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A tough pill to swallow........

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A little background??¦??¦. Had my head shaved for about 4-5 years, but had always debated getting a hair transplant. I pulled the trigger with Dr. Wong and got 7,000+. I'm at Month three??¦??¦..


Long story short??¦??¦??¦.. Went to a party tonight (kids and adults). Took my hat off in front of the kids playing and one of the 8yr olds told me I should start shaving my head again, because I looked like a grandpa. Total shot to the self esteem!


Hope that in 3-5 months I can look back and say this was the correct decision??¦??¦..

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You did slap the kid I hope.. right? Ha. Dude, 7,000 grafts and you are going to have more hair than that 8 year old. Just you wait.


When I used to shave my head bald a random kid came up to me once and said, "You're bald." And I told him that I had cancer and that totally freaked him out. Probably not the most sensitive thing I've said, but it might have taught him a lesson.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Business Teacher,


Kids can be brutal. I remember when I was student teaching and my hair loss wasn't that bad yet, kids were telling me I'm going bald. It hurt my ego a little, but then I realized, they're just kids.


And truthfully, when it comes to hair loss, most people expect men to lose their hair and consider it normal. We are the only ones who are really bothered by it, other than a maybe the exceptional few of the opposite sex.


But you're on the path to a nice new head of hair my friend. Hang in there and thanks for keeping us updated :-)



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Definitely sucks to hear, man. But -- and this is a huge "but" -- you are on an absolutely incredible path to get back your follicular swagger! So, ya, it sucks that this punk (icon_smile.gif) called you out like that, but with the world-class HT you just got, you are well on your way to having this kid's comment be a funny memory and story to one day tell!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I pulled the trigger with Dr. Wong and got 7,000+. I'm at Month three??¦??¦..


Sounds like one of the largest sessions that I've heard of and you should look phenomenal in a year's time. Hang in there buddy! icon_smile.gif



one of the 8yr olds told me I should start shaving my head again, because I looked like a grandpa.



Kids are brutually honest icon_frown.gif , but they seldom have cruel intentions.



We are the only ones who are really bothered by it, other than a maybe the exceptional few of the opposite sex.


Bill is always right!

take care...



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Thanks for the comments guys!


By no means was the kid trying to hurt my feelings, but was just telling me their truthful thougths. Just another indicator that I made the correct decision........ I just needed to express a shot to the ego.


Thanks again!

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It's a comment from my 5 yr old nephew that has added to my decision to go with a ht. I keep my head shaved pretty close and naturally wear a hat outside for protection. We play wrestle quite a bit and he loves grabbing my hat at times. A few months ago after doing so he said "you don't look normal", put my hat back on then said "now you look normal". I know it's just a comment from a little boy but there's a certain amount of innocent honesty that goes along with it.

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After month 3 it will keep getting better! Time will fly now when you start seeing you new and permanent hairs coming in!


I remember my ex girlfriend laughed at me when we were in the shower (the first time) and said

"Your going bald." She wasn't a 5 year old kid either.

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My Ex told me regularly how much she *physically* hated my receding hair line and how embarrassing it was when we bumped into people she knew because of it.


Needless to say I dumped her, but she was REALLY good looking, so took me ages to do it.

It was to late though, the damage had already been done icon_frown.gif I ended up getting a HT. I never like my receding hairline, but it'd never really been an issue for me before.


To think, all those times I told her she didn't need a boob job and she was perfect just the way she was. Why couldn't she have been so kind to me?


I remember getting a quote from the hospital group (didn't go to them). The guy asked if my partner knew I was getting the quote because they get a lot phoning up angry. I told him it was my girl friend that pushed me to make the appointment, he looked shocked icon_frown.gif


F**king B**CH, glad to be rid of her.




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Tell him he's adopted.

LOL - Very amusing Severn. I think it goes without saying that you should take this as a joke and shouldn't do this! The emotional distress this could cause to the child would be much worse than what you may have to go through for the next few months while the hair grows in.


Hang in there buddy.

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7000 in one shot is a monster HT. It is gonna change your life. Just wait till those babies kick in.



2425 FUE - Dr Armani - Nov 2007 (poor result)


1000 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - March 25th 2010 (great result)


1599 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - Feb 3rd 2011


My Hair Loss Website

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