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Hair transplant nightmare

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Hi guys


Now i m in third month, finally i have met my surgent after he came back. When he checked my status and he gaves me positive and negative things

Positive notes

1- he said i m showing an early growing which usually showed in the forth month and that consider good sign

2- i asked him about the punches size and technique he used, he used from 0.5 to 0. 7 maximum and this is a new technique called stem cell fue and he try not to extract the whole follicles in a way allow of regrowtg with a chance of 30%


Negative notes

1- i do not like the hairline and i found it too low abd not conservative at all and i m not used to such hairline at all. He told me that this hairline suit your face and if there was somthing in your mind before you should say that before we could do whatever satisfy you but now it is too late and this hairline cannot be amended now and it is stuck with you


2- i showed him some of my family pics to check my future badness pattern and he told me you much possible you will end up like one of them nowood 6 or 7. And you do not have much hair to cover every things



Now i m seeing myself in a prison i just wanna remove this hairline i want make it higher i m not used to it or even i want to remove the transplant hair


Please tell me what will be my solution for this i cannot think straight anymore i totally ruin my life every day is like nightmare for me


i m ready to do anything just to come back normal again

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I added one pic


The hairline is so stright espically at the temple side and it is low, not conservative for my baldness, they gave me the standard hairline but they have not calculate my baldness pattern and this is a dramatic fault


Also There should be an angle above the eyebrow abd the flow should be go down softly to the temple But here it is too harsh and straight at the temple i hate it so much


How this can be removed ? I do not like it at all

Edited by Sam23
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  • Senior Member

You may be able to fue out some of the temple to give a recessed look. I do not think that your hairline is too low. You will need to definitely manage your grafts as your donor looks weak too.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Is it possible to amend the hairline then


Can i extract those grafts even they are small or better to laser them and when i can do it? Now or i should wait few months


And what about reversing the whole surgery remove the transplant hair by laser by anthying

What i can do ?

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  • Senior Member

I think your hairline looks fine.


I think the problem might be, you're going to have to adjust to seeing yourself in the mirror and having a hairline.


I would give it some time, while you're in a transitional period, getting used to your new look.

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When i saw the hairline i was totally shaved and i could not judge exactly so i trust the doctor but later when i felt there is somthing wrong in the hairline and i m not comfortable with it so then i found out that there should be an angle and should not be so straight like this so i do not know if it can be fixed

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  • Senior Member

Probably the best thing to do is to wait for the procedure to fully mature and especially since you are only three months post-op.


Try growing out the length of your hair at least 2-3 inches. If you do not like the look, you can always buzz it down to an even shorter length.


There are a number of ways to remove some of the grafts but it would IMHO be too early to do that now.


You never know, you may like the look once the procedure matures and all of the grafts have grown out.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I know my question is an extreme case


But if i want t remove the transplant hair in the futue can i remove it by laser without scarring and come back normal again


I m becoming so bald and i will end up with isolated hair in front so i m looking to a way out


When i google about HT laser removal i always find people who remove the old plugs and end up with scarring


With new modern fue using the laser can be more easier without problem ?

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  • Senior Member

You have barely begun growing. Give it 6 more months before you make a real judgment.


I think your hairline is not too low at all and looks completely appropriate for your face & head.

1,792 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on April 2-3, 2015

313 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on May 3, 2016 to make it perfect!!!

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I m not used to it at all and i hate how it is look from beginning i m not happy with hair transplant till now and i m not expecting my self i will like it in the future


So i m looking for a way out when i talked to the doctor about this he said it is impossible to remove them at all even using laser, and my hair is dark brown soft and it looks too thin even when i was having my original density so now it will be so ugly


When i asked him about my donor area he told me it will not looks like before we extract most of your hair so i just scream and say who told you fo extract all of those grafts if the donor area does not allow, so he said dont worry it will grow in the future.


