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I finally did Scalp Micropigmentation, and I love it! (Photos)


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Hey Guys


I have finally taken action and done something about my hair, i'll tell you a bit about my story first, it started when I was 18, going from super thick hair, to slowly losing it over the years, I loved rock and metal so hair was such a HUGE thing for me, until 21 I ignored it persuading myself I wasn't losing my hair


Then at 21 it got noticeable, I lived off concealers for YEARS, making my bathroom sink/pillow covered with black fibers, as it went on and on till 23/24 I had to use SO much concealer if i'd sweat it'd pour down my head, I became insanely self conscious of this, my hairline was going too far back, I couldn't go swimming, I wouldn't wash my hair when I had a shower because I didnt want to have to re-apply, so i'd leave it in for weeks (disgusting, I know) my head would itch and I couldn't scratch, I was becoming a an confident mess, I hated it


At this point I took the clippers and the razor to it, the concealer was becoming too much and in photos my forehead looked huge, I was really miserable, after I shaved it down I felt better, but after a while I realised, I was avoiding cameras, mirrors, not feeling myself, i'd shave everyday to avoid seeing the horse shoe shape come back, then finally, I plucked up the courage after years of research, and did SMP,


Attached are some before and afters, I feel so much better, it's a MASSIVE relief, I love my reflection again, I love being in photos, I feel totally restored, I did all the research in the world to make sure this was done right as i'd seen some bad ones and was PETRIFIED of mine looking the same (hence why it took so long to take the plunge). If you wanna know about the procedure of having any questions, shoot me an email an Nickxennn@gmail.com or private msg me here if you're thinking about SMP, i'll tell you everything you need to know! Sorry for blocking the face a bit, I can send unedited ones privately, i'm just conscious posting my identity publicly!


I've been lurking this forum for so many years (just never signed up), as well as all the other hair loss forums and I just wanna share with you my results, after fighting the battle for so many years I finally feel 'at peace' with it xD






Edited by xen
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Looks great man! Always nice to hear a story of finding a way to free yourself from the pains of hair loss.


Its a big weight off my shoulders, I remember feeling slightly overwhelmed after my first session when I looked in the mirror and just felt this wash of relief and instant confidence!


All the camera shots of my head, endless googling and worrying is over with I can move on with life !

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  • Senior Member

I totally relate to your story.. I spent years concealing my hair loss with comb overs, hair sprays, gels, etc. I feared windy days, would never go in a swimming pool, and avoided all types of social events, to the point I believe I definitely fell into a depression. Having my HT surgery changed my outlook, my spirit and my confidence.


You looked absolutely fine in your before picture, but you look "great" in your after photo. I'm really happy you found a solution that gave you back a happier outlook on life. Congrats and enjoy!

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so if somebody is sitting next to you, can they tell it's not real stubble? do they look at it?


Nah you can't tell, I have brutally honest friends and family and they cant even tell whats my real hair and whats the SMP


I can even grow my hair for 3/4 days and its not noticeable (I still had okay coverage of my native hair though, not sure i'll be able to do that when the rest goes on top)

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I totally relate to your story.. I spent years concealing my hair loss with comb overs, hair sprays, gels, etc. I feared windy days, would never go in a swimming pool, and avoided all types of social events, to the point I believe I definitely fell into a depression. Having my HT surgery changed my outlook, my spirit and my confidence.


You looked absolutely fine in your before picture, but you look "great" in your after photo. I'm really happy you found a solution that gave you back a happier outlook on life. Congrats and enjoy!


Before a night out would take me SO long, straightening, concealing, gelling, im glad its done with! and so is my family, no more black powder all over the sink haha

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Congratulations, you must feel totally liberated. Happy for you.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

This is awesome, man. Success stories are the best, and the look really suits you well. Congrats!

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Isn't anyone going to say the obvious? Those pictures are way too small and blurry for any of us to actually judge how it looks. I'm glad you like it though.


Nah its totally undetectable, my family and friends are brutally honest, my brother said if I come back with some s*** looking bad SMP he's going to rip the hell out of me and laugh his head off, (which made doing the whole thing so much easier xD) but no one can tell, they cant even tell where the SMP has been blended to my natural hair, I did a lot of research before I chose my clinic to make sure I got it right

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This is awesome, man. Success stories are the best, and the look really suits you well. Congrats!


I always enjoyed reading other peoples on these forums and its nice to be able to share the same happiness! Thanks for the nice comments

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