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Bosley Medical Violations... new allegations


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In case anybody here lives in a cave, Bosley's license to practice medicine is on probation in 20 states, for breaking the law regarding the way they sell their procedures to new clients.




However in July of this year, NEW allegations were filed that may cause Bosley to lose his license in California.


For one thing, Bosley uses consultants (illegal in most states) who are breaking the law when they actually prescribe treatment ("you need about 300 grafts here, and 400 grafts there"). That is "the practice of medicine by a non-physician" and is ILLEGAL. A consultant (salesman) is only legally allowed to give "general information" about hair transplants.


Another thing Bosley is charged with is when their consultants schedule a surgery for the client, before that client has even been examined by the doctor. That is also illegal!


I had hoped that Bosley was cleaning up it's act by hiring Ken Washenik... Apparently there are some deep-rooted problems with their sales tactics.


The State of California is actively seeking California patients of Bosley, who have been to Bosley in the last two years, and are unhappy. More information is available on the Bosley Medical Violations website.

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Bosley will never straiten their act out as they have created dollar/profit/complaint philosophy. In other words, the volume of business overall outweighs the capital lost via bad press and complaints.

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  • 5 years later...

Who is the best hair transplant doctor?


A few things you must know first:

It takes a good six to twelve months for the hair to fully grow out. It will look better after twelve months.

Most patients will repeat the procedure to add density.

Working in the front, top and back of the head will typically require over 2000 grafts per procedure. (That's grafts...not hairs. Each graft averages 2.5 hairs each). Ask any doctor that you see how many hairs (on average) is in each graft that he/she will transplant.

Remember most patients will do the procedure twice.

A bald or severely balding person who has finished a large procedure of 2000+ graft will have a natural thinning look once it grows out. It won't look unnatural, just thinning. A second procedure will double the density.

Get your expectations in line.


Bosley Medical is one of the best in my opinion but you should see for yourself by visiting Bosley, meet with a counselor, see a Bosley doctor and meet Bosley patients. Look for their scar from where the hair was taken. Get the facts.


There is a negative website about Bosley from a disgruntled patient ("bosley medical


See www.bosleymedical-vs-michaelstevenkremer.com for more information.


Make your own decision.

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..."bosley medical is one of the best in my opinion"...


your perfectly entitled to your opinion *BUT* I don't see how you can make a statement like that. If you were talking about a specific doc, like: Dr. Bosley (himself), Shapiro, Feller, Hasson, etc, etc, then you could make that judgement call. *BUT* your talking about an entire chain of hair mills. How can you say they are the best when you probably haven't even seen results from every doc under the Bosley umbrella? While you may have ended up with a good doc, maybe the next guy won't be so lucky?

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Reviving a 5 year old thread to shill for Bosley?


Do you expect anyone on this forum to take you seriously?


You've genuinely come to the wrong place if you are looking for people who support Bosley, but I would bet you could find more than one who have negative things to say about their work.


Finding anyone to go to bat for them, like you are, would not be an easy task.


You are on that island all alone

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Friends of Bosley,

Over the years so much evidence and patient testimony has been accumulated to demonstrate that Bosley's results are inconsistent to say the least and that's putting it in the best light. We are all beating a dead horse here. Show us consistent, verifiable proof. I doubt you or your employers at Bosley can do that.

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Bosley Medical is one of the best in my opinion


Surely you must be more than "just friends"....


Ship the proof or else you are just one of many continueing a campaign to deceive prospective patients w/o their best interest in mind.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Friends of Bosley,


We welcome you to our hair restoration discussion forum to discuss hair transplantation and anything related to hair loss.


I ask you however, to divulge your affiliation with Bosley medical in your signature according to our terms of service. The link to your website states that you are not affiliated with Bosley Medical however, the signature "Friends of Bosley" indicates some kind of connection. Please further define how you are connected with Bosley and your interest in creating a rebuttal site against Bosley Medical Violations if indeed you are not financially affiliated with Bosley in some way.


I'm also going to ask you not to drum up old threads to repeat the same information you just posted here just as you made multiple attempts to post the SAME comment as above on many of our hair loss Q&A blogs. Out of fairness of running an open forum and website, I have approved a few of your comments - but duplicate posts will be considered as spam.


