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Everything posted by TommyLucchese

  1. Oh ok yeah that makes sense... no just the info@hattingen address. Thanks for the info. Good to hear it's a good result and you're happy enough with them to go back.
  2. What do you think of their crown work? Also - how long did it take for them to reply to your online consultation submission / first email? I got in touch last week but still haven't heard back
  3. yeah to be honest I don't feel much of a difference, I still have a degree of lowness and numbness that I've had since I took Aindeem in 2018/2019. I hoped I'd have more energy and enthusiasm by now after 3 months. Maybe it's because I've still taken some proscar over the last 3 months along with the topical - plus I've seen others say it took a year of no pills before they felt better. I do think it's worth trying though. If you aren't currently dealing with any sides then you're more of a blank canvas and can be a better judge of topical side effects.
  4. Thanks all for your replies. I've sent a lot of photos to Hattingen. I'll let you know what they say and maybe post some pics here - it's just so obvious that it's me though and that makes me nervous!
  5. No definitely not. Just to where I can feel it, not painful.
  6. Nice! Looks like your instincts were spot on when going with him. Great result already for 5 months and that immediate post-op looks very good too. Saw a pretty good thread/result on thebaldtruth earlier when your post got me curious about this doctor. Really good to see these results coming from the UK. Congrats!
  7. The meds have given me quite a lot of regrowth in the crown over the years. The balding area has closed up a lot, there's thicker hair in the middle and a lot of weaker hair around it that definitely helps (especially with concealer, I wear my hair longer too so that's a bonus) but it isn't enough. I still have a fair amount of completely bald patches within this sort of rectangular area though. I estimate that the complete area would be 1,200 - 1,400 grafts but that would include shaving the entire area and sort of discarding the meds regrowth. Otherwise it could be around 800 grafts for only the bald areas - I don't want such a low amount though I want to fix the entire area, My question is - does all this weaker hair make me less of a candidate for a crown procedure? Because of shock loss and whatever else it is that makes the crown more risky? In a way are you better off if the meds just stabilise your loss and don't regrow anything? I know I should really post some pics. I'm considering sending some to Hattingen but for now hopefully I have given you enough to go on. Thanks.
  8. Very interested to see how this turns out, bold move on your part really but hope it works out - I guess there always has to be one patient that gets the ball rolling for a doctor with online reviews. And the more quality UK surgeons, the better. Good luck, please keep us updated.
  9. It's not for me to even speculate, word of mouth and the studies that have been done suggest it works though
  10. Apparently so, I don't trust myself to do that correctly though and I don't see a cost benefit either based on what I paid for foam and fin compared to the topical combo I am on now
  11. Thank you! Yep new hair is growing all throughout the HT, not amazingly thick but it's clearly visible, and the corners are joining up my conservative HT to the native hair on the sides.
  12. You can get pill cutters on Amazon pretty cheap. Check out minoxidil max or Morr-F on ebay for topical fin and minoxidil combos.
  13. Yeah it's a bit greasier than the foam I've been using for years. I use it once a day but not every day - at first that was a plan to ease the transition and not get sides, but I just sort of do it when I feel like it now. 3 times a week, maybe 4. It's been 3 months of topical and dermarolling, good results so far lots of new hairs and maintaining existing results.
  14. I have been using 1mm since October, seems to be working well for me and without any problems. Just a £10 one from Amazon. I do it once a week and usually on a day I don't do minoxidil. Maybe it would actually help minoxidil be absorbed and work better but I thought it was best to play safe and do it on a "clean" day so to speak. I found some youtube videos showing you how to do it, i do it lightly to moderately.
  15. Yeah I'm really surprised too... especially as 1) I've been using oral fin and rogaine foam for years and 2) there is growth in my hairline HT which already looked good anyway. I did start dermarolling once a week at the same time as starting topical fin so can't be 100% sure what is causing this regrowth.
  16. He clearly rushed into it and I could tell from the beginning of the 2011-2012 season it was basically Toppik job.
  17. I've been using essengen-6 plus from ninoxidilmax since october, it's all going really good so far.... i've been careful with the dosing, i have no side effects but have maintained and started regrowing hair too
  18. i get mine from minoxidilmax but yeah apparently Morr-F from India on ebay is really good too
  19. I used the 3% and 5% liquid age 16 to 20. Age 20 - 25 I used 12.5% cream and 1mg propecia From 25 - 30 I used 5% rogaine foam and 5mg proscar cut into quarters Now I use a liquid combination of topical finasteride and 6% minoxidil. In my opinion the best thing for new people is 5% rogaine foam and 1mg branded propecia...but start slowly with the propecia by cutting it in half and only taking it a few times a week for the first few months. This should stabilise your loss and maybe give you some regrowth - then in a year or two you can explore topical solutions or proscar etc. You should also consider dermarolling once per week - that and the topical fin/minox is making my hair look great right now.
  20. Really? Damn... thanks for letting me know. Your solution sounds good to me.
  21. Your choice, I can't find any info on this doctor at all. I don't know why you came here if you're going to ignore the advice given to you. Let us know how it turns out.
  22. I understand... at least spend the next 3 months on here researching, reading surgeon reviews, looking at photos posted by patients, seeing what opinions people have and what advice they give to others. If cost is a big factor with you, consult with Eugenix in India (very cheap but an elite clinic) and consider going elsewhere other than Turkey.
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