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Very excited....just reserved March 31 surgery with Dr. Konior


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Well I've been taking 1.25 mg of Fin every day for 17wks & from what I can tell this is what happened to me..

First day ball ache then went away same day.

1st wk no probs

2nd wk kept me awake , so changed my Med time from AM to just before I hit the sack ,problem solved.

3rd wk morning wood no show at least 4 days that wk & still ongoing today no biggy if you ask me at 47 what the hell.

Seimen yes watery & less of it....kinda bothered me but looked in taking zinc supplements & been on them a while & seems like things are getting back to normal.

Throughout the last 17 wks i do piss a lot more & seems to flow a lot faster also this also kinda bother me cas I didn't piss as much prior but some days are good & some days I'm like pissing like a russian race horse.


Okay so no sex probs touch wood, no punt intended, for me just the above which if that's as bad as it gets then I'm good.


Also taking Biotin , VitD3, MSN, fish oil all part of my daily diet.

How all this will work out for me ill let you know in 8mths time.

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Just an update.....been on the 0.50mg/day for about 10 days now.....body seems to take it very well. Bit of ball ache the first few days but that has subsided....don't seem to really have much in terms of side effects. I am contemplating increasing the dose to 0.75mg or 1mg/day but feel the risk of more side effects might outweigh the effectiveness of 1mg versus 0.50mg (which according to the Merck study, is like 10%.....it's not much). Thoughts?

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Many people do have sheds esp at the start of taking Meds such as Fin & Min these are positive signs be stuburn with what your doing & things will start to turn around in a few months.


Also I note that you have a buzz haircut so take full advantage of that with Min rub it in all over you scalp 2 or 3 times a day as people with short hair like you makes it a lot easyer to get Min directly on the scalp.


Again don't freak out what's going on that's kinda normall at the start of your Med program.


Good luck.

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That's a little fast, but stick with it. The sheds are making room for regrowth.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Meh, on second thought...maybe I'm actually doing the opposite. My crown seems thinner than normal so I naturally assumed I must be shedding. Then again, after I dry my hair or apply Rogaine, I used to easy have 20-30 hairs on my hands. It's hard for me to find 1 or 2 hairs now. Who knows....I obviously am obsessively looking in the mirror every day and overreacting, it's driving me nuts. Little over a month left:D

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If you think the obsessing/mirror looking is bad preop, wait till post op.....a little short term pain for long term gain just remember that. Between meds and choice of doc you're taking all the right steps so feel good about that.

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I am opting for FUT....and the initial estimate is 2,000 grafts in my frontal third and then another 1,000 for temple points and to lessen the width of my forehead (I've never really had much of temple points...even when I was younger....and this makes my hair loss appear worse as it makes my forehead wider).


I did a lot of research and Dr. Konior consistently was one of top doctors that everyone mentioned. Lucky for me, he also happens to be 35 minutes away. I had a consultation with Tom (Dr. Konior's rep) and Dr. Konior back in November. Dr. Konior thought I was a good candidate and he thought 3,000 grafts would be a good number (keeping in mind that he wanted to guard against shock loss and also due to the fact I am not on Propecia). My whole family has naturally pretty fine hair (however, my father and 40-year old brother have most all of their hair still so I got the short end of that stick) and my donor area/density is probably a bit less than average (density estimated to be 40 on the sides and 40-60 in the back)....so unfortunately I don't have that thick, unlimited donor supply some have. His goal density-wise for the transplanted regions is around 30. I debated for a good month about whether to do this and finally made the appointment today.


I first noticed my hair loss back when I was probably 18-19 years old (I am going to be 35 in 3 weeks). I've been wearing hats probably since I was 20 years old and using concealers for probably 8 years now (Dermmatch) but my hair is at a point that they aren't helping much....especially the hairline and I'm just tired of using them. This could literally change my life.....


I'm curious what some of you guys think about getting a transplant and not being on Propecia? I have done a lot of research on Propecia and I know it does work for many people, but there is no denying that some people do suffer side effects that have continued after getting off the drug...and I just don't want to take that risk, even if it's just a 2% chance. I'm using Rogaine foam and Nizoral so hopefully two out of the big three will help. I guess I'm also willing to risk the fact that I'm not going to go all the way bald on top. I just shaved my head last week (I mean all the way....with a Gillette razor) and although I can pull that look off, it's not really me. Even though I've been losing my hair for 15 years, I seem to still have a pretty good amount in the middle area and crown. I do probably have some thinning in the crown but it looked a bit worse because I have a cowlick back there. However, after shaving my head, it appears I have a little bit more density than I thought I had back there as opposed to a thin/bald area I thought I'd see. I would think if I were going to go all the way bald on top that I would have had SIGNIFICANT loss in the middle areas and crown by now.


