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friends of bosley

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Everything posted by friends of bosley

  1. Thank you for your recent replies. Friends of Bosley's are not employees nor paid by Bosley Medical. The website www.bosleymedial-vs-michaelstevenkremer.com is non-profit. We have no intentions to disrespect the "hair restoration info" forum and appreciate to be allowed to participate. The statement "Bosley Medical is one of the best..." is just an opinion. Like many of you wrote there are good doctors everywhere who provide very natural results. You read a lot of negative comments and bad experiences about Bosley that dates back many years ago. The purpose of the rebuttal website was to expose who the author of "Bosley Medical Violations" really is. He's Michael Steven Kremer a disgruntled Bosley patient. His website distorts the facts, in part by making the complaints of the past seem current. The Facts: The Bosley Counselors: Bosley counselors are shopped and frequently critiqued in writing on their performance. If their consultations are sub-par they are given written warnings, sometimes docked pay, get further training, and shopped again. It's in their best interest to help the prospective patients get the facts. If they are dishonest or "try to play doctor" they are fired. It's that simple. There are no "lab coats", no "blood work." The picture painted of the counselors over ten years ago by Kremer and many other negative postings throughout the internet are not typical of the professional Bosley counselors of today. Now consider that there are over 75 Bosley counselors and you will always have a few that might cross the line, but they won't last. If you have a problem with a Bosley counselor (or a Bosley doctor for that matter) call the Beverly Hills office and ask to speak to a "Field Manager." There are two field managers who handle counselor complaints...one in the east and one in the west. Dr. Ken Washenik, Medical Director, will handle the Bosley doctor complaint, but get the information to the field managers first. The Bosley Doctors: The infomercial and printed photographs reflects the results of Bosley as a whole. However, a prospective patient must insist on seeing their Bosley doctor's work. Meet their patients. Look at the doctors' personal photo book. Look at the patient's scar. You won't believe how may prospective patients come in and don't know that there is a permanent scar. A good counselor and Bosley doctor will make that point crystal clear. The Patient: The biggest complaint at Bosley is handling patient's expectations...it's not medical. "M&M" posting on 12/8/07, 8:25pm is a good example of this. M&M states: "...many of the top doctors on (clone my hair site) can actually transplant more that 2-3 times that number (meaning 2-3 times more than 2000+ grafts per procedure) in one session, making repeat sessions optional not necessary." 1. If that is true how many hairs are in each graft? Typically a graft has approximately 2.5 hairs each. Are you getting one hair grafts? Don't over-crowd grafts. Some might not grow. How long would it take to do a 4000-6000 graft procedure? (Two days? Just kidding). 2. When a doctor states that a second procedure "is optional not necessary" he/she is opening a can of worms. (From an expectation point of view). Most patients want more hair. If they think that only one procedure will do it and don't get the desired density, that second procedure he/she hadn't planned for (especially financially) is a problem. Bosley's written material that is given to all patients during their consultations states that "the great majority of our patients want to have at least two procedures to a given area." When looking at the doctor's personal photo book find a patient who has the same results that you want and then ask your doctor can he/she deliver it. Friends of Bosley
  2. Who is the best hair transplant doctor? A few things you must know first: It takes a good six to twelve months for the hair to fully grow out. It will look better after twelve months. Most patients will repeat the procedure to add density. Working in the front, top and back of the head will typically require over 2000 grafts per procedure. (That's grafts...not hairs. Each graft averages 2.5 hairs each). Ask any doctor that you see how many hairs (on average) is in each graft that he/she will transplant. Remember most patients will do the procedure twice. A bald or severely balding person who has finished a large procedure of 2000+ graft will have a natural thinning look once it grows out. It won't look unnatural, just thinning. A second procedure will double the density. Get your expectations in line. Bosley Medical is one of the best in my opinion but you should see for yourself by visiting Bosley, meet with a counselor, see a Bosley doctor and meet Bosley patients. Look for their scar from where the hair was taken. Get the facts. There is a negative website about Bosley from a disgruntled patient ("bosley medical violations"). See www.bosleymedical-vs-michaelstevenkremer.com for more information. Make your own decision.
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