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Will Hair Transplant Make a Difference for me

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I don’t say this often, but I don’t think your going to be a candidate for a hair transplant. You have the highest Norwood level loss already, and as we can see even your sides have dropped. With such a large area to cover you wouldn’t have enough scalp grafts to adequately made any kind of real difference. Even supplementing with Beard hair you would still struggle. 
The donor area is very small, and you wouldn’t want to risk thinning it out any further. Sorry if I seem less than positive, but no point in beating around the bush here. 

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Thanks for tagging @J.A.C 

Guys.. Look at his neck... I see valuable source of grafts for a good result. Plus, I assume that he has plenty of chest hair. 

With a well planned hair restoration, it is possible alright to reach a fair result. 

Recently I've posted a similar case with a larger head (link below).

Although in the present case he also have a retrograde alopecia. 
Briefly, I'd use the scalp donor hair to restore the hairline and blend beard and chest hair in other areas.

Dr. Pittella • Norwood 7, Large head, Poor donor, Thin Hair: Come and see (WET) 

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With dropped sides, retrograde alopiceia and a unknown amount of chest or even beard hair it would be a very difficult journey IMO. Too many variables involved, thinning out the donor area even more? Are we even sure it’s going to be a reliable source? Ok so let’s see the chest and beard areas by all means. 

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1 hour ago, J.A.C said:

With dropped sides, retrograde alopiceia and a unknown amount of chest or even beard hair it would be a very difficult journey IMO. Too many variables involved, thinning out the donor area even more? Are we even sure it’s going to be a reliable source? Ok so let’s see the chest and beard areas by all means. 

There is no easy journey in hair restoration, my friend. 😊 

Of course the patient must be aware of the limitations of his results. I mean, he should never expect an Elvis Presley's hair after his HT.

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  • Senior Member

You might be able to achieve good results using beard and chest hairs. You'd have to pick a very good surgeon who is experienced in cases like yours

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My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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  • Senior Member
Just now, Dr. Felipe Pittella said:

There is no easy journey in hair restoration, my friend. 😊 

Of course the patient must be aware of the limitations of his results. I mean, he should never expect an Elvis Presley's hair after his HT.

Lol tell me about it, I have had x5 procedure’s already and my journey isn’t over yet. It’s all about managing expectations and choosing the right Dr/Clinic, In this chaps case unless he chooses the right Dr it’s game over quickly. The only ones capable of any kind of success would be you’re good self, Eugenix, Bisanga or Zarev.. IMO it’s high risk and low reward, what would it look like with further thinning/loss in the donor area? What if the hairs taken also fall or thin further. What if the scarring doesn’t allow for shorter hair, ok so he has a chance of getting some kind of coverage if he chooses the right Dr, and everything goes well. Could be a long journey and with little reward, let’s see the beard and chest hairs available in full. Personally I think his best choice would be SMP

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  • Senior Member
Just now, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

You might be able to achieve good results using beard and chest hairs. You'd have to pick a very good surgeon who is experienced in cases like yours

Exactly and we have yet to see these sources in full. And they really do need a decent amount of scalp hair, not the other way around. 

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I know it’s not easy to hear this however, you are likely not going to be a candidate for hair transplant surgery unless you are going to be satisfied with restoring a very mature looking hairline with essentially no hair behind it.

However, there are other solutions out there that you may want to consider. If hair loss/baldness bothers you enough to do something, there are replacement systems out there that might be worth considering. You could even do a combination where are you undergo hair transplant surgery to restore a natural hairline with a hairpiece behind it to cover the rest of the balding areas.

The reason I suggested the possible combination is that some hairpieces look unnatural and a bit abrasive in the front making the hairline appear a bit too dense looking.   By combining surgical hair restoration and hair replacement, you can recreate a natural looking hairline and still have the density you want behind it.

Keep in mind however, that hair replacement systems would not grow and they have to be maintained. Also, if you decide you want to change your hairstyle or appear to have longer or shorter hair, you have to buy a new system, etc.  

On the other hand, some men look really good with a shaved head and a beard and if that’s a look you are satisfied with, it is certainly the cheapest and least time-consuming option.  Besides, that look is actually quite popular and attractive to women.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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19 hours ago, oppositeset said:

I am 38 years old. My hair has been like this for over 5 years now. 

Do you guys think there is enough hair in donor area? Because if not maybe not even worth getting consultation. Anyone was in similar situation?



19 hours ago, oppositeset said:

I am 38 years old. My hair has been like this for over 5 years now. 

Do you guys think there is enough hair in donor area? Because if not maybe not even worth getting consultation. Anyone was in similar situation?



We deal with high Norwood cases like yours. Fortunately, using your beard and scalp hair, you can go for a hair transplant - in two sessions. The first session would be for the frontal half of your scalp with a high hairline. The second procedure would be for the latter half of the scalp. We would love to evaluate your beard pictures also. Please do feel free to share them. Wish you the best!

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Hi thanks everyone. Appreciate the feedback

How long does my beard hair need to be to evaluate?

i will be posting pictures of beard soon

To be honest if I’m just getting some hair and having to go through 2-3 procedures, I don’t think it will be worth it. Like others have said what if I end up losing transplanted hair too

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28 minutes ago, oppositeset said:

Hi thanks everyone. Appreciate the feedback

How long does my beard hair need to be to evaluate?

i will be posting pictures of beard soon

To be honest if I’m just getting some hair and having to go through 2-3 procedures, I don’t think it will be worth it. Like others have said what if I end up losing transplanted hair too

The beard hair length as seen in your pictures is fine for evaluation.

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  • Senior Member

This is one of those hair loss situations where you think, Wow! its even went deep into the donor area... but there is always hope with the right doctor. We've all seen it

Your beard gives you great opportunity is the only reason why you would want to do a hair transplant. Mixing it with the limited amount of the back side, you will be able to sport an acceptable coverage. Keeping in mind it will definitely be a short hairstyle, but natural. It should be satisfying enough after 2 sessions (2 procedures) 

Both Dr. Sethi and Dr. Felipe are great doctors for this situation 

Good luck with your final decision sir 

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16 hours ago, oppositeset said:


Thank you.

We can take 2500 to 3000 grafts from your scalp donor and 1000 grafts from your beard donor in the first session.

Once done, we can evaluate the number of grafts that can be extracted for the second session.

It is possible to have a full coverage for you with the correct donor management.

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