I think you will find a lot of adversity here especially since the majority of the results posted by Bosley hair transplant patients have been negative.


Additonally, if in your opinion "Bosley is the best", you must be a patient or an employee. Otherwise, how can you make such a claim?



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by friends of bosley:

Who is the best hair transplant doctor?


A few things you must know first:

It takes a good six to twelve months for the hair to fully grow out. It will look better after twelve months.

Most patients will repeat the procedure to add density.

Working in the front, top and back of the head will typically require over 2000 grafts per procedure. (That's grafts...not hairs. Each graft averages 2.5 hairs each). Ask any doctor that you see how many hairs (on average) is in each graft that he/she will transplant.

Remember most patients will do the procedure twice.

A bald or severely balding person who has finished a large procedure of 2000+ graft will have a natural thinning look once it grows out. It won't look unnatural, just thinning. A second procedure will double the density.

Get your expectations in line.


Bosley Medical is one of the best in my opinion but you should see for yourself by visiting Bosley, meet with a counselor, see a Bosley doctor and meet Bosley patients. Look for their scar from where the hair was taken. Get the facts.


There is a negative website about Bosley from a disgruntled patient ("bosley medical


See www.bosleymedical-vs-michaelstevenkremer.com for more information.


Make your own decision.


That's a pretty broad statement to make that "people will typically require over 2000 grafts per procedure" and "will have a natural thinning look once it grows out". Remember, there are countless degrees of baldness and the need for a hair transplant. With 2,000 grafts some patients would have a very dense hairline, while others could concentrate these grafts in one area to provide a very good natural 'full' appearance.


It's funny that what you say is something a Bosley doctor or consultant would never say: that you will need future surgery or that it will still look thin post surgery. You should also keep in mind that many of the top doctors on this site can actually transplant more than 2-3 times that number of grafts in one session, making repeat sessions 'optional', not necessary.


Times have changed. But I don't think Bosley has.


Visit Bosley? Meet with a Counselor? See a Bosley Doctor? Meet a Bosley Patient? Look for their scar? Sorry, but I've 'been there' and 'done that'. I'm a former patient of Bosley and they never should have done surgery on me at my young age when my thinning was so, so minor. All they did was cause transection and shock loss, give me a scar and a pluggy hairline.


If Bosley had truly changed their ways, they wouldn't still be using the same photos on their website that were in their brochures when I first sought a hair transplant about 10 years ago.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Wow - He was suing against Dr. Smith? That's the first doctor who did work on me!! (And left me with a nasty scar that is too low on the back of the head)


PS - if Dr. Smith was not at all at fault, why was he no longer performing surgeries in Seattle just a few years later?


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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I think the thing I like the most about this is the absolute certainty of the post from FOB.


Why would anyone believe his or her opinion or assertion?


Please explain this revelation?


Anyway, it would be nice to line up some NW3,4,5,6 patients of Bosley and our own Coalition docs and see if they match up, Norwood to Norwood.


There are good doctors working at Bosley and MHR--- that is no secret.


However, solving the mystery of who and where they are is the problem.


BTW--- anyone notice how this thread is 5 years old? I always said it took some people too long to catch up icon_biggrin.gif




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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This is beating a dead horse.


Alll we have to do is look at the posts by former Bosley patients. Let the customers decide how good they are or not.


For me, and my head, I would go to a doc where it is their name on the door, not a figurehead.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Guest wanthairs

Hi Grace, erm i mean friend of Bosley.


You are a complete nut trying to fool us about Bosley being the best. Ive seen 2 disasters close up from Bosley, so stuff it I say......


Although it does depend on the independent doctor....I think you should get your clients photos up on this site with testimonials, graft/hair counts, 12 month results, costs , like all these other doctors do and if it matches up to the standard that the coalition docs provide then we will believe you....otherwise...we dont belive anything at all.

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BTW--- anyone notice how this thread is 5 years old? I always said it took some people too long to catch up


I made that observation above icon_wink.gif.


