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Thinking of fue

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Been researching and considering ht for about 2 year snow as mentioned in a post earlier this year I narrowed my surgeons down to 2 and will probably decide to go ahead once my mortgage is in place.


Just wanted to see what most of you would suggest as for a plan ,

Also how many grafts etc you'd predict






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  • Senior Member


Been researching and considering ht for about 2 year snow as mentioned in a post earlier this year I narrowed my surgeons down to 2 and will probably decide to go ahead once my mortgage is in place.


Just wanted to see what most of you would suggest as for a plan ,

Also how many grafts etc you'd predict


What two surgeons are you considering?

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4000-5000 grafts probably, if your donor allows for it, it could be FUE only. But else you are looking at FUT or a combination of FUT + FUE. I would go for coverage on the top and keep your hairline conservative.


It's highly advisable you go in for a live personal consult.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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Both surgeons you are considering our outstanding and recommended by this community. I would however, encourage you not to rule out strip surgery. A lot of people are so taken by FUE but they are not always the best candidate for the procedure. For people who want to wear their hair cropped very short on the sides and back of their head, it may be an ideal procedure however, depending on the patient, it might not yield as much growth as strip because of the blind dissection phenemenon related to FUE.


I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't go for FUE, only to keep your mind and options open in case one of our surgeons suggests it to you.


Best wishes,



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Just my opinion but I think you are much better suited to FUT. Considering you're interested in Bisanga who is an excellent FUT surgeon, it is definitely worth considering.

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Thanks for your help it all helps :)


I feel I would prefer the fue thou as I always have my sides and back of my hair trimmed


The pictures give a very harsh representation of my hair as it's blonde and the light is direct .. I don't feel I would need anywhere near 5000 as I have see people a lot less hair needed half this amount ..

I guess only a consultation will tell.

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Do what you want. I'm just here to offer another side to this for you. I had a hair transplant 2000 graft FUE in August 2015 and it was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my adult life. I honestly would give 4 times the money if I could go back in time and undo this like it never happened. So be warned that not of these HT live happily ever after. There is a darker side. First your HT will not ever give you your hair back like you remember it. I don't give 2 shits about the quality of the surgeon. The transplanted hair will look and behave differently. Styling your hair like you use to won't be possible. Hair loss WILL progress!!! Hear that loud and clear, as you age, if it's written in you genetics YOU WILL continue to lose hair period!!!! Then you'll find yourself in the spot I'm finding myself in at this very moment!!!!!

I'm unable to take the VERY dangerous (yet most effective drug) Fin/Propeciia at halting hair lose because of impotence and brain fog issues. So guess what?....my hair behind my frontal transplanted area is continuing to shed!!!! Everyday I find more hairs in the sink! And the transplanted area is becoming increasingly noticeable.

You'll find plenty of hair transplant fanboys on this forum; but be aware that there are a significant percentage of guys that take the plunge and get a hair transplant and then feel nothing but regret and shame for the foolish decisions they made. Don't make my same mistake; take the high road of Self-acceptance and acceptance of the natural aging process.

Ultimately do what you feel is best for you, I just wanted to take a moment and pass my personal experience along to you. Do with itvwhat you feel. Good luck in whatever direction you go.

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My first was a disaster but the second wasn't. Just cut the fin dose snd try that. Is your donor messed up?


Yea. It's pretty splotchy and wasn't extracted in a very even pattern. So some areas appear very barren. It's like a freaking war zone on the back of head. I'm not sure I could shave it down without it being very odd looking? I'm Definitely trapped inside this hair transplant I no longer want or care about. A couple of years ago I really cared about my hair and was depressed having relationship issues and lead me smack into a mid life existential crisis. Fast forward a couple of years later and now hair is not such a priority.

However, once you have a HT it's essentially a life sentence. Like I said previously I give A LOT just to be able to undo this and return to my natural self again!!!!


Just to clarify I'm not trying to say that everyone will have a negative experience with HT. I'm only trying to highlight the fact that there are many of us who do get a HT then regret for the rest of our lives.

