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Everything posted by BadBeat

  1. Sounds good! You are doing everything you should be doing. FYI, finasteride is finasteride. There aren't really different types of it. Propecia = Finasteride so most guys get the fin because it's cheaper than the brand name Propecia. The fin I get is 5 mg and I cut it in quarters so I take 1.25 mg per day. Good luck!
  2. Do you have any pictures? You need to get back on the meds asap. I agree with the other poster. Get in touch with Spex. Google "spex hair loss" and you will find his website.
  3. Interesting. So it's more of a spray like hairspray and not fibers? Sounds like it might be easier to apply. Also of note, their website says it's not to be used for the hairline.
  4. Wow. Your hair is almost identical to mine. I'm a bit older (38) but I recently did a 1500 FUE session with Dr. Ron Shapiro and I can already see that my hairline is going to look great in a few months. Just make sure the medications are stabilizing what you already have and then I think it would be appropriate to even out your hairline. I wouldn't think too much about "lowering" it but rather just evening it out to what it was before it started receding. Good luck!
  5. Great post. You make a lot of very good points and things to think about.
  6. I think your hair looks great and you can't tell anything was done recently. It will look even better in 6 months!
  7. Huh? I don't think you look bad at all. Did you get FUE or FUT? You can barely tell that anything was done.
  8. I might really be reading into this but I wonder if Dr. Rahal isn't interested because this might not end up being a "wow" case. He's on such a roll right now with incredible results that maybe he knows that this particular patient probably won't end up with an amazing result because of the thinning donor area. No doubt an HT could probably improve this patient's look, but it probably wouldn't be that amazing transformation that Rahal has been putting out as of late. Like I said I'm probably reading into it, but it's just a thought.
  9. I have heard September. I have a feeling it's going to be snake oil. I hope I'm wrong though!
  10. Don't limit yourself to a certain geographical area when it comes to HT's. Also, if you are going FUE, you want to make sure you go to a doctor who has a lot of experience with it and has patient galleries to prove their results. Dr. Feller, Dr. Shapiro (Ron & Paul), Dr. Rahal, Dr. Lindsey are all highly recommended FUE surgeons in the US and I would consult with them to start.
  11. Did you get adequate growth from the first one? Why is Dr. Rahal saying that you aren't eligible for an HT with him? In the picture, it looks like your donor area has thinned. Is that the case or is it just a bad picture and/or is your hair just super short there?
  12. Have you had a previous HT? It looks like you have a strip scar in the back.
  13. Almost looks too good to be true! What was going on with his hair in the pre-op photos? It looks like a 2 year old took the clippers and gave him a haircut!
  14. I'm very happy to hear that you are pleased with the results because ultimately that's what it's all about but I've got to be honest here. I just don't see a huge difference between pre-op and 15 months out. Obviously, there is a difference in density but most guys on this forum would be freaking out about that result calling it a failed transplant and trying to get their money back. I know you've mentioned that the pictures don't really depict what it looks like in person. I hope that's really the case. I'm looking forward to seeing the professional pictures soon when you go in for your next procedure.
  15. Sad. H&W should sue them and so should the patient.
  16. Dude, enjoy your life. You don't need a hair transplant. Sometimes I think people post pictures like this just so that everybody can tell them what great hair they have.
  17. What's wrong with this? I think it looks pretty good.
  18. That's crazy. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much over it. This is an extremely rare reaction. The good news is all of your hair should grow back to what it was!
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