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Another BHT disappointment? :(

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There are very few successful bht results. A lot of times posters who go for BHT never come out with news of their failure. icon_frown.gif

A long time poster Eternal hope went for bht with a self proclaimed bht doctor.

1 year later, he has gone ahead with head fue with another clinic. If this is not an indication of a bht failure, then what is?

I feel disgusted when posters agree to have their surgery plastered all over the net, but when it comes to showing growth or failure, the doctor as well as the poster keeps mum.


I dont expect the doctor to showcase his failures, but the vet forum posters should return to the community by sharing their true experiences.

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Hello Cheetan,


Welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with BHT. When did you have your surgery? There are very few posts out there about BHT, but out of the ones I've seen, it does appear that I've seen more negative than positives unfortunately. If there is anything we can do for you, let us know. In the meantime...any details that you can share with us would be helpful for future readers.


1. Who was your doctor?

2. When was your surgery?

3. Any pictures you can share of recipient or donor areas?

4. How many grafts did you recieve?

5. Of the grafts you received, what percentage would you say grew?



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Don't believe he is talking about himself here. Anyway, in regard to the original post, no, one case is never indicitive of anything. It says something about this particular case, but not about BHT in general.


I am not in favor or against, just waiting to see how BHT plays out in the next few years.

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Funny, I have seen many positive posts on BHT.. In fact Dr. True and another doc gave a ver promising presentation at the last big meeting which Pat posted.. Personally, I have no opinion on this but changing doctors is hardly a conclusion on result as many on here go to serveral doctors over the course of their HT ( See Bill)



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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"BHT" is the abbreviation for body hair transplant. This is the process by which body hairs, from the chest, back, leg or in some cases the "nether" regions are taken and transplanted into the scalp. So far, it is my opinion that this option should be for last resort cases only.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Guest Cousin_It

BHT, is really in its infancy. There is considerable research needed before it can be introduced as viable alternative. A number of doctors have made headway in this reasearch and implementation, namely Dr.True and a lesser known doctor by the name of Umar. It may one day be part of mainstream transplantation but at this time should be reserved for the most desperate individuals when there are not other alternatives.

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Welcome to our community. Your post is so right on that I would like to nominate it for one of the top ten posts of 2006!


There are very few successful bht results. A lot of times posters who go for BHT never come out with news of their failure.

A long time poster Eternal hope went for bht with a self proclaimed bht doctor.

1 year later, he has gone ahead with head fue with another clinic. If this is not an indication of a bht failure, then what is?

I feel disgusted when posters agree to have their surgery plastered all over the net, but when it comes to showing growth or failure, the doctor as well as the poster keeps mum.


I don't expect the doctor to showcase his failures, but the vet forum posters should return to the community by sharing their true experiences.


All too often "self proclaimed" innovators tout and hype unproven surgical techniques on the forums and then take money from patients to experiment on them. Typically all the front loaded hype gets all the attention and then the follow up and follow through just trails off into unspoken and unposted disillusionment and disappointment.


The online hucksters will hype, magnify and repost the slightest success. But the countless failures drift away into unseen and unhyped obscurity.


That is why the self proclaimed medical innovators who hustle the internet for paying test subjects are not recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.


They do all too well already in pimping their services on the other forums.


Thanks for pointing out when the Emperor has no clothes.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Guest Cousin_It



I believe this is the case for all transplant surgeons, even the Coaliton doctors. Though they achieve a more predicable outcome, they also have the "not so great" and failures. I am sure as a matter of good business practice, they only present the "best work" to the public through their website. All the more reason to throughly research a doctor despite the great results presented.

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I believe this will be a discussion that will occur quite a bit for the next few years, with people on both sides of the fence. That is the best way to guard against poor work, no matter if this is BHT or FUE.

As Cousin_It pointed out, any Dr. is only going to show their 'best work' on their web site so it is up to the recipient to post their story, pictures and continue posting throughout their recovery. If the Dr you are seeing 'forbids' you from posting, that would be a large blinking red light for me. icon_smile.gif This was one of the first things I discussed with my doctor.


Do your research, ask questions, both on the forum and especially of your Dr. If you are not comfortable, walk away. There is and always will be scammers out there, and we have to guard against this any way we can.


Once the decision is made, make sure you post and continue to post.

Time is the only true test of any proceedure, expecially one like BHT that is still new and such a hot topic.

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Don't believe he is talking about himself here. Anyway, in regard to the original post, no, one case is never indicitive of anything. It says something about this particular case, but not about BHT in general.


Whoops! I just re-read the post. You are right. Sorry Cheetan, I must have read your post too fast...or maybe my eyes were closed.


