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Mick from Farjo

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Mick from Farjo

  1. Comment by Dr. Farjo: Pangaea is a company I have known for about 10 years which started out making a scalp fibres camouflage product called Nanogen which we sell on to some of our patients. They have become involved in a variety of other hair products over the years, but earlier this year they approached me after the Intercytex data suggested scalp 'stimulation' made a positive difference to the hair counts. They showed me their scalproller device and they suggested it could help stimulate hair growth on the principle of causing scalp injury, and they also speculated that it would significantly aid Minoxidil absorption into the scalp. They discussed a number of other interesting ideas and projects and I agreed that the principles behind their scalproller suggestions are scientifically plausible. We are currently in discussions about writing appropriate protocols for clinical trials. I can not endorse the Scalproller device itself until further clinical research is at hand. Mick
  2. Patient looking for cover to front and top.Not wanting a dramatic change rather a more subtle,age appropriate appearance.His hair colour and characteristics worked in his favour He is in his fifties and does not plan future treatment at this time. Film to be added 2241 FUG 251 1 Hair 1741 2 " 249 3-4 " Mick
  3. Dr Feller, Excellent example of a great candidate for this type of work.It also illustrates another important point.Namely that even those with a seemingly excellent head of hair are very concerned about these "imperfections".I believe in many ways it is more irritating to them than losing significant amounts of hair. Mick
  4. Lastchance, It's under Spex's guide about being a marathon and not a sprint.It always takes that little bit longer to come through , so at this time you are still in the warm up period.Be patient and everything will turn out as you anticipated. Mick
  5. Orangehair, Looks as though this is going to turn out great as normal.You can tell you have arrived when you see the comb with the name of the clinic, now that is one i am going to get to work on. On a separate point i recently had the pleasure of spending some extended time with Dr True in Amsterdam.yes , everyone knows what a great surgeon he is but he is so much more.It was great to hear how he developed his craft and how much time and effort he put in to his FUE work.I came away much wiser from our conversation. Mick
  6. Dr Mejia, It was great to meet with you again in Amsterdam.I could not agree more with your statement." The objective of a physician consultation is to evaluate the patients goals and provide the best result that fits his goals and budget with the expected number of grafts." You gave the patient exactly what he required, a natural looking result which matched his expectations.Thanks for posting. Mick
  7. Amsterdam 2009, This was a great meeting and a lot of interesting topics were discussed.My knowledge base was certainly enhanced, especially on topics such as PRP. I had the opportunity to chat with a lot of the doctor's recommended on here about a number of subjects and they continue to impress.For one so big in our field Dr Wong is such a humble man, Dr Parsley the ougoing President the same..I had a great talk with Dr True and it was easy to see how he has reached the top of our field.Dr Feriduni was kind enough to share his philosopy on hair and you just know why he has risen to the top.This was further enhanced by meeting with some of his patients at the live patient viewing. Suffice to say that this could be said of all. Dr Feller had a very busy booth and a number of Doctor's were looking at his new FUE tool.It seemed to go down very well indeed.We chatted in between the people milling round his stand and i certainly learned more about FUE from him. We bought five cases to the live patient viewing and i know that everyone loved what they saw, especially the mighty Fallenstar. All in all good stuff. Mick
  8. European patient looking to add cover to front and a bit to the crown.He is in his late 30's and results will be updated periodically. 3165 FUG 653 1 Hair 2217 2 " 295 3-4 " Mick
  9. Orangehair, This is a perfect example of how to disguise those pesky old grafts.Great work. Mick
  10. TC17, This is possibly one of the best posts i have seen in a while and should be hung on the wall of every HT Clinic. Bill is right the cases are few and far between and thankfully most surgeons see it that way. Mick
  11. Bill, You took the words right out of my mouth or rather i only wish i could put my point across as succinctly as you Every surgeon will have a different philosophy to what they wish to do.Our session sizes at the moment are up to and just over the 4,000 mark but these are certainly not everyday.Again about the hair characteristics, Dr True's patient is a stunning example of someone who had everything going for him.Top doctor and right approach with someone who has excellent donor characteristics will equal a great result.I remember you mentioned about Adrian who we took to the live patient viewing in Montreal being exactly the same.This year we will be bringing five ranging from a single procedure of 2000 to a patient who has had nearly 7000 in two operations.Certainly one size does not fit all. Mick
  12. Orangehair, The results look spot on so far and exactly where i would have thought he would be.Vincehair try to look at it from a different perspective.This patient was looking old beyond his years, i have no doubt he is delighted because he was told exactly what results could be achieved.Whether he has more in the future is a completely different point but this is a realistic example of what to expect after this short space of time.From a leading doctor in the field. Mick
  13. Thanks Bill, Mr GQ, I understand what you are saying but perhaps you maybe missing the point here.A mega session refers to a specific number transferred typically 2500 to perhaps 4,000+ follicular units.We certainly have no problems doing these numbers when needed and applicable.These large numbers are simply transferred over a larger area when and if that patient is a suitable candidate.Taking in to account all the background details ie age, degree of loss, family history, use of medications hair type and characteristics, scalp laxity etc etc In modern treatment sessions the average number of grafts transferred is between 40-50 follicular units per cm2. The patient you refer to did not have a larger surface area that would be needed to do say 4000+ units throughout first time .The only way to have got morer density first time was to have done perhaps 90 FUG per cm2 but this is not feasible.Hence the need for a further session for added density.I will make a point when possible of putting more larger cases up but they are the exception with most clinics rather than the norm. Mick
  14. Orangehair, You are quick off the mark.I haven't got his notes now but i believe it was just a bit less than first time.Yes he is happy and we will update in a year. Mick
  15. Male mid 30's looking to add cover to front, top.and a bit to the back.We knew he would need a further procedure to match his expectations and this has recently taken place. He is on meds -Finasteride. 2600 FUG 380 1 Hair 1853 2 " 367 3-4 " Mick
  16. Dr Konior, Like everyone else on here i love the work you are producing.Long may you continue to share. Mick
  17. Orangehair, Good documrntation and pic's and well worth showing.It's these early stages that potential patients need to be aware of.It definitely is a marathon and not a sprint.Well worth the wait though. Mick
  18. jupiter_jessica Even from the pictures shown, there is a marked improvement.Keep up the good work and keep on showing it. Mick
  19. Dr Feller, You just know that the guy has a happier outlook with his life.Good for you for bringing it back to him. Mick
  20. Italianuk, Both Dr's Farjo recently spent some time with their good friend Dr Pathomvanich on ISHRS business at his clinic in Thailand.They were both hugely impressed with him and the way he conducts his business.His meticulous attention to detail and surgical skills were duly noted.If you choose to use him you will be in good hands and hopefully a great holiday as well. Mick
  21. Bill, It will be good to catch up with you and Pat again.We will be bringing several patients along to the patients showcase,all of whom have had their cases put up here.Including the mighty Fallenstar of course.Unfortunately Mark Black-singer songwriter will not be there to showcase his musical talents. Mick
  22. djirj1, Happy for you..looking great and still more to come. Mick
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