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My hairloss pattern is (or was , before HT) actually very similar to yours. FUT growth for me was much better than FUE growth (at a similar stage post transplant) . I would recommend thinking hard about FUE vs FUT if you want good coverage. The "scar scare" should not be a factor - if thats your primary concern, recommend not wasting $$ on any HT.


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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  • Senior Member
Do what you want. I'm just here to offer another side to this for you. I had a hair transplant 2000 graft FUE in August 2015 and it was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my adult life. I honestly would give 4 times the money if I could go back in time and undo this like it never happened. So be warned that not of these HT live happily ever after. There is a darker side. First your HT will not ever give you your hair back like you remember it. I don't give 2 shits about the quality of the surgeon. The transplanted hair will look and behave differently. Styling your hair like you use to won't be possible. Hair loss WILL progress!!! Hear that loud and clear, as you age, if it's written in you genetics YOU WILL continue to lose hair period!!!! Then you'll find yourself in the spot I'm finding myself in at this very moment!!!!!

I'm unable to take the VERY dangerous (yet most effective drug) Fin/Propeciia at halting hair lose because of impotence and brain fog issues. So guess what?....my hair behind my frontal transplanted area is continuing to shed!!!! Everyday I find more hairs in the sink! And the transplanted area is becoming increasingly noticeable.

You'll find plenty of hair transplant fanboys on this forum; but be aware that there are a significant percentage of guys that take the plunge and get a hair transplant and then feel nothing but regret and shame for the foolish decisions they made. Don't make my same mistake; take the high road of Self-acceptance and acceptance of the natural aging process.

Ultimately do what you feel is best for you, I just wanted to take a moment and pass my personal experience along to you. Do with itvwhat you feel. Good luck in whatever direction you go.


I am sorry your experience has been so negative but after reading your case with all due respect it sounds like the problem here was never the transplant but that you were never a suitable candidate for a transplant. I wish more doctors would properly vet patients, not just to see if they have enough donors but in terms of are their expectations and outlook realistic. It seems like there are so many doctors who are willing to do a surgery that others feel like if they don't do it some other doctor will so it might as well be them to cash in so they get lazy on the is this in the best interest of this patient going forward...in reading what you wrote, you sound shocked that hair loss progresses and that further procedures are the norm not the exception... especially given you that you can't take meds this should not have been news to you...you seemed to be unaware that transplanted hair and native hairs weren't the same , ones an illusion of density and one is the real thingm they won't behave the exact same way and there are going to be styling choices that will suit a transplant better than other choices, ie the quiff doable, buzz cut not so much...again this should be stuff you learned early in to your due diligence...and we should all be honest with ourselves as to why we want a procedure, for myself I saw my hairloss it bothered me but my life was pretty damn great with the hair loss as well, so this wasn't something I needed just something I wanted but if you were depressed and doing this out of some knee jerk reaction to a situation in your life like a break up you should be taking a giant step back and hitting the pause button not making a life decision...You seemed rather uninformed and not mentally in the head space to decide if you were a candidate so it's not surprising you sit here today disappointed...I'm glad you shared because your case is a warning to others to properly vet themselves as a candidate.

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Thanks again for all your input really appreciate it . Sorry to hear your ht made your situation worst it's something for me to think about defo .. with regards to fut over fue why would that suit my hair better ? Also I style my hair very short sides and back with a small quiff you mention ht don't suit this style ??

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  • Senior Member


Thanks again for all your input really appreciate it . Sorry to hear your ht made your situation worst it's something for me to think about defo .. with regards to fut over fue why would that suit my hair better ? Also I style my hair very short sides and back with a small quiff you mention ht don't suit this style ??


You have diffuse thinning on top - assume you will eventually lose almost all of the native hair -- meaning you need to plan for an eventual NW6 . FUT will be denser coverage and better yield .


I have gotten both FUT and FUE. FUT was much better in terms of yield and hair growth but left a scar and I can not shave my hair close.


FUE may seem alright for now but as you age , you will likely continue losing hair and then need multiple FUEs . Not sure it will be enough to cover the entire head.


HTs are a lifelong commitment , no mistaking it -- there is no " one and done" unless you go for a super mega session and even then it is debatable.


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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