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Everything posted by irishsailor

  1. Finally home :-) Well, got home today, spent a couple of days chilling in hotel after my fue case. Dr Lorenzo is going to send me the pics he has taken on the day plus the pics from before Xmas when I went for my appt. We decided to go for 700 grafts, 550 to fix my temple points and tweak my hairline, and the rest into my mid scalp to cover a bald spot I had in that area. We started the day just gone 8:20 and started the extractions at 9. I was amazed at the speed this man can work at, it took just shy of 2 hrs to extract the 700 grafts, and the procedure in total just took over 4 hrs. Even though it's just been over 48 hrs since my op, my donar area feels like it's back to normal as in no numbness and pain. As with all ht's no matter how many we have, comes the hard part now. The dreaded waiting game I shall try and upload the pics as soon as I receive them. Dr Lorenzo didn't shave down my donar area he just took small areas from all over the donar area, so should have no probs covering it from the world
  2. Thanks matt. What a great result you got with dr konier. Dr did u proud fella :cool:
  3. Expect nothing less from hasson an Wong. What are great result :cool:
  4. Setting of for Manchester for my appt with dr Lorenzo in the morning. Got that same feeling I had in my gut, when I flew out to see dr feller. Let's hope everything goes as well as last time.
  5. Thanks hairthere, Finally decided to get the temple peaks done. Hoping a get a great result like you got with dr feller
  6. Hi everyone, I had to delay my original date with dr Lorenzo due to a family loss, however mick was kind enough to reschedule for 6 months time to give me time to get my life back in order. Well the surgery is paid for and I'm excited to be travelling to Manchester on Thursday for my turn in the chair this Friday. I'm more nervous about this surgery than my strip with dr feller. The reasons are not my choice in surgeon or change from strip to fue, it's my calibre of hair is very coarse and whilst for my last surgery I got great coverage due to my calibre of hair, I'm not sure how my temple points will turn out . I do know that I've chosen who I believe to be the best fue surgeon on the planet and due to finer hairs required for this surgery , fue is the better technique due to allowing the doc to cherry pick the finer hairs. I shall right a more detailed report after my surgery on fir with the man himself.
  7. Best of luck. Your going with one of the best fue docs out there.
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