I become extreamly depressed i cannot do anything useful in my life anymore, this HT is a game changer and it affect everything in my life i m not able to sleep anymore and i m alway only starring and isolated, afraid to see anyone. Most of the people say it is nothing and it looks ok but for me no way i did not have this hairline from years and i cannot imagin continue my life with this look with huge bald area from behind and hair in the front i wish i made it at least from the middle so i will not have this problem now


I m looking for an options to remove the hair transplant at the end, now when i look to my head i cannot see major scarring only pumps where fhe hair start growing so if i laser them what will happen to those pumps can they be faded or disappear? I want to know that there is an end to this nighmare

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  • Senior Member

It does not sound like you are in a good place at all right now. I understand how you feel, it can take up all your thoughts and put your life on hold etc.

Having a transplant does not change your thinking and no matter how many people tell you about the waiting game, you do not realise how much you have to go through.

There is little you should do right now or can do at this stage. Wait it out like we all have to. you will drive yourself crazy thinking like you are right now. It will get better and you really are only at the starting point.

If you are feeling extremely depressed speak to someone, a friend or family. I was at that point and even my partner did not get what was wrong with me. Maybe a professional can help you with this?

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for your support but it is not all just related to how i look now only all the things against me.

- weak donor area

- hairline shape i cannot accept

- soft and thin hair

- large bald area even more than the transplant one

- all my family history are norwood 7


Everything indicate where i m heading so i ve become truly beleive what i did is worng and i just want ereas it and move on in my life


How that can be possible, everyone says wait, i will wait for sure now i do not have another option for time being


But in the future can i remove them or not and will be there scars after reomving them


Definetly i m not the only one who ask this question and there should b some people try it and have results i just wanna know is it feasible solution i can still go in this path or no i will create bigger problem than now

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I get what you are asking, sorry i cant give you an answer. I see many guys who have had transplants shave their hair down and look good. There is also the option to have SMP with a shaved head and keep your new hairline?

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You know my problem is to erease everything remember me with this even if i have the best hair look ever.


I just want to come back normal again and move on, is there some doctors expert in hair removal or reversal. Can you recommend someone

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Stress is counted as one of the causes of receding hairline in men. High stress levels can lead to the progression of a receding hairline. Emotional stress is a type of stress that can affect your body in a great way. Men are prone to this, especially when they are in a situation where they can not handle or cope with stress.

Maintain a healthy body.

Observe proper hygiene.

Try to avoid stress.

If the stress is unavoidable, try to cope up with the stress.

So that you will not be stressed, try to solve your problems as soon as possible.

Seek advice from your family or friends if you are undergoing stress.

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  • Senior Member

You right but you know why i m nervous because everything start with false hope espically with my clinic, i m a victim for their commercial lies


They told me they are applying stem cell fue and there is a chance for hair regeneration because they are not extracting the whole folliculs and so i believed them i did the surgery, later i knew there is nothing like this yet and now my donor area is too thin and i do not know if it will thicken up again


Secondly they told me that i have good donor area so they are gonna use 3500 grafts for frontal scalp and they extract later 3650 and barely used on mid scalp now i think most of my donor area depleted and now i have thin hair there


Also they said we r gonna use with you growth factors treatment to help yor native hair to not fall and they have a special new mesotherapy with all required gorwth factors for hair with 100% successful rates and they offer many sessions with the hair transplant, also i believed that and now i know there are not such thing in the world yet will prevent hair loss only FDA approved treatments


No body told me that i will continue follow the baldness pattern of my family who are norwod 6/7 most of them so i might avoid the transplant if they remind me with this or i could force them to use less grafts with high hairline


If i made a good research about hair transplant not only looking to before and after with trusting a clinic like a blind man, definitely i will not do it


I hope only thst the surgent had done a good job maybe this is the only a positive thing as he used 0.5 to 0.7 punches sizes but i cannot say that until i see good growing cuz 3650 graft on front only should give a very good results i guess


This is my problem and that s why i am asking about removing everthing in the future if i became norwood 6 cuz i m not planning to do another procedure and use what is left in behind

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