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Who is happy with their HT?

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Seriously big guy , you're ONLY 7 months !


You're repair patient with scar tissue !


Please everyone tell this guy what we all know , most of us on here have been researching for years , we've seen this type of over scrutineering before .


John give yourself a break , take a deep breath and find something to do for the next 12 months .


I've read this thread twice and looked at all the replies and you still arn't listening to anybody .


My own ht is 2 years old and still maturing , 2 YEARS AND STILL MATURING , this type of surgery takes atleast 12 months to start to see a real difference .


Give youself and your girlfriend a break and forget about it for atleast 12 months , the only person who will suffer is you .


Listen to all the above replies , these guys are all trying to help you , including spex , believe me he is one of the good guys and he is trying to help you but you have to start to listen to him and everybody around you .


If , and this is a big if given Dr Feller's reputation , in 12 months you still have doubts then you should speak to your surgeon .


But until then try to forget it and get on with something else , you're over scrutineering and only damaging your own confidence .


I do hope you start to listen .


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Why don't you give me a personal email address that I can send my pics to. If you think that I have no need to worry at that point, I will serious consider holding off any negativity for a little while. But, everyone that saw my recent pics agree I should be "real concerned". Thana who is a big fan of Feller agrees I have an issue with density--big time. As a matter of fact, he is suppossed to post some pics for me tonight.

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I would like to see John's 7 month pics before commenting fully, but i'm very happy with my ht from Feller, at 10 months now and still got new hair maturing in the hairline.


I've had a look over some of your post history john and some photos, and you do seem to be overly fixating on your hair, I think you are your own worst critic, and it is easy to lose perspective when your staring at your noggin day after day...I don't know if you do that, but many do, and it really doesn't help. I drove myself nuts to begin with looking at my head all the time, surprised I didn't go boss eyed!


But, as others have said, 7 months repair patient, it takes longer, i've seen it time and time again, probably similar to Spex... who by the way is a life saver in the UK, hell, he should be made a saint if you saw what the clinics in the UK do to people, you'd be doing somersaults if you went to one of them!


You strike me as a worrier, paranoid, hard to switch off the brain? I can emphasise with that and your first HT, which you didn;t really need, was poor, still, a lot of cue bald guys would happily swap what you have for their NW4/5/6/7



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

The first thing I thought when I saw Spex's pics was that you seemed almost identical to hairthere, even in the charachteristics of your hair, though you seem to be in an even better position if memory serves me. Good guy to compare yourself to, for sure.


Re: maturation..it's a looong process; I'm 2years post-op and in the recent months I have still experienced a further softening, and my hair has become much straighter.



I am so pleased someone has said this about even at 2 years seeing further improvement to the naturalness, fullness and straightening of the hair.. I was exactly the same. Very well said as its so important for guys to understand this isn't just 'words' it really is the case for many guys.. it can take years to really see the true reality of the results shine through!


Being a repair patient myself and can sympathise with John completely as I was in exactly the same situation. I had scar tissue that slowed down the growth rate, that other guys experienced.


I clearly remember calling/emailing Spex at around 7 months as I already felt like I had been waiting 7 years!! (I thought I had been patient...but it was very hard to wait this long as I am very impatient person which made it even worse) I thought my results should already have shown themselves (yes 7 months thinking it had all gone wrong)...and it was like a cry for help!! Thank god for Spex to calm my worries I think he saved me from a nervous break down a few times! (cheers Spex! lol). The pain of waiting you will only understand if you have already been through it! You forget that your only ay 7 months!! This is no way any indication of how the final result will look....TRUST ME ON THIS ONE! icon_wink.gif


I completely know how John feels... I felt like I couldn't wait any longer!! Its a bloody nightmare when you can see other guys showing massive growth rates at just 5 months!!? This isnt the norm.. its just a case of everyone having there own growth rates and some (like me) are most definitely slower than others and IT IS HORRIBLE.. to feel you are now ALL DONE and all the 'blame' thoughts start rushing through your head.


