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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. TeaganW, you don't have the option to work with him the rest of his life. There is a limited amount of hair that can be transplanted and if you waste it on this one you can't get that back.
  2. If you have reasonable expectations you should be fine. Any of the top surgeons you find on this site will talk to you about what you can expect based on your situation. Then you just decide if that works for you or not. I disagree with the statement in the article you read.
  3. I switched to foam a couple years ago and found it easier to apply and less messy. It is unscented as well. The active ingredient is the same, so it really is a personal preference.
  4. I agree completely. Do more research and only go to a top surgeon. This is not something that should be rushed into. He will have to live with the results for a long time. Do not go to a surgeon that you have any concerns about. This site will give you a lot of information to find a great surgeon for him.
  5. If you decide to get strip surgery and you choose a top surgeon you should not have an issue with your scar (not saying you won't have a scar, because you will), understanding that there are some limitations on how short you can cut your hair.
  6. I added photos 15 days post op. Got my first hair cut today to blend things in a little bit. Staples out last Friday.....much more comfortable after that!
  7. orlhair1

    15 Days Post Op

  8. orlhair1

    From the album: 15 Days Post Op

  9. orlhair1

    From the album: 15 Days Post Op

  10. orlhair1

    From the album: 15 Days Post Op

  11. orlhair1

    From the album: 15 Days Post Op

  12. You chose a top surgeon. Congrats......heal and grow well. Look forward to your pics.
  13. I think the best thing for anyone to do is to talk to several top surgeons about their goals and both types of surgery to determine which is best for them to achieve their goals. In doing my research I considered both and found no "bias" at all in this forum. Their are differences between the two that definitively are important to understand that will impact whether or not you are likely to achieve your goals. It is an individual decision.
  14. That is great! I just started Fin 4 months ago.
  15. I had never heard of artificial hairs before. Huge improvement from a bad situation. He must be very happy.
  16. Larry Shapiro's shakes are a joke (and he has a terrible reputation)......hope you did not waste your money on them. There is no magic potion you can drink to keep your hair or make your transplants grow. I just love these posts with no pictures. 3 hair transplants and you have no pictures from any of them you can post? Not realistic.
  17. It is my understanding that the combination works better than either alone.
  18. That is an awesome result.....I can see why you are stoked!
  19. Dr. Cooley has an excellent reputation. ACell was used in my recent transplant as well. Best of luck with your procedure.
  20. I would not let geography decide who you go to. Do your research and ultimately pick a surgeon with a proven track record and one that you are very comfortable with. If that requires travel, in the big scheme of things as it relates to a hair transplant, that is not a big deal.
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