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Dr. Lupanzula, MeDiKemos Clinic // 5580 (3250 + 2330) FUs Manual FUE

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- Age: 28 y.o.

- NW: V

- Treatments before the procedure: None

- Treatments after the procedure: To be confirmed


- Donor area density:

- 100 FUs/cm2 in the occipital region

- 80 FUs/cm2 in the parietal region

- 90 FUs/cm2 in the temporal region


- Donor capacity: ~7000 FUs






Given the extended hair loss the patient suffered (NW V), Dr. Lupanzula recommended a strategy consisting in two separated sessions.


The first one, 3000-3500 FUs, aiming at restoring the patient's hairline and adding density in the frontal area until the mid-scalp.

The second one, 2000-2500 FUs, with the purpose of restoring and adding density in the crown and in the upper part of patient's mid-scalp.


The patient eventually underwent both surgeries and we're glad to show below the final result of the two procedures - respectively at the 20th and 8th post-operative month.


Please note that the final result pictures were sent by the patient himself.






1st surgery - Hairline / Front / Mid-scalp


Recipient area surface: ~65cm2


3250 FUs: FUE Manual Punch, 0.9mm

Incisions: Lateral Slit


N° of Hair per Follicular Unit:

* 946 Single FUs

* 1774 Double FUs

* 520 Triple FUs

* 10 Quadruple FUs


Average Hair/FUs: 1.87



2nd surgery - Mid-scalp/Vertex


Recipient area surface: ~55cm2


2330 FUs: FUE Manual Punch, 0.9mm

Incisions: Lateral Slit


N° of Hair per Follicular Unit:

* 653 Single FUs

* 1340 Double FUs

* 335 Triple FUs

* 2 Quadruple FUs


Average Hair/FUs: 1.86



Dr. Emorane Lupanzula



















Before the Surgeries






















1st Surgery // 3250 FUs Manual FUE





















12 Months Post-Op 1st Surgery // Pre-Op 2nd Surgery


















2nd Surgery // 2330 FUs Manual FUE



















FINAL RESULT - 5580 (3250+2330) FUs Manual FUE

20 Months Post-Op 1st Surgery // 8 Months Post-Op 2nd Surgery













Edited by Medikemos

Dr Lupanzula E.

MeDiKemos Hair Transplantation


Dr. Emorane Lupanzula is recommended on Hair Transplant Network


Email: info@medikemos.com

Telephone: + 32 2 535 55 40

Website: http://fuehairdoctor.co.uk/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MHairTransplantation

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  • Senior Member

Obviously just speculation here from a window-shopper, but I bet this patient might have been turned down for surgery altogether by some clinics. Or at least be told to have veeery tempered expectations.


No way I would have guessed 7k FUE grafts available or that this guy could enjoy such a dramatic change with some still left in the bank.


Max efficiency achieved here, imo.

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  • Senior Member

Awesome result! Given his young age I hope he is on Finsteride to prevent further loss

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  • Senior Member

I'm awe-struck by this incredible transformation. I'd have gone FUT to be safe but damn this is good

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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Dear all,


Many thanks for your kind comments, really appreciated!



One of the best results of the year!


If there is give or take a 1000 grafts left for this patient how would you use the remaining grafts?


Well, that depends mostly on patients' expectations: he could use the remaining ~1500 grafts to enhance his hairline density, or to add more coverage to his vertex - just to mention two potential examples.


However, the patient is already extremely satisfied with the work done to such an extent that he decided to share his experience in a UK forum, which is worth reading: Hair loss, hair transplant and hair restoration advice


(Moderators, if the insertion of external links goes against the forum policy, don't hesitate to remove it.

If this is the case, whoever is interested, please just PM us, we'll be happy to share this link privately.)


Have a great day!

Dr Lupanzula E.

