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Everything posted by TommyLucchese

  1. Some things are best left unseen I think. Thank god I didn't see a strip harvesting until years after I'd been through it...
  2. [not trying to derail a thread but it's relevant to the Eugenix method] Scar is fine and not noticeable at all, I don't even know it's there. I don't know anything about this DHT thing at all to be honest - is it more along the lines with FUE in that it may be best once strip is exhausted?
  3. Agreed. John, do you think Eugenix DHT technique commits you to FUE or DHT for future HTs? At this moment I'm thinking Eugenix is the way to go for my crown, but my hairline was FUT and people have suggested I stick with that.
  4. Thanks for your replies! That would be good, Melvin - seems like there's nothing conclusive on this. Like others have said, I don't see how the donor could be big but the recipient areas be normal size.
  5. I'd rather this than some of the other "terrible" results I've seen here over the years... I was expecting him to be butchered.
  6. Does my larger-than-average dome give me more grafts in the bank with a potentially bigger donor region? If so, is that negated by my crown / frontal regions being potentially bigger too? I've heard some people say a big head is a good thing for HTs but I don't see how the donor could be bigger but the recipient areas being average size.
  7. Who comes into the thread of a positive final result and a happy patient to just bitch about another doctor's quote? Really glad it worked out well for you dtreidjr
  8. OK well there's not much more I can add. I've tried to rationally explain why we questioned you, it's up to you how you handle that. Hopefully you can stick around and share your experiences with a write up and let us know what clinic you chose etc.
  9. Please see my post. We don't want to scare off people who joined with good intentions - that definitely isn't the case at all. The usual process is for a newbie to sign up, ask the most basic questions and over time eventually progress to surgery and post their results. We don't get many people posting after a great result and make their first post in a thread defending somewhere that is being criticised. This is a friendly and welcoming place for genuine hair loss sufferers. If you have an honest story to tell then please do share!
  10. I don't want to make this seem like an unwelcoming place so I apologise if you are indeed just a normal person who has had a good result from Turkey. I have a big interest in posts about the doctor I went with so I understand you perhaps jumping straight into a post related to your experience. The problem we have here is people signing up to promote places or products that are not reputable. We can usually spot these people as it's always their first post, features great looking photos, and may be jumping to the defence of a product or a doctor that is otherwise being criticised. Most people find this forum before they've had a transplant or after a bad result. People tend not to sign up after they've had a great result because - well - why would you care about this anymore? Most people wouldn't, they'd be off enjoying their lives with a good head of hair. You did mention you want to have more work done though so it's very plausible that you'd have found us a little later into the process. You could be legitimate - and like I said your post wasn't too spammy or shilly - but some red flags were there that make some people suspicious. No I'm not a group admin, just a seasoned poster. Who did you have your surgery with? If you've had a positive result (regardless of where or when) you're very welcome to make a post about it. Legit reviews are this forum's bread and butter, we're all here to share knowledge and experiences.
  11. This was your first post after joining the forum exactly 15 mins ago according to your profile. Interested to know why this thread made you sign up and post straight away? To be fair the content of your post doesn't seem spammy and shilly but the timing is suspect
  12. Currently having this after 1 month of dermarolling and switching to topical fin and minox combo. New hairs sprouting all over, hair feels thicker, looks better.
  13. I think it caused me some shedding but for a while it made my hair thick as hell, that was years ago so might give it another try
  14. Had a look around at some of the UK names mentioned here, surprised at how much Dr Ball charges.
  15. Nice! That's an awesome hairline. It's good to see futurehairtransplantdoc producing work like this and developing a really great reputation for himself.
  16. Nice write up, really impressive after-care too.
  17. I have used Topik fibres in the past but I prefer Mane spray
  18. Hasson & Wong is my preferred choice right now because of their reputations with crowns. I'm a huge Dr Feller fan though and would definitely go back if it was a hairline procedure - Dr. Bloxham seems to be doing great work. Since I've been active on these boards again there have been so many new names with big reputations - would be great if I could stay closer to the UK and get a quality crown surgeon. Thanks Melvin. Would you still suggest getting the scar filled in even if you wear your hair a bit longer? Interesting to hear your thoughts on FUE considering all the huge FUE cases on the boards these days.... thanks for your reply. Thanks. Have you tried the laxity exercises? Did you lose laxity after the FUT or was it always bad?
  19. How much can you save per year? Looks to me like another procedure is ultimately necessary but not urgent...why not take 2-3 years and save more money so that you aren't so worried about cost? Who did you go with first time around btw?
  20. Thank you. Yep scar is fine, I haven't even seen it since the native hair grew back from shaving down. Laxity seems good to me.
  21. 2,000 FUT grafts with Dr Feller on hairline and some midscalp 8 years ago - very good result, no scarring issues, no further loss due to meds When I come to address my crown (probably 3k grafts needed) in a few years, what do you think would be the best method? I'm very happy to go FUT again because of working from home and because of the old line of thinking that you can maximise your donor by exhausting FUT first. It seems that may indeed be an old way of thinking though. So... would you suggest FUE or FUT after a positive FUT experience? Thanks in advance
  22. Thanks. I felt my hair shed a bit after trying that in 2012, will give it another go and start slowly.
  23. Very happy 2012 Dr Feller patient here, I had 2,000 grafts on hairline / mid-scalp. Very conservative due to my age at the time (23). My result was so good that I was able to move on from this for 5+ years (I'm back because of topical fin and interest in having crown sorted) so I can't comment too much on surgeons today, but I'd 100% recommend Dr. Feller for the overall experience and the result he gave me.
  24. I've been using a dermaroller once a week now for around a month. I've noticed my hair - especially the HT at the front - just looks a lot better now. From the day after the first use it just seemed like there was a cosmetic improvement that I can't put my finger on. It's obviously not new growth though. Anyone experienced this? Is it a common thing with microneedling?
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