Blame is a way of letting off much needed steam!! I can really understand this feeling... but at 7 months its really the best time to now start looking FORWARD to the results to come along and taking off!.. most definitely thicker fuller and more natural growth is going to occur for many (MANY) months ahead.. look again at 14 months! (yes its another 7 months specially if your a repair guy...sorry that sounds a long time..its really the hardest part of a HT is the waiting game!)


An important thing I found is to grow the hair out longer (although again...at the same time as you are now..I also thought I would just shave it all off!) I wouldn't shave it off like you mentioned, the hair needs to go through its growth cycle to mature straighten..it will also give a more fuller and better coverage.


I am trying to recall how I felt at 7 months post my 1st HT.. and I wasn't happy either.. but now my life has been transformed! I am re-living my 20's! (now I'm 37) never thought I would ever be able to even style my hair again...as I didn't have any dam hair full enough and I didn't think it would keep improving after 8 months (its a mind game). I felt like I wanted to blame people to start letting off steam.. but now I am over the moon these days.. I had read many times prior to my 1st HT about being patient but I still wasn't prepared for just how much you need to hang on.. ITS VERY VERY HARD at times to keep your patience.. and not scrutinise it soon as you wake up till you go to bed.


Please use my experience and the other guys on here that have been in the same situation to feel a little better to know that 7 months is absolutely no way to judge your final results.


To answer your question on the header ... NO!! without a doubt I wasn't happy at 7 months.. I had waited for what seemed like an eternity! I wanted my hair now by 6-7 months!! I had waited long enough icon_wink.gif I realise how daft I was now to worry so much but it is just absolutely natural to go through these emotions.. you just have to hang on! (we all feel like this mate)


This HT world is a Roller coaster of emotions!! You will come away feeling extremely exited... you will then hit an all time low! then you will start feeling better again.. you are at the LOW! don't panic just yet, your only half way there! icon_wink.gif


I am also back in the waiting game, I'm only 4 weeks post HT!! and I am feeling impatient myself..lol.. its just all part of the way it screws your head up after a HT.. but al said and done.. it is most definitely worth all the pain of waiting when you do reach the final stages. I am seeing my HT from the fist HT even looking better now ...more healthy... fuller and straighter than ever before.. 3 years on!


Also, just to add....it is quite rare for someone to not require a 2nd HT, this should always be given consideration before you embark on a HT... some guys will only need one.. but more often a 2nd will give the real finishing touch.. its just something to not rule this out.


Be cool.. you will be fine icon_wink.gif but I agree its really a tuff ride.. and your not alone, hang in there bud I know how your feeling at this stage its not easy but worth the wait in the end u hhave a lot to come yet icon_smile.gif

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John did send me his pics. I will be posting them shortly tonight.


It is difficult to analyze someone at 7months out; as BadHairUK, particularly, has noted, it is a long process for all, and a *very* long process for many.


I was a quick grower, and I basically had my "end" result in terms of density by ~7months, but even then 2+ years out and I'm experiencing changes.


I will post Johns pics shortly, and all can see -- he has clear density issues from what I can see, but can you really call it an issue when he is but 7months out. That is really what we're talking about.


My personal belief is that John will experience his primary growth boom from now through the end of the year. This is what I'd expect.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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As promised, here are the four pics, which John sent me to resize and upload for him:










*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I know you're concerned about your procedure, but you've created multiple threads to discuss your own experience and it's getting a little hard to keep track of them all. Instead of creating and discussing your experience on multiple threads, let's narrow it down to one, ok?


Many of your concerns were already addressed in the below threads.


How Long Until I'm Hatless?


Going to See Feller


Late Growth


In looking at the photos posted by thanatopsis_awry, the areas of sparse density are obvious. Many variables can contribute to less than optimal growth, especially for repair patients. However, your hair transplant is FAR from mature. Truthfully, things may change dramatically for you over the next several months or they may not. If your results are less than optimal when you hit the year marker, the next step would be to work with Dr. Feller to determine the next course of action.


In the meantime, I encourage you to relax, hang in there, and wait to see what happens in a few months.


Best wishes,



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John, My growth was almost identical at 7 months. I noticed the biggest difference in terms of density between 9-10 months. you really need to chill out man, it will be fine and i think you're going to have a "home run" result.


btw, which posters told you to be alarmed at just 7 months post a 2nd ht?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Sorry for the confusion with multiple threads. The fact is that I'm not to great at naviagating through the site.