Anyways, I'll be updating this with pictures and updates as the process goes on. I'll get some current pics of my hair loss up in a week or two (I still have barely any stubble on my head and it would be hard to tell the state of my hair with it this short).



I find this interesting. 1,000 grafts for temple points or am I missing something?

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If you think the obsessing/mirror looking is bad preop, wait till post op.....a little short term pain for long term gain just remember that. Between meds and choice of doc you're taking all the right steps so feel good about that.


Definitely! At least for the time being, I'm glad I tried the Propecia because I really haven't had anything side-effect wise through a month. I feel sorry for those who have experienced the major sides on it....as with any medication, some people just won't react to it well and a HT is just so unpredictable without being on it. If your body reacts badly to Fin, you probably are fighting a losing battle with or without a HT.

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I find this interesting. 1,000 grafts for temple points or am I missing something?


No, it's a little more involved than just temple points. I just never have really had much in terms of temple points (even as a kid). Giving me temple points and then moving my hairline out just a tad above the temple points up to the hairline is going to, if you will, narrow my forehead. It just seems I have a wider forehead, otherwise, and makes the hair loss look more extensive than it probably is. We might be talking taking that part above the temple points out maybe 1/8 inch on each side.


I think temple points are normally, what, 250 per side....so they might be thinking another 250 on each side to frame my face better.


Here is a pic of what I mean (this isn't me)....but even if this guy had temple points, he seems to be receding above them...so if you were looking at him face on....his forehead would look wider and hair loss would look more extensive.



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Ok fair point. I'm wonder how many grafts would be standard to achieve decent density for temple points. It still seems like a lot of grafts given the size of the area but then again I don't know what the density is of your surrounding native so it's all relative.


Ps I'm pretty curious what you googled to find that pic if it isn't you.

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Just do Google image search for temple points hair....looks like the pic was from a guy who had a HT with Hassan and Wong who posted the pics on another forum. I'm not real dense on the sides, at all....but I would think most temple points are 1 hair follicles....much like the front of the hairline.


Took pic from here.....



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Scalp laxity exercises....is 3 weeks long enough to get results? I am going to start these tonight.....


Also, curious on your guys' thoughts regarding density. Dr. Konior had said he was planning to have the transplanted follicles at 30 per square centimeter. I've been doing some research on this and it seems some haven't been happy even at 35-40 per square cm. That being said....I also have less density than normal on the sides and back (40-60cm) and I don't really notice the fine-ness of the 40-60. It still looks fuller. I understand someone whose normal density is 90 follicles per square cm would be unhappy with 30 in the transplanted areas....and that it won't be as obvious next to my 40-60 normal density.


This was also assuming I wasn't going to start on Fin. Obviously, now that I have, I would assume Dr. K will be more comfortable being a bit more liberal with the density, hairline, and number of grafts versus what we originally planned for.



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Here are some more pics, too....hair is probably 1/4 inch long (was over 1/2 inch a couple weeks ago but I messed up shaving my neck line with like a number 2 guard and had to reshave my entire head back to a 2 guard). Anyways, you can get a better idea of what I mean by having no temple points and how Dr. K wants to move the area above the temple points out a bit (if you are looking at my side profile) to make the appearance of my forehead/recession less wide. That has been the same side profile I've probably had since I was 10-15 years old. You can also see how I'm thinner in that frontal forelock area but still have a pretty thick middle vertex. I am hoping he can strengthen the frontal forelock back to where my middle vertex is and then do a nice number on the temples (taper the hairline).


I would say the temple bald spots are 2.25 inches wide on each side and recede back 1.25 inch. Moving that area above the temple point out will lessen that 2.25 inches before he even starts working on the hairline. I'm not sure how many square cm that is.





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  • 3 weeks later...
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I hope you report a great experience soon!

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

Free Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba


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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hello all! I am back! Long day....started at 6:15am and didn't get done until almost midnight. It didn't help I didn't sleep the night before, at all....was too nervous. Everything went great! Dr. K is excellent!


