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Everything posted by Mihaly

  1. @HairRun - are you saying you got side effects even when using lower dosage liposomal fin? I've requested a 0.025% fin and 5% min liposomal mix from Farmacia Paratti. Bummer if it doesn't end up making a difference! Maybe Dr. Hasson's formula is better though? Will check out xyonhealth.com
  2. Interesting discussion so far. I tried liposomal finasteride back in 2018, 1% concentration, from Farmacia Paratti. I unfortunately got sides - even when applying it every other day. They did thankfully go away a couple months after stopping. Im considering trying again, maybe at an even lower dose (0.1%). I was micro needling at the time (always a few days break between needling and fin), and was also applying rogaine- which may have dissolved the liposomal gel. Maybe the place I got it from was bad. I’ll see if I can try this formulation. Very interested to try the dutasteride. Have read it has a molecular weight that cannot absorb thru the scalp so easily - maybe it’s less risky than fin in this case?
  3. I work in tech and have had a few stock options work out well for me. I still have a day job, but am not flying around on a private jet or anything... Just really want my hair back and am willing to pay top dollar to make it happen!
  4. Thank you all for the responses! I did not intend to come off poorly with my question. It sounds like a good result is achievable for far, far less than I anticipated - and more money does not result in better outcomes beyond a point. I will post some pictures when I am able to later this week. I'll look further into H&W, Zarev, Konior, and the others mentioned here. Many consultations to go I expect - thanks again!
  5. Also. First post! Just beginning my transplant research - look forward to being a part of the community!
  6. Who are the best surgeons for advanced NW's with an unlimited budget? Seems most of the best surgeons cap out around $15 / graft. Anyone do more expensive transplants that can maximize results further than Eugenix / H&W / Zarev? I'm a NW 3/4, on my way to a NW6, maybe 7. Can't take meds due to pretty nasty side effects, but do have a strong donor area and plenty of beard and chest hair. I'm only interested in FUE as I'd like to be able to shave if needed in the future. I'm OK with over-harvesting my donor via homogenization and keeping the sides trimmed short w/ SMP. Can do $700k - $800k for the right surgeon. Anyone know where Elon got his done? LOL
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