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Mick from Farjo

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Mick from Farjo

  1. Research thoroughly and if you speak to people of the calibre of Dr Feriduni,Dr Devroye or Dr Feller you will be dealing with people who are great practitioners in the technique.We had a patient recently who had absolutely zero growth and a lot of visible scarring in the donor region via FUE.He was told the no scarring line and that it was not really an operation at all.This is why you need to get it right and the people on here are pointing you in the right direction. Mick
  2. Readyforchange, Things are starting to happen but as others have heard many times before.It's all about time and of course patience. Mick
  3. Fadingfast ,you met with a doctor who has your long term interests at heart.Hang on in there and it will turn out right in the end. Mick
  4. Seriously though, Dr Feller did a great job and i feel sorry for people who end up with the likes of the place he initially went to. Great job. Mick
  5. Spex, He leaves no stone unturned to plug his book, Even hijacking a Dr Feller thread.These salesmen you can't take them anywhere.I know he thinks you are a good guy though because he mentions it in the book he wrote.You know the one.I have asked him to sign a copy and i will give it to you when we meet.You can show it to the kids when they are old enough to read. Mick
  6. Lastchance, Congratulations on your work and finally getting to a proper doctor. Mick
  7. Eman, Looking fabulous, well worth the wait and great documentation of your journey over the last few months. Mick
  8. Flybe, Congratulations on a top class change.Even at this early part in the proceedings you must be thrilled. Mick
  9. Tubs, Looking good...you had better think about changing your passport now! How has your transformation been seen by those who are acquaintinces,rather than friends.ie a quick glance, an odd comment such as "you look different" or the normal "have you lost weight". Many people who know you just dont pick up on what has changed, even though you yourself have had an amazing transformation.Has anyone come out and actually asked if you have had a transplant? Mick
  10. Brian Boru on the BBC. Brian is featured tommorrow evening at 7.pm on the One show on BBC1. Mick
  11. Brian Boru on the BBC. Brian is featured tommorrow evening at 7.pm on the One show on BBC1. Mick
  12. Sorry Balody, It was at the ground.He left our theatre for the "theatre of dreams". Mick
  13. The mighty Irishman has been and gone.For any football fans out there , he even got to see the Champions league semi final between Man. Utd and Arsenal.The funny thing is though that he supports Leeds Utd. Mick
  14. Baldie42, As promised... We finished following up the last volunteer of Phase II of the trial about 6 weeks ago, and the 1st set of analysis data have just been released. This trial was designed to examine the effect of different dermal papilla (the hair producing cells in the root) delivery techniques and methods to ensure that the epidermal (superficial skin layer) cells were in the correct state to respond to the signals and produce new hairs. To recap, the point of the trial is to see if it is possible to create a limitless supply of donor hair and deliver results with very minimum of surgery. In each subject, an initial surgical harvest of around 100 hairs roots was performed, dermal papilla cells separated and then put in a proprietary culture medium for 8 weeks. In this medium the cells multiply extensively producing millions of 'cloned' DP cells. Each volunteer was injected 900 times with the suspension containing the lab-grown DP cells in a large area which was photographed at the end of the study. Volunteers were also injected in a smaller area, divided into two halves - counts were obtained by shaving and photographing the two small halves of this small area of the scalp, injecting them multiple times (either 1 injection of 50 ?µl or 50 injections of 1 ?µl) with living DP cell suspension and then applying a specialized image analysis system to provide a total hair count. In these small sections, all 19 subjects in the trial were treated using a range of injection and scalp pre-stimulation techniques; the first 6 subjects were injected without stimulation of the scalp. In the remaining 13 subjects the resident hair producing (epithelial) cells were stimulated at the time of delivery of the DP cells in one of the two treatment sites. 13 subjects completed the 48-week trial with 6 subjects lost to follow-up. Of the 13 subjects completing the trial the data showed that: ' 65% (11/17) of the treated sites in the non-stimulated group responded to the treatment by increasing numbers of hairs of all sizes ' 71% (12/17) of the treated sites in the non-stimulated group responded to the treatment by increasing numbers of hairs over 30 microns in diameter ' 78% (7/9) of the treated sites in the stimulated group responded to the treatment by increasing numbers of hairs of all sizes ' 100% (9/9) of the treated sites in the stimulated group responded to the treatment by increasing numbers of hairs over 30 micron in diameter ' The overall take rate (number of hairs produced per 100 injections) in the stimulated areas was o 40% (n=6) for hairs of all sizes o 18% (n=6) for hairs over 30 microns in diameter The larger (900 injection) area photographs have not yet been analysed. As a reference, hairs under 30 microns in diameter that grow less than 1 cm in length are vellus baby-like hairs, while terminal adult-like hairs are more than 30 microns in diameter and grow more than 1cm in length. The data strongly suggests that new hair production is improved by pre-stimulation of the scalp. This is essentially a technique to cause a minor injury to the skin surface, leading to an interaction between the injected cells and the resident hair producing cells. The role of an injury or skin wound in hair growth in mice had first been established a year or two ago by Cotsarelis and his team. From a clinical point of view, what we have learned is that when such a technique becomes an available commercial treatment, it can be a rapid and pain free procedure. Obviously local anesthetic will be used, but certainly 1000 injections can be performed in under an hour with post op pain almost non existent and scabbing very minimal. Further studies are of course planned, but one exciting area that may point to the way of the future is the development of the so-called Proto-Hairs. Still in the lab stage for now, animal multiplied dermal papilla cells are developing terminal hairs in the lab dish. Once this is duplicated reliably in the human model and proved to work in a human trial, it may provide another alternative to the concept of cell therapy for hair loss. Mick ps i am only the messanger and definitely not a scientist...
