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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Jotronic, your summary makes sense. I believe the issue has gotten way out of hand and clearly Dr. Wong has a great reputation in this field, so it is a shame to see all of the mudslinging. I really am not saying this to take sides and I am sorry that TE feels the way he does, but there is no way that H & W could have the reputation they have if they treated their patients the way things have been portrayed here.
  2. You will not go wrong with any of the choices you mention. I recently had surgery with Dr. Ron Shapiro and my experience was fantastic. I would not hesitate to recommend him.
  3. Salami, congrats on your procedure. Heal and grow well.
  4. If I were wanting a 2nd surgery I would wait the longest recommended period so that I would be comfortable that I had the best chance for an optimal outcome. No reason to push it in my opinion.
  5. Don't make a decision based on marketing. Research research research! You have found the right place here. Be willing to travel. Geography should not be part of the decision unless you happen to live close to one of the top surgeons.
  6. Thanks! The crown was cut and just the very edge of the hair line was cut a little I think.
  7. Best to be completely comfortable with your decision!
  8. orlhair1

    Day 7 Post Op

  9. orlhair1

    From the album: Day 7 Post Op

  10. orlhair1

    From the album: Day 7 Post Op

  11. orlhair1

    From the album: Day 7 Post Op

  12. I remember all of those Chia Pet commercials........too funny. Very nice results and still early.
  13. I did not find the procedure painful at all. I am 7 days post op and would say the most discomfort I have had is at night trying to sleep. It just puts pressure on the strip. Getting better every day. I highly recommend using a neck/travel pillow. It helps keep the pressure off. I learned this from others here and it makes a big difference.
  14. Son111, You made a great choice! Everyone at SMG is just fantastic.
  15. Heal well! I feel the same way about the forum. It really helped me with my research and decision. Just had a similar size surgery this week, so we will be on the same timeline! Glad you chose a top Dr.
  16. I think you can determine what a likely (but not guaranteed) outcome is by talking to your doctor and seeing if that matches your expectations, assuming you are working with any of the top doctors. It is an individual goal for everyone. I think we all have to go into this understanding that the outcome could be a little better or worse than what we expect, and if people are simply unrealistic then they probably won't be happy in the end.
  17. I am sure you will have a great result. I have to get in the same mindset and start the waiting game.....just part of the process, but worth it.
  18. Mustard, Drs. mentioned on here are all people you should consider. I would definitely recommend looking at Dr. Ron Shapiro.
  19. Good luck with your surgery. I just had mine done this week and had a lot of anxiety leading up to it which is natural, but the surgery was not bad at all and I am healing quickly. I had a great experience and I am sure you will as well. I am on day 4 and the redness is mostly gone and I can cover most of the front already with my existing hair. Did have some swelling but it is going away quickly. You will feel great after it is over and will be glad that you did it!
  20. Hal, Just had my surgery with Dr. Ron on Tues. Had the same great experience you did. Day 4 and healing nicely and feeling great about having it done. Hope you are doing well.
  21. Having read the comments by Corvettster, TC and others, I will change my point of view and agree it should be left open. I guess previously I was just thinking how much more can be said about this? However, no one knows unless the thread is open for people to comment on and for TE & HW to discuss as they feel they should be able to. Personally, reading up a lot on threads, including this one, helped me make my decision to have my transplant, understand the importance of communication, expectations and to decide who I wanted to do it. So closing it or locking it could prevent others from valuable information.
  22. I agree......this post is not helpful to anyone trying to find out information about hair transplants. It is unfortunate, but I think it should be closed. Just my opinion.
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