Of course, this poster is welcome here as long as they follow the rules and reveal their affiliation with Bosley in their signature according to our terms of service.


I would prefer however, that Bosley related clinics reveral their identify anjd spend their time posting patient before/immediately postoperative/after pictures in order to "prove" themselves rather than make claims of success.


I can appreciate however, "Friends of Bosley" offering the other side of the explanation of the Bosley Medical Violation's site.



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Oh, I wasn't talking about anyone here... I was talking about the 5 years it took a Bos. rep to catch up with the times!


(I meant to intimate that they are routinely behind the 8-ball)


Sorry if anyone felt that was directed at them!!



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thank you for your recent replies.

Friends of Bosley's are not employees nor paid by Bosley Medical. The website www.bosleymedial-vs-michaelstevenkremer.com is non-profit.

We have no intentions to disrespect the "hair restoration info" forum and appreciate to be allowed to participate.


The statement "Bosley Medical is one of the best..." is just an opinion.

Like many of you wrote there are good doctors everywhere who provide very natural results.

You read a lot of negative comments and bad experiences about Bosley that dates back many years ago. The purpose of the rebuttal website was to expose who the author of "Bosley Medical Violations" really is.

He's Michael Steven Kremer a disgruntled Bosley patient.

His website distorts the facts, in part by making the complaints of the past seem current.


The Facts:


The Bosley Counselors:

Bosley counselors are shopped and frequently critiqued in writing on their performance. If their consultations are sub-par they are given written warnings, sometimes docked pay, get further training, and shopped again. It's in their best interest to help the prospective patients get the facts. If they are dishonest or "try to play doctor" they are fired. It's that simple.


There are no "lab coats", no "blood work." The picture painted of the counselors over ten years ago by Kremer and many other negative postings throughout the internet are not typical of the professional Bosley counselors of today. Now consider that there are over 75 Bosley counselors and you will always have a few that might cross the line, but they won't last.

If you have a problem with a Bosley counselor (or a Bosley doctor for that matter) call the Beverly Hills office and ask to speak to a "Field Manager." There are two field managers who handle counselor complaints...one in the east and one in the west.

Dr. Ken Washenik, Medical Director, will handle the Bosley doctor complaint, but get the information to the field managers first.


The Bosley Doctors:

The infomercial and printed photographs reflects the results of Bosley as a whole. However, a prospective patient must insist on seeing their Bosley doctor's work. Meet their patients. Look at the doctors' personal photo book. Look at the patient's scar. You won't believe how may prospective patients come in and don't know that there is a permanent scar. A good counselor and Bosley doctor will make that point crystal clear.


The Patient:

The biggest complaint at Bosley is handling patient's expectations...it's not medical.

"M&M" posting on 12/8/07, 8:25pm is a good example of this. M&M states: "...many of the top doctors on (clone my hair site) can actually transplant more that 2-3 times that number (meaning 2-3 times more than 2000+ grafts per procedure) in one session, making repeat sessions optional not necessary."


1. If that is true how many hairs are in each graft? Typically a graft has approximately 2.5 hairs each. Are you getting one hair grafts? Don't over-crowd grafts. Some might not grow. How long would it take to do a 4000-6000 graft procedure? (Two days? Just kidding).


2. When a doctor states that a second procedure "is optional not necessary" he/she is opening a can of worms. (From an expectation point of view).

Most patients want more hair. If they think that only one procedure will do it and don't get the desired density, that second procedure he/she hadn't planned for (especially financially) is a problem. Bosley's written material that is given to all patients during their consultations states that "the great majority of our patients want to have at least two procedures to a given area."


When looking at the doctor's personal photo book find a patient who has the same results that you want and then ask your doctor can he/she deliver it.


Friends of Bosley

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Friends of Bosley,


Thank you for your detailed reply.


You are certainly welcome to participate in our forum community. As i said however, if I were you, I'd expect to be met with much resistance.


I'm still confused howeer, why your opinion is that "Bosley is the best" if you are not a patient or an employee. Satisfied patients or employees making these sensational claims would be expected. On what grounds do you form your opinion? Why have you chosen on your free time to create such a website to expose the identify of the Bosley Medical Violation's author? In other words - what is in it for you?


