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Seeking a multitude of advice - 29 year old guy :)


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Hi there, first of all let me thank anyone that takes the time to read this post. I have toyed with the idea of posting on a site like this many times in the past (I have probably been periodically lurking for upwards of a year).


Feel free to skip to the pics below and just tell me what NW I am if you'd like, better than nothing ;)


I apologise in advance if this ends up getting a little lengthy, but this will be a somewhat cathartic exercise for me and much as i realise you're probably not too concerned with my "wider background" i feel it will be helpful to me personally to provide a little context. :)


I have struggled with depression and horrible self image issues throughout much of my adolescence and young adulthood having been pretty significantly overweight and just generally feeling repulsive physically. Ironically, the one thing i felt i could always fall back on was my hair since i always perceived it to be my best feature :P


Having been told at 17 by a mate who was on the brink of going bald that i was "definitely receding" i guess at the time i kind of shrugged it off but the seed had been planted. Despite that i was repeatedly reassured over the years that "you'll never go bald", "you have so much hair, any man would love to be "balding" like you", "you've always had that hairline" etc. that i never really gave it a second thought.


However, around the age of 26 (I honestly can't say i remember my exact age, i have only slavishly tracked my progression the past year or so) i noticed when i spiked my hair up that i had quite prominent temples. Again the fears resurfaced and again they were largely allayed by the cries from my family that my hairline looked as it always had and i must admit that even when much younger i never had a "classic" juvenile hairline. I found a kind of emo type style that i had always wanted to rock and since my hair was so thick (maybe dense is the appropriate terminology around here? ;) i'm not totally sure how i'd classify it!) i got great coverage and it wasn't an issue for a while though the worries definitely persisted thereafter.


Which brings us to now, a couple of months away from my 30th birthday and i am certain that what i am experiencing is beyond maturation of my hairline and that I am balding. It reached a point where the fringe which i was sporting was getting more difficult to style and what i perceived to be slower growth was simply my temples not being filled out as they once were.


I want to take the next step, or at least know definitively what the next step could be. I have not seen a derm, i spoke to a GP here in uni but i felt she didn't take me at all seriously and this immediately turned me off seeking genuine help from her.




14ltxd2.jpg My Dad, aged 63 - I think he started losing his hair around the same time as me, though obviously given i don't really know when my hair loss began definitively that's difficult to say. I dont know what exact pattern he balded in but could easily find this out when i next see him.


My Dad's father always had hair, i don't recall the specific norwood, he certainly had noticably thinned but not beyond what one might expect of a 70 year old man.


Mother's father is similar to my Dad's, though less thinning and fuller. One of her brothers has a juvenile, thick head of hair and the other is closer in characteristics to their father.




What norwood do you think i am at present? I feel like i have lost density beyond the hairline but that's difficult for me to objectively know/judge, i have been so obsessive over my hair and don't have a clear point of reference to compare to. The back still looks very thick and doesn't match up to the top, which is what makes me think this. On the bright side i guess this could make for a great future donor area? (fingers crossed :P)


All pics taken with a somewhat healthy dose of hat hair, it has a little more volume than this but not a ton, being very straight.


wkpd1s.jpg- Hair normally resting.

2m800nq.jpg - Right side resting, cowslick is covering slightly, unintentional..

11qo9d3.jpg - Left side resting.

42qlz.jpga24zs5.jpg - Birds-eye, or as close as i could manage taking my own photos :P

30cao2q.jpg339uana.jpg - Left temple

2hqrkuw.jpg - Right temple (I feel like the way i'm holding my hair makes this look better than it is potentially? You can tell it's not taut at the hairline)

68x1fq.jpg11rvqew.jpg214nyw4.jpg - Alternate right temple shots, again i feel the angle/light may be misleading. I do feel my right temple looks significantly better than the left, though.




I would like to to maximise my potential in terms of both saving what i have left and getting the best result when i am eventually able to undertake a transplant if that's the route i decide to take, what's my best course of action in your opinion? Bear in mind that I am in the final year of my law degree (meaning that I may not be in gainful employment for at least another year) and so money is an issue.