  15. BALDIE 42, Unfortunately i am as much in the dark as you.Hence it is a topic that you will know as much as i do.I was simply referring to a recent update relating to the topic, which as you know has created a lot of interest.The reality is this is something that is not going to be available sometime soon.I will ask Dr Farjo to give some good straight talking feedback on this area and add it to here for you. Mick
  16. Spex, You would not believe the number of people who actually believe it's going to be just round the corner.I tell them it's a very, very long corner.Anyway this was just updated on our site. http://www.farjo.net/news.asp?action=view&id=657 Mick
  17. hairseekerusa, You are in great hands,your surgeon is truly top notch and we all look forward to you becoming yet another "Cooleyfied"member. Do a weblog and keep us all updated with your progress. Mick
  18. Eman, Right on track...bet you can't wait for the summer. Mick
  19. Trangler, Having met your doctor in person, i can fully appreciate how well both he and his staff made you feel.I have no doubt that you will be very happy with the final outcome and as Eman rightly points out patience is the order of the day. Mick
  20. Dewayne, I am really happy for you and dare i say it things are only going to get bette Patience is a virtue, especially relevant in our field Well done. Mick
  21. Arion, Looking good so far, good choice of Doctor. Mick
  22. We get many e mails and letters of thanks from our patients.in cases like this one it is all the more pleasing.This is because he researched the internet and came to us from HTN.this was following a previous bad experience from surgery abroad. Hi Mick Apologies for not getting back sooner, I've just got back to London. Please pass on a big thank you to all the team who worked on me on 27th November. I was a bit nervous after my first HT surgery in but my fears were allayed after my surgery with Farjo. I can't believe the difference in my experience. I am very happy with the work which has been done. My experience in left me with a big scar, a very tight scalp and lots of numbness for several months. This time with you guys I have a tiny scar, no noticeable numbness and my scalp already feels loose! It really is amazing! I feel so glad that I did my research and picked Farjo who really do deserve the fantastic reputation that they have. I can't wait to be ready for my next surgery to complete the crown area. I will happily recommend Farjo to anyone thinking of having surgery. I'll also keep you updated with pics as things develop. the doc advised me to pop in to see him in around 3 months time which I will certainly arrange. Please do pass on these thanks to all the team including the nurses who did a great job. Personal thanks are also due to you Mick for all your support before, during and after the surgery. Regards I know that all the clinic's on here get similar correspondence. He should also be thanking Pat, Bill and everyone who has shared their time to ensure that poor quality surgery becomes a thing of the past.To nick a line of Spex research research research. Mick I will ask him if he will do a blog and story on here himself but i thought this was worth sharing.
  23. We get many e mails and letters of thanks from our patients.in cases like this one it is all the more pleasing.This is because he researched the internet and came to us from HTN.this was following a previous bad experience from surgery abroad. Hi Mick Apologies for not getting back sooner, I've just got back to London. Please pass on a big thank you to all the team who worked on me on 27th November. I was a bit nervous after my first HT surgery in but my fears were allayed after my surgery with Farjo. I can't believe the difference in my experience. I am very happy with the work which has been done. My experience in left me with a big scar, a very tight scalp and lots of numbness for several months. This time with you guys I have a tiny scar, no noticeable numbness and my scalp already feels loose! It really is amazing! I feel so glad that I did my research and picked Farjo who really do deserve the fantastic reputation that they have. I can't wait to be ready for my next surgery to complete the crown area. I will happily recommend Farjo to anyone thinking of having surgery. I'll also keep you updated with pics as things develop. the doc advised me to pop in to see him in around 3 months time which I will certainly arrange. Please do pass on these thanks to all the team including the nurses who did a great job. Personal thanks are also due to you Mick for all your support before, during and after the surgery. Regards I know that all the clinic's on here get similar correspondence. He should also be thanking Pat, Bill and everyone who has shared their time to ensure that poor quality surgery becomes a thing of the past.To nick a line of Spex research research research. Mick I will ask him if he will do a blog and story on here himself but i thought this was worth sharing.
  24. SR, Dont worry it is very early and they should be popping their heads through soon.Sometimes it's difficult to see the subtle growth, especially if you have existing hair.Over the years we ourselves have had patients asking us about growth around the four month mark. They have e mailed a picture and compared it to their pre op and hey presto the change was beginning to happen. It really is a waiting game and of course you have a long time to go.I am pretty sure if you spoke to your doctor he would be saying something along the same lines. Mick
  25. His hair is coming along fine but he must be taking growth hormones because he's about 3 inches taller...the power of a transplant.An inch on his head and two inches for his cowboy boots. Mick
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