As far as freaking out, most of the time I'm posting as to my experience. Without being disrespectful, I thought that is what this forum was all about. Also, I think what I'm not making clear is most of that growth was there before my repair, I'm not sure if I had growth from the second procedure or if it is just the first maturing. The fact that you guys keep telling me that it takes up to 2 years for the final result reinforces this belief.

Keep in mind, the pics are not meant to belittle the surgeon, they were requested by a few, including yourself. I admit they are probably the worst angle, but the fact that the Ht and scar look like that at 7.5 months eats me up big time. Remember, I've been down this road before--told to wait it out, it's still early, and unfortunately, my instincts were right. I hope their failing me this time. ALL I WANT TO DO IS GO OUTSIDE WITHOUT A HAT AND NOT LOOK LIKE A FREAK. I totally understand that the final result is far from in, but should I look like this at this stage?

As a matter of fact, you said you had pics of people in a very similiar situation. If you could post them, It would probably help alot. I just really can't see ever looking normal at this point. Maybe if I see those pics your talking about it will hold me over.

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I think what it boils down to, John, is basically what Bill said at the end. I'd also agree w/ hairthere that your pre-ops would indicate a "home run" result in the making; regardless, nothing concrete can be concluded right now.


If you're an early grower you can make bold declarations as to the actual result; but for everyone else, you really gotta wait things out a bit more before making a bold declaration as to what your *true result* is.


I think you realize this, it's just difficult to actually go through the process until you reach the points when your actual result shines through; and to date you've had what looks to be minimal growth, so only your worst fears are being stoked.


Everyone gets concerned and worried in your spot, even people earlier on in the process. But really the only option is to ride things out -- wait till you get the result you had figured/hoped to be getting, and if not then cross that bridge at that time. But to worry *to* much about that bridge right now, as if you're already crossing it when you really aren't, is just going to cause yourself *excessive* worry.


I think we all feel worried throughout the process at some point, and being in your shoes I think anyone would have worries; the thing is to just now allow excessive-worry until you really know truly what you've got.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by John Malloy:

As a matter of fact, you said you had pics of people in a very similiar situation. If you could post them, It would probably help alot. I just really can't see ever looking normal at this point. Maybe if I see those pics your talking about it will hold me over.


Hey John, there's no need to be sorry! You are going through the same emotions I did icon_smile.gif and so do 1000's of other guys. It's cool.. you just need to stay cool as these are hard times not to be underestimated (but always are!).


These experienced guys are all helping to explain to you its too soon to even start thinking about the results AND they know what they are talking about. (I think I am one of them as I have been there too myself).


The problem is (I was the same) you think you know better! I dont mean that to sound like I am having a dig as I'm not, its just that I know I thought I knew better too when I was in the same situ as you. I did listen to the experienced guys and it GOT ME THROUGH icon_smile.gif without there support I would have gone crazy waiting so long. This is a good post as anyone prior to there HT will have a better idea of how hard 'just waiting' can be for some of us.


I know how your feeling so I put this together for you as I think its the ONLY way you will really stop worrying so much.. you asked for pics.. you will notice (I was also a repair patient BUT FAR WORSE!! I wore a wig at 23 as I was so ashamed of my plugs and bald front half of my head, but I was even more ashamed of wearing a wig so I threw it away and just hid myself away for years and years!) at 7 months I looked no better than you at all.. let these pics explain..


Before and After.. and showing me at 7 months!




The after pics are from the 14 month mark onwards.. I started taking wet pics around 18 months post, right up to the current latest pics.. I was feeling much better around the 14 month marker..







You are just at the start lots more to come, I hope this helps to make you feel less worried.. take care and grow well icon_smile.gif

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john, i switched from pc to mac and don't have my pics on disc. let me try and dig them up and i'll post them for you...

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Great post, BadUK, really cool montage of pics! icon_cool.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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bad hair Uk,

Thank you, wholeheartedly. how long are the after pics? when did you feel comfortable without a hat?


Please, if you can convert the pics, it would help. With you how long until your were comfortable? I think you told me before, but I read so many posts they start to run together.