To that end, are there options for financing such an operation and do they add inordinately to the cost? It might seem foolish to you but for me it is such an intrinsically important issue that i would be willing to saddle the debt to enable me to enjoy the results while i am younger :)


I think I may get a shorter haircut very soon since the length coupled with my hairline is starting to bother me so i think cutting it will be healthier for me mentally. Any suggestions, is there a style that might flatter what i feel is still a relatively decent head of hair?


Finally, let's say in a hypothetical situation i am able to maintain most or all of what i have now and am thinking of undergoing a transplant. Which surgeons would you be considering? FUT or FUE? I believe that when the time comes i will take a "spare no expense" approach, as much as it is financially viable - i want to get this as right as possible!



Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far - I apologise for subjecting you to that but i needed to type it all. Kudos to these communities for existing - even for those who don't find their dream solution i am sure they are a source of immense camaraderie and comfort.

Edited by thatoldchestnut
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Hello thatoldchestnut.

I did read the post in its entirety and see you don't mention if you use any medications if you don't that should be your starting point.

They seem to be most effective when used at a younger age were the loss is not that severe and you fall definitely into this catorgary.

If I were you I would not even consider a ht at this stage by all means research as much as you can but get on the meds and see what if anything they have done for you in say a years time.

I apologise for the way I constructed the reply but unlike you I am totally uneducated but I hope it helps.

Have a good day

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  • Senior Member

You should probably consider starting finasteride.


Your hair looks good and I would not recommend surgery at this time.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Oh I just saw you're 30, I assumed you were early 20s. If you're unhappy with your hairline, you could get fue to lower it.


I still wouldn't lower it. If he were to do anything I would SLIGHTLY blunt the corners and maybe reinforce temple points, but that's just me.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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probably 90% of people on this site would kill for your hairline and density .. surgery should be an option you may want to consider in 10-15 years if you prematurely/progressively start loosing hair, which you may not - at this stage consider meds/minoxodil/supplements & a good shampoo (Regenpure) - keep what you got and make it healthier, you should be very happy! best of luck

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I can't see a lot wrong with your hair apart from the slight difference in recession in the corners.


It would be worth speaking to a hair doctor or their reps regarding a prescription for finasetride. Since you are in the UK maybe try David 'Garageland' from Hasson & Wong or Mick from Farjo.


Men have the advantage over women that they can go from a 4/10 to a 7 or 8/10 just by a change of haircut, clothes, glasses and working out.


I'm not taking the mick, but why not take a celeb and get a haircut and facial hair like theirs. Maybe start working out and wear what they wear. Get some smaller glasses.


Ryan Gosling has a similar shaped head and hair colour so why not start there?

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Thanks all so much for the responses. Don't worry about the whole "body shaming" thing, i didn't take offence - I appreciate any advice that's offered, as long as it's considered/genuine! I'll definitely bear that in mind, though I have tried and failed to "get fit" before because i suffer quite badly with social anxiety and don't really feel comfortable in the gym. However I know that's not really an excuse as I don't need to go to the gym to get fit!


As for the hair itself, I was extremely apprehensive about broaching the subject of fin because everyone has been so dismissive about my hair loss (in my "real life" experience). I guess it's time to stop being a baby and just go ask though, even if it's for my own peace of mind. Where should i go for that? Derm and a GP? Just a GP?


Thanks to anyone that took the time to read or reply to this thread!

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I would private message a member here called spex a nice helpful chap and he will give you deails.

Have a good day



Thanks all so much for the responses. Don't worry about the whole "body shaming" thing, i didn't take offence - I appreciate any advice that's offered, as long as it's considered/genuine! I'll definitely bear that in mind, though I have tried and failed to "get fit" before because i suffer quite badly with social anxiety and don't really feel comfortable in the gym. However I know that's not really an excuse as I don't need to go to the gym to get fit!


As for the hair itself, I was extremely apprehensive about broaching the subject of fin because everyone has been so dismissive about my hair loss (in my "real life" experience). I guess it's time to stop being a baby and just go ask though, even if it's for my own peace of mind. Where should i go for that? Derm and a GP? Just a GP?


Thanks to anyone that took the time to read or reply to this thread!

