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Everything posted by mmhce

  1. runwithscissors, I had your same problem, in that my family didn't agree with what I was doing. I had to think LONG and HARD, the day before the surgery, to decide, if this is what I really wanted. For me, ever since I was a child, my ethno-cultural identity has been intrinsically and inextricably linked to my hair, and starting to lose my hair early (at sixteen) caused me, in my mind, to slowly lose my identity. Then at my current age, I had an identity crisis. And I, on that long day before the surgery, I had to realize, just what I told you above. That my identity was linked to my hair. But I also had to realize on the day before my surgery, that there were other aspects to my identity. Like my profession, my religious beliefs, my belief in civilization and humanity. What I am trying to say, is that your desire, probably stems from your childhood, your perception of your beauty, and your self-esteem. Your desire, to do this is about your own perception of yourself and has lesser to do with your fiance's perception of you. She WILL ALWAYS say that she cares about you for you and not your hair. So expect this. Also expect her to oppose you on this basis, or that of the need for finances on the upcoming wedding. If she seemingly doesn't oppose you, still be careful. One option would be to do the ceremony and honeymoon and then after you've done your procedure you can re-new your vows in another ceremony, with pictures taken. Becareful, with this advice. Because a woman may exude sensitivity, but you must remember, communication is 55% body language, 38% tonality and the remaining 7%, the actual words, themselves. Women speak subtly, and if she says: "No, it's ok. Tell me.", she may agree with you going for the surgery, but she may disagree on the inside. Which brings us back full circle to what I initially started out saying, which is that you have to do this thing for yourself and not for her.
  2. Pilot Ron, I know it's hard to get the shot, but please post some pics. Two questions: 1. Have you contacted your clinic about it? 2. Is it possible that you could be describing a pimple that has formed because a hair in trying to penetrate the surface?
  3. I remember reading about Accutane being suspect as some cause of hairloss. However, I remember reading that someone had to consume vast quantities of Retin-A in order to have any negative effects. Please post some pics, so that posters can see what it (your hairloss) looks like.
  4. Minoxidil originated as medication for hypertension and one of the side effects for its adminstration was increased hair growth. There are many more side effects to minoxidil, than what you listed there. These are two different catergories of drugs. One is vasodialotor and the other one adjusts the level of DHT (hormones) in your blood serum. There are not any contraindications for the combination of the both, but I imagine like in all things there can be isolated incidents of compounded risks. N.B. I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. PLEASE CONSULT ONE FOR THE USE OF ANY MEDICATION.
  5. Not to steal G's thunder, but I'll answer your questions...I don't think he'd mind. Yes, but MPB is genetic and progressive, and you will have to use it for the rest of your life. You can try Finasteride also, since they both work synergistically together. Watch out for side effects though. Judging by your pics, are you sure you have MPB? Don't bother with any HT surgery at this point in your life.
  6. I shed out most of my hair at 2 and 1/2 weeks.
  7. Yes. But the transplanted hairs are probably so short, combing will have no styling effect them anyway. Only on the hair long enough, probably surrounding the transplanted hairs. Probably. But this is natural.
  8. Rebel Without a Comb, You've stolen my avatar...LOL
  9. Radioheads, Welcome to this forum. I like it too! The reason your numbness is probably because of the previous procedure. You have to give it time for the sensations to return. My donor area is a bit numb right now, but the sensation is coming back.
  10. Sere, I lost 80% of my transplanted hair in 2 weeks time. The wait until growth begins again will be the hardest.
  11. Foaming action has to do with the aerosol action. Probably the can had a leak and some of the pressure escaped. The liquid itself should be fine. Just finish it off. BTW, I've never used Foam, so I'm just guessing as to how a can of Rogaine Foam ends its life.
  12. venu, Welcome to this commnity. Perhaps you can get better responses, if you initiate your own thread with your inquires. You can post your pics. there, so that you can get better responses. Most persons on this forum, oblige Coalition doctors (I didn't). So you might want to search for a Coalition doctor near you.