But you are correct...I have seen a lot of hype posts about BHT but very few that were actually followed through. It could be because of a failure or it could be because the patient just went on to live his life with a new head of hair. But as I said, from my research, there have been more failures than successes with BHT.




Thank you for your objective post considering you have gotten a BHT. I look forward to seeing your continued progress, whether postive or negative (but hopefully positive!!!)



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Bill, this post ties in with an earlier thread about people hyping their HT Doctor. In both cases, I have no problem with accolades being give IF we are presented the photographic evidence. Otherwise it is only a late night TV testimonial to me... Cheers, S-n-P

HT#1 4944FU 23May06-Hasson

HT#2 1960FU 16Jan07- Hasson


6904 Total FU, 13160 Hairs

2184-1's, 3184-2's, 1536-3's

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You guys seem to know everything about the cutting edge of hair innovation. Even dermatologists and plastic surgeons don't know this much, especially the advertising and marketing aspect of it all. This site rocks. icon_biggrin.gif

0.5 mg Avodart daily since 6/19/06


1950 grafts with Dr. Hasson in the front line 6/19/06.


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One of the reasons I developed confidence in H&W was that the numerous patient-websites (not H&W's website) were completely candid and spontaneous. It's one thing for a doctor to pick and choose his/her best work for public display. But when patients post a running, no-holds-barred diary, beginning with pre-HT pics, you know it's real.


Take my own blog, for example. I didn't post the pictures *after* the good results were evident, but month-by-month as it developed. In fact, I was pretty unnerved by my HT#2 month 2 condition, but didn't hesitate to post it in its full horror. If it had turned out to be a disaster, everyone would have known it. You can't fake stuff like this.


Honest, real-time picture documentation of the entire process, with vivid pictures in varied lighting is the only real way to go.


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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Originally posted by Bushy:

One of the reasons I developed confidence in H&W was that the numerous patient-websites (not H&W's website) were completely candid and spontaneous. It's one thing for a doctor to pick and choose his/her best work for public display. But when patients post a running, no-holds-barred diary, beginning with pre-HT pics, you know it's real.


Take my own blog, for example. I didn't post the pictures *after* the good results were evident, but month-by-month as it developed. In fact, I was pretty unnerved by my HT#2 month 2 condition, but didn't hesitate to post it in its full horror. If it had turned out to be a disaster, everyone would have known it. You can't fake stuff like this.


Honest, real-time picture documentation of the entire process, with vivid pictures in varied lighting is the only real way to go.


I second this 100%. I did not end up going to Hasson and Wong because of their website. I ended up going to Hasson and Wong because of the numerous patients that documented their results along the way BEFORE they knew whether or not the surgery would be a success. In fact, Bushy was one the blogs I followed which led me to Hasson and Wong. I also thank Jotronic, Bobman, Biscuit, and many others for their well documented results which is what led me there in the first place. Displaying before/after pictures is one thing...one could easily question whether or not that person is paid by the doctor. But seeing month to month postings as they are going through the experience...you get the REAL DEAL!



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  • 1 year later...
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After viewing video's and pictures on "The Woods Technique" I do believe that BHT, if in the hands of a qualified surgeon, can be an acceptable last resort to fill in a thin HT in someone with limited donor area. (I recently stumbled across a surgeon from Australia's website and decided to dredge up an old thread)


I wonder if there are more or less doctors good at this than there are surgeons who consistently provide FUE success??


I wonder if the challenges are completely that much different between BHT/FUE (outside of the obvious)??


Either way, the pros and cons on this "last resort" are debatable, as is anything else in this industry.

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If you search the various forums there are some bht results that look quite promising.Usually they are the ones wherebody hair is transplanted amongst existing hair.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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where are these good photos of a BHT?

I haven't really researched it too much so I don't even know the limitations/risks/success rate...


I do recall recently reading that Dr. True had some great report on it at a convention or something that Pat went too; but I didn't read the whole report.

Chucky, anybody, have any links with pics?

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i dont know much about BHT myself, but from looking at my body, the hairs on my body is not as coarse nor thick as my head hair. And I definiately dont want my private area hair to be on my head, which would literally means im a &^%&head.

aside from that humor, body hair characteristics are just different from head hair, IMO.

I would fly to China for stem cells on my head.

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I was curious about bht at one point.


I've only heard that it can be a good compliment to a strip or FUE but not a reliable substitute because of the difference in hair quality. It would be like adding underbrush to the trees but not making a replacement for the trees.... if that makes sence.

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Hi Zod. I would be interested in seeing pictures of successful BHT's. To me it seems the results would be awful. Your analogy to underbrush is a great one. I'd rather use some concealer like Topik. Growth directions, patterns, lengths, color etc wouldn't seem to blend well at all.

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