your honesty and bravery in posting this topic. I doubt many, myself included, would ask the question. (Not a drug user btw. Can't even stand alcohol anymore)
  8. Looks amazing! You're 6 months ahead of me, I hope I'm as happy as you are. Go and chase those females, my friend.
  9. You can agree to disagree but you can do so without making false statements and ones that are also disparaging to Spex. I was Dr. Feller's only patient in the day I saw him, he had some consultations after me but I doubt there was anyone else going for a HT at gone 2pm. I had FUT. My scar has given me no problems and the people I show are amazed at how much it's improved in just 3 months. It takes ages to find in my hair and has faded considerably. Ah, that dreaded FUT. That money grabbing Dr. Feller. (who happened to talk me out of PAYING for extra grafts in the crown due to my age). I don't care to wade into the FUE/FUT debate, or which doctor you should go to. All I can do is speak of my positive experience of Dr. Feller and FUT. I also found the travelling to be fun, airport was a breeze and it wasn't that much extra for the flights and hotel. I only say this because anyone reading this thread may be put off by going to the US from abroad and I thought I'd say how much I enjoyed it. Btw what has Spex said that was inaccurate regarding FUE? All he has said is that Dr. Feller wouldn't do 3500 FUE and that there have been examples of megasessions producing a lower yield. Where are the inaccuracies? You, on the other hand, have said Dr. F only does FUT for the money and that he does 2-3 sugergies a day. And that Spex is here for a payday. Infact you said he pushes people into doing things. That's quite inaccurate and also damaging to his character. You're a charmer :rolleyes:
  10. I agree. Everything I read was stating around 2 weeks. I was warned that I'd be longer due to my colouring, but even Dr. Feller said it'd be around 6 weeks. I'm almost 3 and a half months in and it's still red. Faded a lot of course, but still red. I don't mind though, it's not a problem for me....infact it's a nice reminder of where the new hair will be as the new hairline shape is still there. However - yeah, I did not anticipate it being this long at all. And I did LOTS of research. I have seen a few recent posts of people saying their redness lasted a few months as opposed to a few weeks, but overall yes, I agree with you.
  11. Honestly, mine is still red. It's faded a lot, but you can see the new hairline out of the redness. I expected it to be ages though, Dr Feller warned me of this due to my hair colour and skin colour. I'm not too sure about the numbness, I don't think mine was too bad. A bit annoying with the sutures, but generally I felt fine. Ones those sutures come out it's a HUGE relief. Then it's just a case of waiting....and waiting....and waiting.
  12. I get de ja vu reading these posts about their experiences with Dr. Feller. I had a great experience there in July. I'm now 3 months 1 week and 3 days. It's funny how we're all on the same road. Good luck getting through the 'ugly duckling' phase. The pics look great, I'm sure you'll have an awesome result!
  13. I don't think it's right to say it's just a mature hairline. My hairline went from juvenile to the one seen in the original posters photos, 4-5 years later my hairline was awful. It's true that you may not be going bald. It COULD be just a mature hairline. The fact is we have no way of knowing. I think you need to go and get it checked for miniaturisation. If you ARE losing your hair then propecia and minoxidil should sort out that crown and should keep your hairline in tact (maybe even grow a bit more too, mine did). Catching it early is the key, right now it is VERY early for you. HT is definitely out of the question for you though, I'd say.
  14. I don't wanna be graphic but over 5 times a day suggests my libido is just fine.
  15. I didn't realise these were common. I've had a few red pimples/spots/zits that have appeared in the graft area, I always pop them. The blood isn't much and it is strangely satisfying! Is it a problem doing this? Should I leave them?
  16. propecia and minoxidil should sort you out and keep those fears at bay
  17. 2 years and 9 months into using the drug and my manhood rises to the occasion and produces the goods. Why should I stop using the drug if I have no side effects but have good hair?
  18. I've heard of lots of negative stuff abut this neograft. Take your time to research these and other forums to make your decision about the type of procedure and then the doctor. I have personally never heard of him but I've heard of doctors claiming to be teachers in the field, these are usually the ones that leave a less than desireable result. I'm not saying this would be the case here but it's just from what I've read! If you can't find much on him here, can you find much on the web in general? You shouldn't make it lightly. I travelled from UK to US for mine. You could travel north and see Hasson & Wong, for example, who have posted countless great results. Good luck and I hope it goes well. Spend time researching your doctor (google his name with reviews after), then do the same with some of the others recommended here. Google neograft results. Research and don't rush into things
  19. Well it's not anymore, but it was when I started exercising around 2 months post op.....maybe slightly under 2 months. It was so weird I can't really describe it much, but there was a clicking noise in the back of my head every second or two when I was running. I left it for a month and a half or so and it's been fine now, maybe I tried running too soon. I did have a lot of pain getting the sutures out, maybe I'm just a slow healer.....though I haven't heard of this clicking before!
  20. I honestly don't know the difference between sutures and stitches. I didn't quiz Dr. F about the technicalities of everything so I'm not sure. The post op sheet said sutures but they did look like staples. Yeah I had the opportunity of going to GP or something but the thought of more people being exposed to my HT was not what I wanted. I don't think going there would have helped with the pain though, I followed instructions and watched youtube videos of how to remove it......it just felt like they mostly weren't quite ready to come out. Still, not a big deal in the grand scheme of things....just a bit annoying at the time isn't it!
  21. Thanks for the replies I left the jogging for another month. Aside from not being quite as slim as I want, everything is fine - the clicking didn't return! Not gonna do weights or anything for a while yet, the most I've seen people say to leave it is 6 months so there's no point taking risks just incase....I'm not exactly Arnie anyway so it's okay, no need to hurry back!
  22. My sutures were a nightmare. I had the removal tool and my parents took them out, but even after 2 weeks they didn't seem ready to come out. Some came out easily, others came out after a big painful struggle. There was a period of 5 days where some wouldn't come out, but the next day they would. It all hurt though. I've since read that it's better to soak your head in warm water first. Or maybe I just hadnt healed enough, I don't know. [edit] when they are ready, you don't feel a thing though.
  23. Well I'm lucky in that I'm in a stage of my life where I can basically take a year out of doing anything. I'm starting to ease back into the real world now (a little sooner than I hoped) and on the whole I look much better than I did recently, but I still don't look quite right. The new growth obviously doesn't match the rest of my hair and my scalp is still a bit red, I've had only two people's eyes drift up to my hairline so it isn't going too bad. The worst is wayyy behind me so it's okay. If I could go to sleep and wake up in 9 months I'd definitely do it though! There is someone, I believe his name on here is Spreadlocks, who concealed his HT from everyone with a combover and hair spray. So yes you could do that if you have the native hair available to cover it up. I think it is really a grit your teeth and bear it, kind of thing.
  24. I can't tell you anything about Dr. True but I can assure you that the procedure itself is very easy, you can't feel a thing! Though the numbing injections aren't fun. I'm 3 months out of my procedure now and my scar is really settling down now, it's given me no problems at all and is easily concealed by the hair around it. The hair that was shave down from the scar has now grown through and covered it too. For work, well, I read on here people should try to take 3 weeks off but even then I still looked 'bad'. I had hairline work so it couldn't be hidden. I wouldn't recommend wearing a hat either as it's so claustrophobic. I told my close friends so I avoided social contact for over 2 months except for going to quiet places with friends where I didn't have to worry about my hair. Now I have some growth and it's still a bit red. It's a long process. You just have to brave it and think of the long term outcome
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