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If you want minoxidil I buy mine online at minoxidil uk your probably best going for the 5% Kirkland brand foam as a lot of people get a itchy scalp with the liquid.

Its about ?18 for a three months supply but with me it lasts more like two.

Just google minoxidil in the uk.

The liquid version is also quite greasy.

Whereabouts in Lancashire are you ?

I've seen it many times were people who IMO did not need a ht and regretted they ever did.

Most people do not suffer any of the side effects of finasteride and usually start to see results around six months of usage same goes for minoxidil.

Try the meds and see how you get on.

Have a nice day

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I'm from Barnoldswick, though I don't study here so I'm generally in Wales!


As for the HT thing, I know i mentioned it in the initial post but obviously it's not something i'm considering just yet. Think of it as preparatory research rather than a genuine, burning desire to undergo a HT at present. Maybe in the years to come depending on a number of factors it's something i'll do :)


For me, it's more about forming a plan and feeling like i'm proactively tackling something that is obviously starting to bother me tremendously, even though I realise i'm not as seriously afflicted as some.

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thatoldchestnut -- Everyone here is giving you sound advice . Let me give you my perspective , since I had my first HT when I was your age , ~ 30 more than a decade ago.


Receding hairline was a concern for me back then, and I would often long for the hair I had back in my college days. However, as I have aged , I now find that a slightly receded hairline gives me a more professional and mature look especially in my line of work. If I actually had a low "college boy" like hairline, I would probably look a little silly and would be taken less seriously -- I know some people may find that hard to believe. In my opinion, what is considered "good head of hair " does change with age. A small bald spot may crush someone's ego when they are 25 but is perfectly alright on someone aged 45. Same goes for hairline .


The operating word being how well your face and personality is "framed " by your hair . Besides getting on meds etc., one good investment you could make right now is meet a personal stylist and see if they can find ways to make you look the part you want using your existing hair.


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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Thanks Fortune, the sound advice continues! :)


I guess still being in a relatively youth dominated environment at university is not helping me. Maybe if i was already a professional of some sort i wouldn't be thinking twice! That said, I don't crave a "juvenile hairline", per se. I'd just like my temples to be more symmetrical and filled in.


Also fwiw, I actually think a nw2 looks better than a nw1 on most men, maybe that's just me!

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Also fwiw, I actually think a nw2 looks better than a nw1 on most men, maybe that's just me!


+1 that . In my opinion very few men can pull off nw1 in old age unless they have facial structure similar to certain hollywood movie stars .


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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Your hair looks decent at your age you could do something to lower the left temple maybe thicken the hairline, I say maybe because it is unclear whether it is possible to do so. You appear to have fine blond hair and lots of it so it may not be possible to add density into the hairline without causing damage to some of the native hairs. The rest of your scalp appears to be in good shape so the risk in your case seems to be on the lower side but with you not being on meds and your father and mothers father both loosing hair once they got to your age the risk increases, if there is a danger that you will end up like your dad it would not be wise to be lowering that hairline.


Only you can decide how much your temple recession bothers you, guys in a similar position can of course relate and you should look for similar cases on here. You of course need to know that if the hairline does continue to recede then you are committed to chase it with further surgeries.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Thanks for the response Garage. I don't really have a problem with how "Low" my hairline is, as I say, i've always had quite a big forehead (I think?)2ln7j3b.jpg.


Incidentally only my father started losing hair around my age (My mother's father didn't suffer hairloss beyond what we'd think of as normal, afaik) but I can see having re-read my initial post that it's not at all clear (and either way, your point obviously stands :P).


I think for now I will consider meds and see how that works out. I'm certainly not going to be rushing into a surgery anytime soon since quite simply i couldn't afford it even if i wanted to! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

You're a handsome guy with a full head of hair. What the hell are you doing here? Get out!


In all seriousness, I wouldn't worry if I was you. Obsession can be an unhealthy thing.


As others have already said, Propecia (Finasteride being the generic name) is a good start. And if finances are of concern you can split a 5mg Proscar into 5ths to lower your costs.


Minoxidil and surgery considerations, that's just overkill imho.

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