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    • Dear members, This Thursday it will be three months since I underwent a HT in Belgium and I still have a bit of a red, slightly numb reception area where some pimples also appear every now and then. It itches a little bit and the clinic has said that I have to start doing isobetadine shampoo again, which I do twice a week. I saw on another forum that it happens more often and some people leave it and some get antibiotics or other types of antiseptics. What do you guys think? Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Is this foliculitis? It feels, when you go with your finger on your head, like a “bumpy” area with some pimples and a bit of numbness (not too much) It's not very red or anything like I saw with another person on the forum. My lifestyle hasn't been extremely healthy lately, but I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Ketoconazole shampoo might still be an extra option? It's almost three months old and I've also had a shedding (not all of it, but quite a bit (50%?) is gone while I'm taking oral minoxidil). Seeing a little bit of growth but very sparse on almost 3 months. Should I be worried or just continue with the shampoo for a while or maybe ask for antibiotics?   Thanks in advance for your reply and apologies for the whole story.  
    • You cannot equate hair growth therapies with hair transplant surgery, as they are fundamentally distinct procedures. Hair growth therapies can promote some degree of hair regrowth or slow down hair loss. However, their effectiveness is often limited, and they typically do not produce dramatic results. Patients using these therapies should maintain realistic expectations regarding the extent of improvement they might achieve. On the other hand, hair transplant surgery offers a more transformative solution. 
    • I know this is something that has been spoken about hundreds of times. I have also read pretty much everything about it the last 10 years. My hair is now to a point where I pretty much need a hairtransplant (from front to ears lost a lot) or just go bald. I am not as scared anymore about finasteride as I used to be. But still, I am a very healthy guy and I am in the gym for about 5 days a week. Even though it is a 1.5% ish chance on bad sides, I still don't know if it is worth it, next to that, I might want children in the next 2 years. I am 36 now. So then I have to stop again. I thought about Minoxidil many times, I know it does magic, but my grandparents both died young (58 and 73) due to heart related issues. So I am pretty sure I can't convince myself for Minoxidil. I know multiple friends who have had their hairtransplant 5 years ago without meds and look perfectly fine. Why should I not do the transplant and watch the rest of my hair closely over the coming few years, and if it gets worse hop on finasteride then? If needed. Because what if my hair is currently already at the max of receding? No one knows right? I kind of have the hairline my father has currently. I have 7.000 grafts available, checked by multiple hairtransplant doctors last year. And would do a conservative hairline. I would not go to a cheap hairtransplant, I have the budget for an elite surgeon.
    • @WhamHair just looked at the pre and post op photos. Liked the hairline designing and overall grafts distribution. Best wishes 👍
    • @Portugal every individual is different. Month wise result will vary from person to person. At month 4 mark, I think your result looks satisfactory. From now on it'll only get better. Best wishes 👍
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