When I got there...he really made sure to explain who he thought were good FUE and good FUT candidates. He was concerned about FUT because my hair was so short yesterday (probably 1/2 inch). Now, I had just shaved it weeks ago so it's not ormally this short (especially on top...it's normally a couple inches and then tapered down on sides and back)....but honestly on the sides and bottom it normally isn't much longer than it was yesterday. We ended up changing and going to FUE....we got a little over 2k grafts. We both knew we were in for a long day once we decided to make the switch the FUE. In hindsight, I'm glad we talked about that...because I really wasn't thrilled about a possible donor strip....and even though his are literally undetectable, the bottom line is it depends on your hair density, characteristics, etc....and mine aren't ideal. In the end, I'm fortunate enough not to be really restricted financially...and I wasn't going to let a budget change what would be better for me (FUE). Plus, I have a bit more density in the sides and back than I originally thought (80 in back and 60 or so in sides), not great, but definitely have some left over in case I ever need something in the future even after my temple points (temple points shouldn't be more than 600-800 total).


As some have said, he is very meticulous. He wants to make sure everything is right and the patient is happy. Not all doctors care about that. Since we did FUE and the time consumption that takes (hard to get more than 2k in a day...especially starting as late as we did)...we had to leave the temples out for now so he put everything in the frontal third/hairline (that frontal area in my pics where I was thinning and then obviously the bald temples). I think I'm going back Saturday to get the temple points done by him and it will likely be a quick procedure.


Can't say enough about him and the team. Tom was there at 12am to take me to my hotel....not many patient coordinators would care enough to do that.


I was a bit sick by the time we left...but it was due to my eyes and light sensitivity from those bright lights (and not getting a minute of sleep the night before didn't help, I'm sure). However, I feel fine now. There is a bit of pain in the donor area but nothing major....probably don't even need the pain meds. Loved his design of the hairline, and this wasn't some 2 minute thing. He took a good 30 minutes taking pics and making adjustments. He wants it to look good.


I'll post pics tonight...bad part about being self-employed is I slept from 12am to 5am and now I'm working.


I just want to thank the staff and Dr. K for working with me. I can be subconsciously fidgety....and that is a no-no during these procedures. Be still! And I mean still!:D


Numbing shots didn't hurt at all...maybe a bit at end of the night, but like I said, by then it had been 40 hours since I'd slept and was just worn out. Felice, Lisa, Roxy, Tom....all these people are great assets to Dr. K....and what can I say, it's common knowledge he is the Rolls Royce of surgeons.


I also want to thank you guys here on this forum.....I doubt I would have went through this otherwise. Matter of fact, I was deadset on not doing so. I was deadset against Propecia. At the end, though, both have worked out well thus far. Looking forward to the results. I'll probably post a new thread in the results forum so you can see results as opposed to on this thread.


Any questions, feel free to ask.....but I think I'm going to get a great result. Pain wise...there was none and I mean none. If I had a normal job and had to go to an office, I'd easily be able to do so today (although you should schedule a few days off....I'm just a workaholic). I'm very glad I chose Dr. K. It would behoove you not to consider him, regardless of where you live.

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Actually, will just post pics on this thread since I have before ones earlier in the thread. Here are 2 pics....you can see he added more hair to that thinning area in the front (that originally had some hair but was thinning) and then gave me a pretty nice hairline. ADDED PLUS....had stupid cowlick in front, he got rid of that.


As I said, the plan is to get back in there in the next few weeks to get the temple points done that we had originally planned on (he figured 300 or so grafts per side). I think that will be good bang for the buck.....


Healing nicely....went back today and they said the donor site looked great...same with the recipient (they didn't even have to wet the recipient). They changed my bandage and cleaned that up. I'll be going in tomorrow again for the same and probably Friday, too.


Not in any pain....haven't really even taken the pain pills. Bit of a headache from sleeping with my head higher up (my neck isn't used to it). Needless to say, you can see some swelling in the forehead which could get worse in next few days...so I'm going to ice it well and massage it outwards as Dr. K ordered (so it doesn't go down to my eyes and give me black eyes).


You can see the before pic....the diamond shape area is where there was hair but it was thin/see through for the most part. He actually said I had some really good quality hair behind that area (meaning vertex). Crown isn't horrible but hoping the Propecia will get that area well (used to see 30 hairs in shower and sin k each time I took shower or applied Rogaine....now I don't think I've seen more then 4 hairs ever while doing this since I started Propecia).




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