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Everything posted by BadBeat

  1. Unfortunately, yes it is. To differentiate based on quality of their work -- my gosh, that's so evil and UNFAIR! What a joke. I don't understand why our world is so backwards right now.
  2. Yes, this is good. If you're not willing to commit to doing this everyday then you'll never see the results. You need to give it a good solid year to see if it stabilizes your hair loss. You also may want to get a shorter haircut as that can make thinning hair look better. You can experiment with concealers like Toppik and Nanogen as well. You still have enough hair where those could be very beneficial to you right now. Good luck.
  3. But if you are taking fin would that offset the potentially higher DHT from the Creatine use?
  4. You're not going to have a "bad haircut." They will buzz your hair all over before the procedure and it will grow back evenly. I had a 1500 FUE done by SMG (Dr. Ron) 5 months ago. I was able to go out in public, without a hat, about 2 weeks after the procedure. It just looked like I buzzed my head. By the way, I am very happy with my result so far and I'm sure you'll have a great result as well. Everybody at SMG is awesome.
  5. First of all, great photos. Second, great result! I just hope he's on meds because it looks like he's starting to thin a bit in his crown....
  6. Wow! That hairline is amazing for only 1838 grafts!! Nice job.
  7. Typically, if there isn't any blood then the grafts are still in place. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
  8. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner! I've been so much happier since I've had my HT and I feel like I'm living life again.
  9. Janna....when you say he uses styling products would that include concealers or is it just hair gel?
  10. Lucky guy! He looks phenomenal with hair but also looked great with the shaved head! Some people just have the look!
  11. The thing that struck me the most in your post is that if you like the look of your shaved head then why go down the HT road. I'm sure it can be a pain shaving every day or two but it's also a pain for guys with balding or thinning hair to style it each time they go out. I think it's great that you like your look. That's really what it boils down to. Now, if you still think you might want to explore getting an HT, I'm not an expert but it looks like you have advanced to a NW 5-6 but it does appear that you do have some donor hair to work with. The problem is if you don't like the result you would now have a smiley face scar across the back of your head which would obviously create a problem if you went back to shaving down. I would recommend consulting with the great mega session clinics like Dr. Rahal or H & W to see how confident they are in giving you coverage that you could work with and cover the scar. If you don't want a scar you could see about doing a FUE that could just focus on giving you the appearance of a hairline and framing your face but not necessarily giving you the density to growing your hair longer. You could shave down to a 1 or 2 guard. That might be the way to go for you since you've already been shaving down and like the look. Add the shadow of a hairline and a little behind and you could be in business! Whatever you choose, I with you the best of luck!
  12. Well I'm biased, but I vote for Ron Shapiro. I had a 1500 FUE done in April with Dr. Ron and the results are already phenomenal. I'm very pleased and still have much more growth to go.
  13. 5 months is WAY to early for any HT and especially the crown. The crown almost always grows in later.
  14. Sorry to hear this. You might feel really good after doing the #1 and moving on. Best of luck.
  15. It probably depends on your hair, but I don't hit it with the hairdryer anymore than a minute or two. Yes, you can definitely shape your hair using a hairdryer. I have a few really bad cowlicks that would look ridiculous if it wasn't for using a hairdryer. If those things can be flattened anything can!
  16. I think you already know the answer to your question.
  17. I think you guys are way over thinking this one. It doesn't sound at all like the girl meant it to be hurtful. She was actually trying to give a compliment. We are just so paranoid about hair loss, HT's, etc. The way she put it sounded like it wasn't a big deal to her. At some point in time, HT's will become more of the norm and socially acceptable and a comment like this won't be the anomaly.
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