MeDiKemos Hair Transplantation


Dr. Emorane Lupanzula is recommended on Hair Transplant Network


Email: info@medikemos.com

Telephone: + 32 2 535 55 40

Website: http://fuehairdoctor.co.uk/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MHairTransplantation

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  • Senior Member

Wowza !! This is a fantastic example of maximising the donor area , hope you can get this patient to London in January for a video comb through ! Would be good if you could share a picture of his shaved down donor area prior to his 2nd procedure ? The extractions look so clean in comparison to some of the clinics using micro motors etc ... does dr lupanzula believe the white dot scarring is lessened by using manual punches ?

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  • Regular Member

Great results, doctor Lupanzula, fantastic transformation and this chap has got every reason to be satisfied with his results and your incredible job.

As mentioned by another member, looking at the extent of his hair loss and donor density, he would have been turned down by some clinics.


Can you mention what was his donor density please?



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Thanks to everybody for your kind comments!



Amazing work!


Dr. Lupanzula, is this patient on Finasteride?


Hi Kalab23, unfortunately the patient didn't get back to us with any information regarding his post-operative treatment. It would also be interesting to shot a video of him, as wibbles180 was mentioning, but again the patient apparently moved to far east Asia and it seems difficult to have some news from him at the moment...however hopefully we will get in touch with him soon!



Great results, doctor Lupanzula, fantastic transformation and this chap has got every reason to be satisfied with his results and your incredible job.

As mentioned by another member, looking at the extent of his hair loss and donor density, he would have been turned down by some clinics.


Can you mention what was his donor density please?



Hi Sultsay, his donor density was the following:


- 100 FUs/cm2 in the occipital region

- 80 FUs/cm2 in the parietal region

- 90 FUs/cm2 in the temporal region



Wowza !! This is a fantastic example of maximising the donor area , hope you can get this patient to London in January for a video comb through ! Would be good if you could share a picture of his shaved down donor area prior to his 2nd procedure ? The extractions look so clean in comparison to some of the clinics using micro motors etc ... does dr lupanzula believe the white dot scarring is lessened by using manual punches ?


Hi wibbles180, definitely yes, Dr. Lupanzula strongly believes that the Manual FUE procedure is by far the less invasive procedure in terms of scarring results. Concerning some pics of his donor area prior to his 2nd procedure, I could retrieve the following, hope it'll be useful:





Best wishes to everybody,

Dr Lupanzula E.

MeDiKemos Hair Transplantation


Dr. Emorane Lupanzula is recommended on Hair Transplant Network


Email: info@medikemos.com

Telephone: + 32 2 535 55 40

Website: http://fuehairdoctor.co.uk/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MHairTransplantation

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  • Senior Member

Looking at that picture of the donor area after 3250 extractions it is obvious to see why dr lupanzula prefers the manual extraction above motorised ! Fantastic work and great HD photos . Other clinics should take note of the pictures/videos provided by yourselves ,asmed, injertocappilar (dr Lorenzo vimeo/YouTube) and to be honest I think where possible it should be a mandatory requirement when posting results on this forum . Surely if your work is great you would want to show it off and not use blurry images or lifting tricks . Well done all at medikemos :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • Senior Member

Thank you again, Wibbles80. Your support is appreciated.

Dr Lupanzula E.

MeDiKemos Hair Transplantation


Dr. Emorane Lupanzula is recommended on Hair Transplant Network


Email: info@medikemos.com

Telephone: + 32 2 535 55 40

Website: http://fuehairdoctor.co.uk/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MHairTransplantation

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  • Senior Member

Wow, great result! Client must be very happy with this transformation.


The donor after the first procedure is not just great, it is otherworldly. If this is not a mistake (and a pic before the first procedure, whch I do not want to imply) it looks like a virgin donor. He would still have had the option to completely shave it down to with razor.

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  • Senior Member

This is pristine work and amazing clear documentation on work preformed. The donor area looks amazing great job doc and staff. just wow

Edited by Arrie

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