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Everything posted by Tonycc

  1. I think that for this particular discussion we need a doctor's input. Thanks Doc. You cleared a lot up here.
  2. I think that it has been stated here many times that finding the right surgeon is on the same page as you is critical to having any sort of success. In fact, a lot of surgeons are on this site. You are able to find any sort of information that you are looking for.
  3. thats why it is called "surgery". Focus on the results. This will surely scare people away from getting this type of surgery. I know if I just started to search for this and a picture of that popped up, I would have rather stayed bald haha.
  4. did the techs do ALL the grafts? I know there are some doctors that like to add them in addition to making the incision. As stated, these technicians are well-trained though. It's all good.
  5. Just use a lil common sense. Don't be throwing on a hat or wash your hair in a violent manner. You should be all good. Especially from the other comments here. Keep us updated.
  6. I dont think you are being conservative with this approach. You are certainly being proactive about your situation. Like Matt said, realistic goals are a good idea. If you are able to put up pics of you problem areas, the people on this site are a great resource as to what to expect. Here to help.
  7. You came to the right place! Have you uploaded pics to the site? Although most of us are not doctors, this will be a great way to see if you are a good candidate for HT. Have you talked with any doctors yet?
  8. I wouldn't even think to consider surgery. Or at least FUT. Your scar would be visible. It says that you have started taking meds for this. I really hope this will work for you. I wouldn't make any sort of decision on this until 6 monthish when you can start to see results from this. Wishing you the best. Please keep us updated on your progress.
  9. A lot of times people with bad experiences will post. They feel it necessary to spread which Dr.s not to go to. People with good hts are out enjoying their new life.
  10. i think you will find here that a lot of people have been using medication for years (like yourself) before considering HT. Like others said, Propecia would be the next step for you. It definitely has long-term results as well (which is what you are looking for) Make sure you keep us updated on what happens.
  11. I would also recommend finasteride. This is one step up from the Rogaine you have been using. And yes, I agree that you hair does seem a little thin for a HT. I would NOT recommend that. And your "scars" don't look bad at all! You look good. But, definitely look into finasteride. There are plenty of resources here for that.
  12. I think you may be surprised by the amount of people whom wont even notice (unless there is practically no hair). If it looks natural and you have a successful procedure then people would just assume that you had the hair in the first place. Chances are that they will be able to say that you look a bit different, but it will always be positive. Has anyone had a negative experience?
  13. have you gone to a dr yet to see what the recommendation is? Also, you want to do as many as you can in one session. You should be able to get a complete procedure from one sitting. The benefits of this are tremendous. $$$$$ Good luck
  14. spanker, Is your hair long enough right now to cover up a scar? I am assuming that if you got a strip that you would have to always keep your hair at the length you currently have or longer.
  15. I couldn't agree more! That person obviously did not visit this forum. It is terrible how a couple bad transplants can give the whole industry a negative reputation.
  16. Good luck! You have clearly done all the proper research here and you should have an outstanding result. Keep us updated on your progress.
  17. Great thread! Is there a reason why we end up still losing our hair up to 6 months when taking Propecia? Just curious on why this happens. Thanks!
  18. This surely relates to DHT. I am just trying to figure out this situation. Perhaps you can help me clarify a couple of things? You had modest body hair growth when you were taking propecia, but when you stopped 3 years later you are seeing hair everywhere? The timing of this is actually kinda critical. Let us know. We can help.
  19. Great question! I know that there are posts here that discuss this topic (recently too). You should start to see some recession in pimples pretty soon. People have had them 6 months and longer! <==Not the norm Keep us updated on your progress!
  20. do you think that skype will completely change the industry? How many people are doing this now? Since we are now moving into a more digital world this may be more prevalent in the future...
  21. there are actually a lot of posts here about pimples. I guess this must be a very common problem for people here.
  22. was there a timetable for this? I am sure that potential patients would still use FUE and FUT. Do you think that the medications with take a big hit as well?
  23. even a low sex drive is a rare occurrence. Yes, it would be out of the norm for you to experience either of these.
  24. confidence is obviously the biggest issue (at least with me). I have been worried because I have seen a lot of positive HTs and a lot of negative HT instances. There is really no middle-ground here. No one really says, "ya, I had a decent HT..." You know what I mean?
  25. Great find, multiplier! That does look pretty hardcore photoshop. And Sparky you are right about any doctor being a 'nice guy'. That is their job though I guess, right? They want us to feel as comfortable as possible. Using our good judgement, we just have to try to see beyond the nice meet & greet and view the big-picture.
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