I will tell you now that our hair restoration members and guests are interested in seeing results more than philosophies (though these are certainily important). Unfortunately for Bosley, the majority of the results posted online from Bosley patients are poor and that's the bottom line.


I am certainly open to the possibility that Bosley has some first-rate hair restoration physicians however recognizing them, at this point, is a mystery.


The average number of hairs per follicular unit graft is actually about 2.1 to 2.2 rather than 2.5. The only way the average number would be inflated is if a clinic is using larger grafts such as double follicular units or minigrafts on occasion. Certainly the average number of hairs per follicular unit graft per patient will vary and one cannot conclude anything from that alone.


Many of our recommended hair restoration physicians perform to 3000-4000 follicular unit graft single sessions on a regular basis. Larger hair transplant megasessions are performed when a hair transplant patient's characteristics warrant it.


Of course to achieve this, a hair restoration clinic must have a large enough and experienced staff and the patient must have above average donor hair density and scalp elasticity.


As you have pointed out; these sessions can take 12+ hours to perform. Personally however, I rather have one very long hair transplant session to achieve in one day what other clinics will accomplish in two sessions spread out over a few years.


What saddens me is that many hair restoration clinics suggest that hair restoration physicians doing regular large megasessions must be subdividing follicular units. While it is true that there are hair transplant clinics that do this, I have found that the majority of hair restoration surgeons making these claims are using this as an excuse not to meet the new standards of ultra refined follicular unit grafting while being satisfied producing sub-par results.


Being comfortable with older techniques is certainly no way to serve the balding community who wants the best.


Has Bosley as a whole risen to the standard of ultra refined folllicular unit grafting?


If the online hair loss community is going to believe it - evidence must be provided.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by friends of bosley:


You read a lot of negative comments and bad experiences about Bosley that dates back many years ago.


The Facts:


The Patient:

The biggest complaint at Bosley is handling patient's expectations...it's not medical.

"M&M" posting on 12/8/07, 8:25pm is a good example of this. M&M states: "...many of the top doctors on (clone my hair site) can actually transplant more that 2-3 times that number (meaning 2-3 times more than 2000+ grafts per procedure) in one session, making repeat sessions optional not necessary."


1. If that is true how many hairs are in each graft? Typically a graft has approximately 2.5 hairs each. Are you getting one hair grafts? Don't over-crowd grafts. Some might not grow. How long would it take to do a 4000-6000 graft procedure? (Two days? Just kidding).


2. When a doctor states that a second procedure "is optional not necessary" he/she is opening a can of worms. (From an expectation point of view).


Most patients want more hair. If they think that only one procedure will do it and don't get the desired density, that second procedure he/she hadn't planned for (especially financially) is a problem. Bosley's written material that is given to all patients during their consultations states that "the great majority of our patients want to have at least two procedures to a given area."


When looking at the doctor's personal photo book find a patient who has the same results that you want and then ask your doctor can he/she deliver it.


Friends of Bosley


The biggest problem is handling patient's expectations? How nice.


Sure, I was told also that I would only need 2 sessions. Unfortunately, I was told this *every time* I came back! "Just a couple more procedures".

I never should have been operated on in the first place - I was too young and my recipient area was too thick to need a hair transplant. I was just a young guy with very premature thinning that instantly thought I was going bald. They capitalized on this and encouraged me to "stay ahead of my hair loss". I also should have been warned about shock loss. And never was I warned about how pluggy they would look once my native hair finally disappeared about 10 years later.


If Bosley has truly enhanced their procedures to become 'competitive', why have they had the same photos and same techniques describing the process for the past 10+ years?


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Maybe Bosley has cleaned up its (his) act, maybe not; but, the irreparable damage that was done because of criminal business practices will remain as its legacy.

I know, personally, that each procedure (I had 2) would leave me satisfied with the results, and I would not need another surgery. Neither case was true.

Maybe Bosley should just change its name, start all over with reputable physicians and executives, and stand behinds its claims. Even better, they could go back and resolve the many poor procedures for which they are infamous.

$.02, please.


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