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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. Thanks spanker. For me it's the last piece in the jigsaw puzzle. I'd never regret having my strip previously, it was the right choice for me, but fue is probably my best option this time. Hopefully some people might see with this case how strip and fue combined work together for a great outcome and less of the good vs evil as we've come to see on the forums recently .
  2. We'll here I go again into battle:D thought I would start my thread now and will follow up as things progress. I've got an appt with dr Lorenzo this Friday 6th December for a consultation and will be in the chair on the 20th December. I'm pretty stoked I was able to get in pretty quickly with the doc, but I'm a small fue case. Plan of attack, is to hit my temple peaks which one is receding and the other is completely shot with a little recession on the one side. I reckon I'm approx 700 grafts tops so for myself fue was the better option. I've also got pretty coarse hair, so fue allows the doc to cherry pick the finer hairs, for the area needing work on. I will report back after my consult on fri.
  3. There all great docs for sure and I guess we all have our favourite. For me dr Lorenzo is an fue god! He has taken fue to a completely new level with the work he has been doing.
  4. Dr feller , dr gabel and dr arocha also do some excellent hairline work. There are some great surgeons to chose from.
  5. Congrats man. I'm glad it all went as planned.
  6. I'm sorry to hear what yr going through fella. Maybe speak to a doc and see if you can maybe tolerate taking a smaller dose of propecia? I know one things for sure. You need to get yrself a new group of friends, people who stick by you when yr down not people who take the piss. Hope things work out for you.
  7. Bonkers. Thanks very much mate. I need a little touch up though. My temple point in on side is completely shot, with a little recession on the side. I may go for another ht then walk away completely and just get on with life.
  8. I can't believe these guys can't be sued for fraud, and lying to potential patients. It's absolutely disgusting. Well done joe, but you already know they will blame it on human error with the webmaster.
  9. Good man yrself bonkers. That's great laxity fella. Be nice to see you back on here again. I always enjoyed yr posts.
  10. Both are great methods, however for higher bald patterns, mathematically, strip method will give u more grafts over yr lifetime.
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