  13. shanti, Welcome to this community! From my limited knowledge, I believe the ultimate angle of growth is determined by the slits initially made by the surgeon. Even if the follicle is not set in at the exact angle, it will naturally adjust to match the slit. Other more expert members will give their comments. P.S. one of the girls in my office is named Shanti...
  14. I agree with GQ. HT surgery is no longer exclusive and many people can quickly recognize the scar.
  15. Both parents carry combinations of dominant and recessive genes. Activation can come from either side, not only the maternal side.
  16. Vollow, 1.The hair in the donor region is non-atrophic and does not have "limited life spans". 2.You can investigate HT surgeons in other parts of the world, where the cost of operations is lesser and consequently the cost to the patient is less. There are Coalition surgeons in Asia, Pakistan etc. You will have to investigate.
  17. Scorpian, It looks great! Though your transplants held out longer than mine.
  18. Your hair looks great! What? You want a transplant?
  19. A pimple could indicate a hair that is trying to come through the surface. Please contact your clinics for post-operative care/help.
  20. Diverso, I started to lose my hair when I was 16 years. I know everything you're going through. One of most important things on this forum is the emotional support that we can give to each other. That is why I frown when other posters tell or imply to those seeking help that the seekers are beyond help. Only when posters: 1. Ask INCREDIBLY stupid questions as though they've NEVER visited a pharmacy or 2.Try to promote a business on this good forum or 3. Try to blasphemously use the name of God on a forum that is governed by the amoral rules of science, that I become irritated. MPB stands for Male Patterned Baldness also known as AndroGenetic Alopecia (AGA). I too started off with herbal treatments, but quickly learnt that the only drugs proven scientifically to regrow hair are Finasteride (brand name Propecia) and minoxidil (brand name Rogaine). Something like 85% of your social interaction will be face on, so your focus should be to reconstruct your hairline and add density to the top. Good! Stay out of the crown, until you are ready for that, perhaps in the 3rd or 4th surgery, if you want to go that far. One of the greatest things human beings possess is the belief in the abstract thing called HOPE! I think Dr. Feller is from UK, but he specialises in FUE. You can check him out, or contact Spex (one of the members of our community) who is aligned to him. The vast majority of us have to do air travel for hair transplants. I did. The FIRST and MOST important thing in treating any patient is their mental health. This is a war that you will fight for the rest of your life. But there are more things to life than just your hair. You're a student, so you have to focus on that. Develop your career,your social network, a sense of independence and humour and confidence. Respect yourself and others and everything should be fine.
  21. I buy my drugs online from www.unitedpharmacies.com. They are based in the Oceania region, which is not too far from you. The drugs are manufactured in India, by Cipla. You can try that. By the way, there are other types of hairloss due to other things like problems with the thyroid gland etc.
  22. TC17 is right about the age appropriateness of a hairline and hairloss pattern, and the age at which you should entertain surgery. Though some younger men are accepted as candidates, some are not. And some are just plain rejected because of inadequate donor supply. You should speak to H&W or Dr. Beehner and hear what they have to say. Best of luck and I mean it! But remember, to understand that beauty is about how you see yourself, and with a proper social standing, a sense of humour (you don't even have to be smart) and a sense of independence, you can be appealing to women.
  23. Diverso, Welcome to this commmunity. You're in the right place. Firstly, to me, there is no doubt that you have MPB. If you have not already started, you have to get onto finasteride and minoxidil ASAP. You definitely are going to, if not already, NW7. I am quite sorry for you, but you have to focus on reconstructing your hairline and adding density to the top. You may never have hair again in your crown, since the priority in all HT surgeries is to do as I outlined above. Dr. Mike Beehner, who is a Coalition doctor is good with NW7s, but you can also check out Hasson and Wong.
  24. cautious, I forgot to tell you I have decreased level of seminal fluid after starting dutasteride.
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