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2967 Grafts with Dr Konior

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Sorry guys. Had been busy of late. Took a few pics with my iphone before the haircut. I am pleased so far with the results.






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I felt so lazy and was totally busy which made me not spend time to take some good quality pics. But something is better than nothing so I took a few from my phone.


So finally had a haircut after 4.5 months. Feels good to be normal again without the hanging gardens of hair on my sides :) Did not touch my top transplanted hair during the haircut. There is a slight transition of hair on the back where the donor hair was taken from after the haircut but its very negligible.






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Spanker I agree.


Somebody so young doing a HT without being on Meds is not good & setting themselfs for more heartbreak in the furure.



Its kinda sad that we only can talk about 2 or 3 Meds which may help people today.

When I was loosing my hair yrs ago I thought arrr don't worry so much there be somrthing around the corner & here I am some 25 yrs later thinking someone will pull a rabbit out there ass.


But at the end of the day its just friggen fungus on top of our heads.

As long as you got your health & family that's all what counts



I agree as far as meds go. I waited for years for something non-invasive, counting on medicine and the great pharma profit machine to find the great cure for my ill. But they are most fallible, and it seems not to be meant to be in my lifetime. So I went with the HT. Hopefully pharma will get it done for my kids.

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I'm not sure he can take Fin TBH cas best advise esp at that age & HT


I'm sure Dr.K would of spoken to him about this being he still young & his MPB is sure to become a NW 6 in the future if he don't take some Meds.


I hope he does unless he be on a upward battle if he don't.


Yes. Dr K did tell me to take Fin but I was against it. I had taken Minox like 6 months back before the transplant and now I started getting acne. I am not sure if its related to this but I never had acne in my life before and the only things I had taken recently was Minox and Nizoral both of which I have stopped temporarily now.


I am not that greedy of a person for hair ( hope I wont change my statement later when I have further loss :P ). I know I wont take any meds which might have the possibility of a side effect. I will try to use concealers on my crown as long as I can along with growing out my hair longer and combing it back ( which i like ).


Lets see how long I can push it. And dr K said I have good caliber hair. And another 3000+ easily available. So I am going to use it very carefully later on. Very much later on as my face has been framed well as of now :).

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Phantom - looks great for 4.5 months. Will continue to fill in nicely over the next 6 months.


Thanks. Now I am waiting for it to thicken up and to get some length in my hair to see how much I can cover my crown ;)

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  • Senior Member

Wow man. Looks great. Very nice. Looking forward to the final result.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I just have a question about your hair shock ! did it grow back and how does your strip look sofar?


To add my own experience:


I too had a FUT procedure with Dr. Konior about a month after phantom777 (August 12, 2014). I had ~2700 grafts. Anyway, I experienced shock loss around the donor scar. It was kinda bad around where the scar terminated on my left side. I had a relatively large bare spot which was rather scary but I read numerous posts that stated this can happen, it's normal, and the hair will grow back.


Anyway, I'm out what? Nearly 4 months now. I went to the barber last week and have a #4 grade shave on my sides and back of the head. The scar is completely undetectable. I couldn't be more happy.

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I just have a question about your hair shock ! did it grow back and how does your strip look sofar?


I am staying alone now and dont have anyone to take a pic of the donor now. Personally I dont think the shock loss is there anymore. But I will confirm it in 2 weeks once I visit my family.:)

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  • Regular Member
To add my own experience:


I too had a FUT procedure with Dr. Konior about a month after phantom777 (August 12, 2014). I had ~2700 grafts. Anyway, I experienced shock loss around the donor scar. It was kinda bad around where the scar terminated on my left side. I had a relatively large bare spot which was rather scary but I read numerous posts that stated this can happen, it's normal, and the hair will grow back.


Anyway, I'm out what? Nearly 4 months now. I went to the barber last week and have a #4 grade shave on my sides and back of the head. The scar is completely undetectable. I couldn't be more happy.


That's great... I am really happy for you :)

I hope that you get nice results

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I am staying alone now and dont have anyone to take a pic of the donor now. Personally I dont think the shock loss is there anymore. But I will confirm it in 2 weeks once I visit my family.:)


That's a good news

cann't wait to see your updates :)

I hope you get a nice result

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Yes Rambler, so far am happy with the progress. Just waiting for the frontal transplanted hair to thicken up a bit and grow in length :)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 years later...
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Updating after almost 6 years. 

Things looked better and my hair grew back strong as was expected after the transplant from Dr Konior. The transplanted hair around the 8 month mark was kind of wirey, but as it matured, it became became just as my natural hair. Since I had hair loss till my crown and had transplanted hair only to the frontal third, I grew my hair long to cover the non-transplanted part of my head and it worked for a while. Attached are a few pics just about a year after my transplant - 2015.

As the years passed by, the existing hair that I had in the front, started thinning and the density became thinner. The crown started expanding as well. I had not taken fin or any preventive medication and so this was expected. 

I finally did my second surgery last week. I'll update the post with it's details soon. 







Edited by phantom777
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