Spex, Thanx for the pics. how long post op are the afters. Are there any 7 mos shots?

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This thread reminds me of the legendary Spex thread titled Patience. Patience sucks man. But mostly because no one is entirely sure how their HT is going to turn out. I guarantee if BadhairUK would have known he'd have those impeccable results in the end, the waiting period wouldn't have been so bad for him.


It's the unknown that scares us HT patients the most. Will we have good yield? Will we have density? Will we be happy with the results? Is this slow growth or is it poor yield? So I entirely sympathize with John Malloy or BadhairUK with their anxious moments. But as Badhair showed us, 7 months post-op is NOT the final results. Those are some great pics.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Originally posted by John Malloy:

bad hair Uk,

Thank you, wholeheartedly. how long are the after pics? when did you feel comfortable without a hat?



John, no problem.


I have now added a comment above the pics I added to inform of the waiting time it took to start feeling happier with my results.


Looking at your loss, only my opinion but your a great candidate for a HT.. plenty of healthy strong donor and not a great amount of loss to worry about.


The worst that can happen is you require a filling in later on down the line which would take half as much the next time (if needed)if you still would like it thickened, you have it all available to work with, but I feel you will be happy by the 14 month mark.


Repair work is always slower.. I knew that but it still didnt make me feel any better about how long I had to wait icon_wink.gif I know the feeling.


If you start getting worried with it, chat to Spex he has helped me through.. or even your Dr is right there for you.. who is the best guy around icon_smile.gif


You'll get there..grow well icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by aaron1234:


I guarantee if BadhairUK would have known he'd have those impeccable results in the end, the waiting period wouldn't have been so bad for him.


It's the unknown that scares us HT patients the most. Will we have good yield? Will we have density? Will we be happy with the results? Is this slow growth or is it poor yield? So I entirely sympathize with John Malloy or BadhairUK with their anxious moments. But as Badhair showed us, 7 months post-op is NOT the final results. Those are some great pics.


Thanks aaron, I agree, that would have been easy.. it's the hardest thing not knowing the due date.

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After looking at your pictures John, I can better understand how you feel. From the pictures, it does look thin, but natural none the less, unless it is a different story in person. Here is what I think might be happening. Before any restoration, you had plenty of hair in the middle, none or very little in the temple area, in order for it to look completely natural, you must equal the density in those areas to match the forlock. Maybe that's what Dr. F has done, and you really have to wait a full year or two to see if the density will match. If not, than you can always go for another pass...IMHO...


Nice hair Badhairuk...congrats..


Just a thought from the peanut gallery..

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Posted November 01, 2009 08:24 AM Hide Post


The doc has the pics that I sent to him at 7 months, why don't you post those also?

Posts: 76 | Registered: December 31, 2008

SPEX--This is why I asked you to post----the pics posted show improvement. What do you think?

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As far as freaking out, most of the time I'm posting as to my experience. Without being disrespectful, I thought that is what this forum was all about.


I don't think you're "freaking out" John. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that you aren't entitled to continue to share your opinions, experience, and photos. The purpose of the first part of my last post was to encourage you to try to keep the details of your experience contained in one thread so it's easier to follow. The second part of my post was to offer some information and encouragement based on my observation of your concerns and photos posted by thanatopsis_awry.


Ultimately, I do hope you inevitably get the results you want in the months to come. If I can do anything for you in the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by kaounis:

After looking at your pictures John, I can better understand how you feel. From the pictures, it does look thin, but natural none the less, unless it is a different story in person. Here is what I think might be happening. Before any restoration, you had plenty of hair in the middle, none or very little in the temple area, in order for it to look completely natural, you must equal the density in those areas to match the forlock. Maybe that's what Dr. F has done, and you really have to wait a full year or two to see if the density will match. If not, than you can always go for another pass...IMHO...




Thanks for your concern, That is definitely my concern. The probelem is if I try to cut it short so the transition is not so obvious, the scar sticks out like a sore thumb. Believe it or not, while my first surgery was a failure, the scar was undectabale. If I let it grow a little-- the more unnatural I look from the front. Hopefully, like everyone is saying, things work out in the next couple of months. The uncertainty is brutal.

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