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Best surgeon for advanced NW if money is no object?

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Who are the best surgeons for advanced NW's with an unlimited budget? Seems most of the best surgeons cap out around $15 / graft. Anyone do more expensive transplants that can maximize results further than Eugenix / H&W / Zarev?

I'm a NW 3/4, on my way to a NW6, maybe 7. Can't take meds due to pretty nasty side effects, but do have a strong donor area and plenty of beard and chest hair.

I'm only interested in FUE as I'd like to be able to shave if needed in the future. I'm OK with over-harvesting my donor via homogenization and keeping the sides trimmed short w/ SMP. Can do $700k - $800k for the right surgeon. Anyone know where Elon got his done? LOL

Edited by Mihaly
Updated wording to be more concise
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If moneys no object, and you strictly want FUE, H&W would be the obvious choice for higher Norwoods, based on their years of experience and years of great patient posted results. 

Dr Zarev looks to be amazing with high norwoods vía FUE, there’s a great thread on here by @HugoX - however it is unfortunately the only patient posted result I have came across online. 

Lorenzo in Spain is another good shout - he has been up at the top for years, and has many high NW transformations vía FUE, however his strategy is usually to split the surgeries into 2-3 passes over a period of usually 2 years (which might fit with you considering you aren’t fully NW 6 yet anyway). 

Dr Mwamba utilities donor and beard very well. 

Eugenix are also creating themselves a Niche of high NW experts vía FUE

Good luck, and let us know how you get on 


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Beyond a certain threshold, increases in price no longer equal an increase in skill. There are many European surgeons in Spain/Belgium/Portugal who charge between 2.5 and 3.5 Euros per graft who are objectively just as good or better in some cases than surgeons who charge around the 10-15 dollar per graft mark. 

If money is absolutely no issue whatsoever, then obviously that is good for your particular case as you can choose whoever you want to with no restrictions, my only point is that results won't be 'maximised' just because you find a surgeon more expensive than the previous; the logic is way off, although I understand the reasoning behind it. Also, you'll never need anywhere near 700-800 grand even if you were a NW7 who managed to extract 10,000+ scalp grafts and 5,000 body hair grafts from the worlds most expensive surgeon; that is a gross overestimation.

With that said, and to answer your question regardless, Konior is the most expensive surgeon I've ever seen quotes for, and he is also one of the best. Curious gives good recommendations above, too.

I have heard rumours that Elon went to Hasson and Wong, but who knows.


Edited by JDEE0
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48 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

With that said, and to answer your question regardless, Konior is the most expensive surgeon I've ever seen quotes for, and he is also one of the best

Yea agree with this. I think his pricing is partly to do with the lower volume of work he takes on, compared to other top tier clinics. I could be wrong, but I think he may only operate a few days a week, and Nadimi on the other days - perhaps someone could confirm or disprove that? 

OP - you have since edited your original post after my initial reply. As JD says, you will never need to pay such large amounts for even the baldest of scalps. 

Elon went to H&W, as have many other high net worth individuals, such as former professional footballers. 



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Please can we see some pics ? When I think of who will get the possible best reports for higher Norwoods I always think Eugenix, Hattingen, H&W, Dr Zarev and Dr Bisnaga in no particular order. When your choosing a elite Dr I think it’s who best suits your case. Not just a case of money no object. 

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$700-800K ?  For that amount of money, I'll go to medical school and become a Dr, then study to be a HT Doc - can you wait that long??


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I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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For FUE on a NW6-7...lots of options, but if I had to choose-

Zarev- If you have outstanding donor and are able to get easily north of 8-9k grafts, as well as good hair characteristics

Eugenix- Limited or merely average donor and need beard hair as well and maybe not the best hair characteristics as they have documented success with being able to do more with less.

Konior- Could probably do it all

@JC71has other outstanding suggestions mentioned in this post

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Thank you all for the responses! 

I did not intend to come off poorly with my question. It sounds like a good result is achievable for far, far less than I anticipated - and more money does not result in better outcomes beyond a point.

I will post some pictures when I am able to later this week. I'll look further into H&W, Zarev, Konior, and the others mentioned here. Many consultations to go I expect - thanks again!

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@Mihaly can you share broadly and non-identifiably what you do for work, or how did you acquire such a fortune that you can spend $700-$800k on cosmetic surgery?

For that much money, see if Dr. Konior and staff can fly to wherever you are located and operate directly in your mansion, palace, etc. 

Edited by SadMan2021
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28 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

proof? If this is indeed accurate and someone other than Elon himself leaked this info, its a massive privacy violation and H&W could be sued big-time. 

It's speculation on an online forum, you'd be right if there was evidence that H&W actually leaked this info, but that's obviously not the case. 

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5 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

@Mihaly can you share broadly and non-identifiably what you do for work, or how did you acquire such a fortune that you can spend $700-$800k on cosmetic surgery?

For that much money, see if Dr. Konior and staff can fly to wherever you are located and operate directly in your mansion, palace, etc. 

I work in tech and have had a few stock options work out well for me. I still have a day job, but am not flying around on a private jet or anything... Just really want my hair back and am willing to pay top dollar to make it happen!

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10 hours ago, voxman said:

$700-800K ?  For that amount of money, I'll go to medical school and become a Dr, then study to be a HT Doc - can you wait that long??


Hey I can retire to Turkey next week. Well what do you know? I've got a vacancy in ten days. Send me the 20% deposit and I'll book you in! I can also double as the airport pick up and drop off too!

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8 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

proof? If this is indeed accurate and someone other than Elon himself leaked this info, its a massive privacy violation and H&W could be sued big-time. 

There’s no proof as such, but when you’re on a forum full of transplant nerds, looking at his scar and hairline design, you can make safe assumptions.  

Obviously without his permission, it would be a huge violation for them to have released this information. 

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